Well-Known Member
Great to hear you're getting this opportunity bro, sorry I missed this reply! All is going well on my end thanks man@herbivore21 thanks for the advice! I assumed parchment would be ok based on the resin threads.
I got microplaning, and sieving, from bubbleman vids. Froze runs on cardboard, planed onto parchment, and everything seemed to come out dry. A bit harsh, but it's pretty new.
What would you suggest in place of parchment and planing? Sieving was a huge mess. I do have a 160 and 60 micron dry sift screens I was considering running through, possibly using a sander for agitation... I was also considering more porous matter, maybe a larger pressing cloth, just to give a little space for airflow between the drying surface and the bubble.
One of the great things about bubble (assumption anyways) is that, from here, you should be able to process it any way you like. Take the less melty runs and toss in budder with no filtering required. The melty grades should make great resin.
It's a great time to be alive
Ps - doing well here, thank you. It's fall, the apples are ready for picking, and the cool temps makes processing things easier. I trust all is going ok in your corner of the planet?

I look forward to hearing about your experiences after refining your tek as we've discussed in here. As for what to dry on your next post is on the money!
Drying on glass is where it is at. I wouldn't do it any other way. You need to dry in a cool, dry room. The RH must be <55% to prevent mold and also to ensure that there is not too much moisture in the air which prevents adequate drying.So more digging suggests drying on glass, and chop finely to allow drying. I'm guessing adding very light airflow would probably help as well. This is different from the frozen patties on bubbleman vids, but still give it a shot and see what happens...
I would caution that NO DIRECT AIRFLOW should ever hit your hash while it is drying. You do not want to risk it. Anything that gets between the source of airflow and your hash is automatically dispersed/pushed in the direction of your drying hash - this is not good! Obviously if it is finer more granular hash it may blow around the place which is not helpful either. Airflow in the room itself is space where hash is drying is important, just make sure that nothing is blowing directly at your material.
BTW Please do provide pics, since Hashtag left it's been left up to my lonely self to handle the posting of hashy goodness