I remember I ordered from them once, I just don't remember what I ordered. guess it was some small stuff, maybe it was my grinder or so?
anyway, I don't remember anything bad about them, went basically like any regular webshop-purchase, nothing (positive or negative) that stood out so much that I still remember it. I think I did get a free packet of rolling papers though(but maybe that was from another webshop, but I'm pretty sure that packet of rolling papers came from the UK, and I can't remember another webshop in the UK where I ever ordered something).
now I think about it, I think the reason I ordered from them was because of their low shipping prices. I live in the netherlands, so ordering from US is risky(anything above ~25 euros has a chance of high custom charges(15 euros servicecharge+19% VAT), unless I can convince the seller to fill in a lower value on the customs form). but the UK is part of the EU so no additional costs, and most webshops within the netherlands charge 6-7 euros for shipping(the standard cost for packages of our national mail company), so it's often cheapest for me to order from the UK or germany, since the shipping costs are usually lower than 6-7 euros if I go international.