Earlier today I gave my new SiC Halo (paired with the Slim Series Base) it's first dab. I'll be purchasing the D-Nail, DIY Kit shortly, which will be my very first D-Nail/E-Nail ever. In the meantime I wasn't about to wait to use this thing so I ended up torching the SiC. I've still got a lot of trial and error to get the hang of using it with a torch but let me say that so far I am absolutely in love with it!!
To date, I've only used a vape shops enail. I have no D/E-Nail experience on my own (I torch dab multi x's daily). Prior to the SiC, no matter the nail, temperature , or carb cap I've used, I always have a ton of concentrate pool up just below the nail. I've already run a good amount of shatter and very runny reclaim through the SiC and so far there is very little concentrate below the nail, only a few random drops! If this keeps up after more heavy use, I may even be able to delete my drop-down from the mix that I currently use to catch reclaim and keep it out of the water. Though if I did that I would need to build a support stand for my rig. At the moment the dropdown is the only thing preventing it from tipping over (and I don't even have the flat coil attached yet)!
The taste and vapor consistency is amazing and as I said I haven't even dialed the temp or waiting period in yet. That's about the hardest part for me at this point. Trying to determine the correct amount of time to torch and then how long to wait is way harder than on a Ti nail. My laser thermometer is MIA so I don't have that at the moment to help guide me. This thing also holds heat very differently than Ti so the normal finger test isn't working that well for me either.
On the negative side, my current carb cap is an ill-fitting one by iDab. The one I just received from High5 Vape's is not the updated version (assuming an updated version was actually released?). If I hold it just right and am able to get it to seal it will work but not very well (at least in my opinion). The iDab also helps me to waste vapor while using it. D-Nail's Gen-2 - 'straight hole' carb cab is currently on the way...

I've also noticed a funky burnt smell (very similar to burnt rubber or a burnt tire) coming off the SiC (or maybe the Slim Series Base?), similar to what one or two other people have mentioned on other threads. It's actually gotten stronger with use. I was outside of my room for about 10 minutes after using the SiC quite a few times in a row. When I came back in I was smacked in the face by a strong burning rubber smell. It persists even after my initial thorough cleaning of each and every part as directed. Also after many dabs and a complete seasoning of the interior of the dish. At this point I have no idea where it's coming from, hopefully it will go away soon!
I can't wait to use this with my forthcoming D-Nail!! Even when inaccurately torching this thing, the flavor and vapor consistency beats every Quartz or Titanium nail I've ever used (I've never tried Ceramic). It doesn't just beat it by a bit either. The difference is drastic, night and day to any other I've tried! Something tells me that I will enjoy this on my D-Nail very much!
As revolutionary and amazing as the SiC truly is, I now can't wait to get a Sapphire insert in the near future (yes, I realize it's only for D-Nail use, no torch). With many of you reporting a drastic, almost night and day difference between the SiC and Sapphire taste, I can't even begin to imagine what that must be like (especially when considering how absolutely, incredibly, amazing, and ground-breaking, the SiC already tastes compared to anything else I've ever tried)!
If you are on the fence about getting this, take everyones advice and
grab it ASAP, while it's still on sale.
You won't be disappointed!
Thanks to all for posting your experiences and the technical information relating to these products! Between this and the "
next generation e-nails" thread, you have all made me a believer and I'm very happy to be so!

Few question's if you all don't mind, I couldn't find answers elsewhere (please!)?
(1.) In regards to heating techniques, my understanding of the Silicone Carbide is that it's incredibly heat resistant and even has a high thermal shock threshold. That said, does this mean I can keep the flame in one spot to heat the nail or could that potentially cause damage? I'm currently circling the dish like I would with glass (& like my friends with Ceramic do) just in case holding in one spot could cause damage.
(2.) How is heat expansion danger with the SiC? Comparable to Ceramic? I ask because on my setup the Ti nut holding the SiC in place keeps coming loose. I'm afraid to tighten it down very hard as I'm worried the SiC could expand and crack or break?
(3.) I realize most of you use this with their D-Nail, but for anyone who torches and has figured out a good ratio for heating and waiting, I would greatly appreciate any feedback you might be willing to share! Thanks!