Well-Known Member
I'll keep you in the loop.

I'll keep you in the loop.
Cheers for the bump jimt0r.
remind me to update things.
I've finally got a proper workshop setup and am working on the basics of setting up a woodworking business.
On the technical side of things I had some decent success on my methods of getting things all in the heater core assembled solidly. But its not perfect. I looked at soldering the heater in place, but then i researched and found out that trying to solder/weld 316 to inconel is near impossible and even then it required nasty chemicals, so that's out. And I started working up another idea to refine the mechanical connection.
But that said. I did get things back out of the box and bring them back to assemble and start testing even if its not perfect.
And of course local laws haven't caught up yet, despite lots of political talk in the media and supporting big business with large medical grows, I'm still not allowed to sell any 'smoking paraphernalia'. Time to get some legal advice since there are clearly some shops that found loopholes to sell their 'water pourers'
What did you think of the ghost?
I see you sold it already....
Would you sell your grasshopper and for how much to post to Australia?