Ah... another DIY logmaker

Guess, it's high time we form a club or so
@Kamikaze Viking
Wish I'd come about your thread here earlier on when I started to build me own loggies, as like in Australia, the only thing log vapes shine in on the European market, is in their utter absence
Really love the woodwork

Dabbler that I am, and in want of a lathe (and even more importantly, the skills to use one properly), I resorted to using handrails for me log bodies (at least they're available in a variety of woods and diameters), which I cut and then bore with an old drill press, which also works out reasonable well, but is still a far cry from the possibilities and flexibility your lathe allows
Which of the cartridge heaters you mentioned initially did you finally settle on, if I may ask? The 10w cartridge, I'd guess?
My own core design, of which I have two, is mostly inspired by Alan's HI/Heat Island log and the UD's Air-Core for my standard core, and by the old Purple Days, RockZap and of course the UD's MK2 core for my high mass core.
Both can be powered by either the classic Ohmite 20ohm resistor or a RepRap 24v/30w/19ohm heater cartridge (similar to the ones you use), which puts out a convenient ~7w with only 12v applied. The cartridge being 24v, allows also for some 'reserve' if even higher temps are desired for use with oil/concentrates or whatnot, by simply adding a 15v power supply and an inline dimmer/buck/vvps.
Keep up the good work... and hoping to see more