Recyclers - Discussion and Appreciation


Well-Known Member
Thought you guys would enjoy this, Halley Martin x CJ Freestone:

Function vid:

Did you buy it?
I hit them up about ordering one of these, they wanted about 7k for the one you posted. Nifty recyclers though, i would love to actually rip one.
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Well-Known Member
Did you buy it?
I hit them up about ordering one of these, they wanted about 7k for the one you posted. Nifty recyclers though, i would love to actually rip one.
Christ no, even if I sold all my pieces pretty sure I'd still be short. Would definitely be interested if I could find regular clear quadruple recycler (or better yet, one of @JoeKickass' centi-cyclers :p)


Well-Known Member
sorry guys, I can't get past that background.
Ray gun recycler, well that's wild and different. Wish I could see a better shot to truly grasp it.

Boy, I'm way behind grabbing some images. Think I have grabbed another 10 recyclers without dragging out the camera. The bad news is I also lost one... My Mothership Torus... I buddy wore me down finally and I traded it away. Probably a stupid decision knowing Mothership has some production issues and are becoming scarce (heard this from 3 sources, not taking orders until further notice :( ), but I got a sweet Toro only not a recycler :) I want a Ms Klein away, well that's my story and I'm sticking to it :)

I would love to see the Toro you got in trade for that MS Torus o.0 :p


Diagnosed with level 11 G.A.S.
yes, very behind, but it get a shot out...

That quad from CJ and company. min price is $5K. Most sell for $7,500.
Nice looker, but $7500. I'll pass. I have a scientific dual from him, while its well built and operates ok, the funnels are a bit small for great function.
I do own several pieces of similar cost and they are much more detailed and work in them so I think the are way over priced especially when sold direct.

I heard the quad scientific are $2000. Mothership area. That said would mind owning one though.
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