Well-Known Member
Yes, the TAG is very small and a major compromise in functionality IMO. D-nail invented the idea (also hold the patent!), they paid for the R&D, they have the clearly better product. TAG blatantly plagiarized their product, made an inferior knock off for less money. There is no reasonable comparison here. The cheaper product exploits and shamelessly steals the more expensive product's R&D and design and provides disadvantages, not advantages compared to the original.So with 4/20 around the corner, I'm thinking of doing a little early X-Mas shopping for myself. One thing I keep coming back to is a new nail.
Right now I have an RDK-200 with a flat toil and universal titanium nail. I've been considering the D-Nail SiC HALO, but today I ran across Thick Ass Glass' SiC dish for WAY less: https://www.thickassglass.com/products/tag-replacement-domeless-silicon-carbide-dish
Is the D-Nail worth the giant price gap? As it stands right now the D-Nail setup I want is $180 vs TAG at $72.50.
If you ever do even moderate sized dabs, from a purely functional standpoint, the TAG is going to be a PITA due to considerably reduced surface area. Others have spoken to that effect here and elsewhere on FC. The TAG nail does not get countless rave reviews like the SiC halo. Spend good money on a good product IMO.

My SiC halo is still going after 3-4 years and is still my best SiC nail (I also have a SiC liger btw!)