Well-Known Member
Apologies for the double post but:
My latest rosin squish from cluster bomb bubble!

My latest rosin squish from cluster bomb bubble!

I think we all value a nice Buttso, I value a nice but, or, I squish it into that roisin stuff and value that instead; what's the difference?
I certainly wouldn't consider squishing that. The value of the whole Flower outweighs the value of the Rosin it would produce.
yeah, autocorrect raped me, I meant I have a nice piece of bud![]()
A pleasure my friend! I hope you'll be dabbing stuff this great as soon as possibleAmazing thread, everyone. @Hashtag46&2 and @herbivore21 (and everyone else too!) thank both of you for sharing so much knowledge with the forum. Getting these amazing techniques and skills to the community is a huge service.
I'm simply drooling over these pictures. I've never had the pleasure of tasting something so divine, but hopefully that changes soon!
I know you're trying to be funny, but rape really isn't funny. Your use of it is offensive to many. Like I said, I doubt that was your intention. But it would help if you refrained from phrases like that and thought about it from someone else's perspective.
Much love!
I know you're trying to be funny, but rape really isn't funny. Your use of it is offensive to many. Like I said, I doubt that was your intention. But it would help if you refrained from phrases like that and thought about it from someone else's perspective.
I cannot wait to try this out, gonna re-run those buds again today and break them up properly, I'll give this a shot if I get enough yieldHappy Friday FC
I wanted to share my technique for The Ancient Art of Hand Pressed Hashish.
The research I've put in, tells me that Hashish has been with humanity for thousands of years, how many thousands is kind of a mystery, some site 12 thousand years.... However, I believe it goes even further back than that.
Born in the blazing hot sun.
I will share many, many extraordinary links, but I'd like for those that are interested in modern Hash-Production and/or the ancient art of the Hashishin to please read the following link.
Even if you have no interest in making Hashish, the story is very enlightening.
Also, if you listen to the YouTube interview with Frenchy Cannoli that is posted a page back, he shares some info that is just incredible.
Alright, let's get started.
I want to start by saying, if you are going to be sharing the finished product, or even if it's solely for yourself, please wash your hands thoroughly with an exfoliating soap.
Depending on the quality of the Hash, the better/purer the Hash the easier this will be., either way, you will develop some calloused hands, as it takes a great deal of pressure to "work" the hash properly.
You will know right away if you are on the right track, as the resin will start sticking to itself and the aroma will morph, it is shockingly noticeable.
Our goal here is to take individual resin glands, and press hard enough to intentionally rupture the Glandular Heads creating a " Mass of Resin "
If I were to press and roll a "Temple Ball"... The outer shell should be dark and have a sheen , with the inside being a shade lighter in color.
If the inside of the Hashish is significantly lighter in color, it is known as an "Import Press" and is not a "complete thorough press"
Starting out, I would recommend a gram to get used to the process, get familiar with what you are doing, then you can move on to using a wine bottle filled with boiling water for a larger application.
It is pertinent to ensure your Hash is bone dry before pressing to avoid mold.
I wait at least 2 full weeks before pressing.
It is also important for me to state: some folks prefer loose, unpressed Hash.
The flavors are near night and day.
I like both equally, but as I stated before... It is very easy to over-indulge in pressed Hashish.
The starting Hash
(Note the oily texture, this stuff was 5 star melt)
Place a gram of Hash into your palm of your non-writing hand.
With your opposing thumb, press down hard on the resin, the heat from your hands is very important also, Heat & Pressure is key.
Notice the darkening after just a couple hard thumb presses.
Keep pressing with the thumb, and start flattening it into a patty..
We are not done....
Ball it back up..
We are looking for a very thorough, even press, which takes some work..
Keep working, it will continue to darken...
Flatten again, and fold into another ball..
More flattening..
Fold again...
Notice the resin hardening?
At this point it was brittle, after letting it cool just a bit. Hashish Shatter?!? --->
After about 30-45 minutes of working...
The final Cannoli..
I truly love the process, the morphing aroma of "spicy " tones occuring in front of you.
It is therapeutic, Spiritual ..and forms a bond with your Hash.
I like to cure/age my Hashish for about 6 months to obtain the "cream" I showed earlier, but I rarely make it that far... Lol...
So enticing, it is hard to resist, particularly when on a very strict budget, and I run out of my loose hash.
Pressing also allows for easy dabbing.
When my supply is limited, I press tiny little discs for dabs and make a herb sandwich with the hash as the meat in the DBV. Been loving the latter here since obtaining my DBV.
As a matter of fact, I have not dabbed since I got my first Vape.
Thanks for following/viewing, and all the kind words.
Ok so I did my 3rd wash of those 2 zips. Broke it up as much as I could (was frozen up with ice cubes in a container, some nugs are frozen in ice cubes and didn't break at all.I cannot wait to try this out, gonna re-run those buds again today and break them up properly, I'll give this a shot if I get enough yield![]()
Ok so I did my 3rd wash of those 2 zips. Broke it up as much as I could (was frozen up with ice cubes in a container, some nugs are frozen in ice cubes and didn't break at all.
I got fuck all out of this one, and a lot more green stuff in most bags too. I think these flowers are past the point of diminishing returns now... Got some definite good material in the 73 bag.
How do we best recover the vegetation from the ice cubes without losing actives? @Hashtag46&2
Any other tips to get the most out of this, I seriously haven't netted 1.5g with 2 zips through 3 washes yet! At least next time I know to break them up first - hey by the way, just how much should I break them up? Should I break each nug open into small pieces?
I thought I should bring up the fact that I don't think bubble is really worth doing in small runs. 2 zips at a time (with a preference for at least 4) is the ABSOLUTE MINIMUM I would suggest bothering with given the yields and work to do a wash.
As such, unless you've got a grow or are a medicinal user who needs to make their month or two's medicine for themselves, I would recommend not trying to make your own bubble (especially if money is tight!). Those of you in legal states, don't bother making your own bubble - many of you guys will find you can buy kief cheaply enough to make the bubble/work not worth it if you just wanna squish a little tasty headstash lol
Get the kief, squish the rosin, save yourself $3598983549854398435 on a g of nice solvent-less
By the way, I wanna echo as I have in the past what Hashtag said about solventless nomenclature. Limonene and water are both solvents. Hell, limonene is a hydrocarbon solvent just like most other solvents used to make shatter! Water is surely the most commonly used solvents in the history of mankind.
Solvent refers to simply any liquid or gas which can dissolve another substance (solute) making a solution (complex mixture of the solvent plus solute/s). As such, bubble is technically a solvent tek. Still, we might differentiate our descriptions by talking about solvent tek (any solvent including water) vs hydrocarbon solvents (the other common solvents we use in extraction apart from water).![]()
Dude, I can't even put into words how much this means to me.Rosin is of course solventless extraction, but it may be a solventless extraction from a solvent extract like bubble (as in my cases).
Just squished the contents of the contaminant bags and got a browner but still super clear and still incredibly tasty 15 dabs in one squish from a tiny little square the size of a fingernail of bubble!
Nothing beats squishing low grade bubble. Such a transformation of material!
Not derailed at all my friend, has everything to do with Hash.Sorry to detail the thread just a little bit, but also try to keep it alive hihi
When taking dry sieve, what micron screen would one need? Thinking of ordering some for that purpose with my next order from 316twholesale, just want to make sure I get the right one. Or are we talking several one?
Although I do have a feeling extracting with water ads something that is not retrieved without it.
And the idea is to use the dry sieve solely as a tray to trim over.
Euhhmm... One way or the other something is directing me towards trying ice extraction.
Out of the blue a washing machine and some bags made its way towards me.
So soon I will give it my first spin and see what happens.
again, my pleasure, this is why I wake up in the morning... Helping spread the majestic qualities of unadulterated resin glands.What would be best ratio of material /ice /water? Any rule of thumbs there, or is it more a matter of figuring out as you go along?
Thanks for all the great info shared.
Not a huge issue man, let it thaw and dry up some before spinning.One other thing, material is frozen, that is how it came and so I cannot undo that. What effect would this have in my end result? I can keep it frozen up until it goes in the washing machine.
And the dry sieve will be tried in about six weeks. Another question related to that, would dry sieving have any result in fresh material?
Edit: better ice cubes or chipped ice?
awesome man!!!great thread!!
ive been washing w/ 3 bags. 220,73 and 25.
as i run a qwet, i can see how dirty 25u is.(lack of better word) 73u qwet is real good.
i plan on switching to 200,73 and 45 as a final catch. based on info here.
this is the 1st. time using a micro-plane for proper drying. so worth the extra step. vapes incredibly well in my AA.
i am looking forward to washing some forth-coming trim. thanks for all the hint/tips.![]()