Recyclers - Discussion and Appreciation

Zangano Cruel

IG zan.cru (code) zancru (5% NV checkout discount)
Ask and shall receive….

Boom Felazi :tup:
Whirpool is ok for the EVO… I need to go high level of water for both dabbing and EVO at the same time… meaning less whirlpool down the funnel…
For dabbing I can lower water level and get a better whirlpool down the funnel…
I prefer high level because I'm switching all the time between my HT and Felazi...

Zangano Cruel

IG zan.cru (code) zancru (5% NV checkout discount)

We shall see:popcorn:

Like it…. This is a Toro Frothilator if i'm not wrong…
This kind of perc is so good for as low as the slits level or as high as much drag chug you'll like…
I really like my Wicked Sands "frothilator"… It cost me $80 only, This JP worked Toro must be above $1K maybe???
I wish I have the $$$$$$$$

Here's some action with Dr.Dabber… Matchs really well with every tape I own, even with a heavy hitter like the EVO…. Zero splash back for so little thing, IMO because of the kind of perc… I can't remember other name for that kind of perc ???

Stay vaped…

P.s: sorry about my untrimmed nostrils...


Diagnosed with level 11 G.A.S.
What shop are you referring to?, maybe its an issue with the site :) I did a post asking about this to them. Have not worked with this shop so I know little about them other than they have some nice pieces.
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Downward spiral
When I added that Gordo on headyglass, it only charged me $15.00 for shipping, just an FYI.

I added a worked Riptide and charged $15 to ship, chose the Gordo/Fogz recycler said $35 to ship.
Some really cool stuff on that site.
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Diagnosed with level 11 G.A.S.
--- I think the shipping was fixed :)

On the discussion of recyclers and their venue of use...

I fully agree the #1 functional benefit of a recycler is the contact length of the vape and water plus the cooling effect of the water itself. That was my original point on the first pages of this thread once the OP asked :) All this adds to “cooling”.

The second benefit of a recycler is the visual, but that is a byproduct of the functional whirlpool - the real benefit is time to cool. Doesn’t have to have the whirlpool visual to be a good functional recycler to use, but it does lose something. That said internals, kleins etc really don’t have that great whirlpool the external funnels do (yes some do), but I think they are awesome pieces for use. My Siren dual intake/out take doesn’t really have that awesome “whirlpool” like my Earl Jr, but it it works fuckin awesome. Definitely in the top 5 recyclers I own.

I only state this because, for functional use the whirlpool isn’t a mandatory item. Some recyclers are as good w/o them. So on to errl or flower. Well, I say it depends... Funny ZC wants to use my Siren every time he comes with his EVO, Bob wants my big Pulse (compare that to Mobius Matrix style). Both of them own Mobius Clear Matrix’s... My point - selection is somewhat subjective.

For me its size. Small recyclers are for errl mostly. I have tried a mini (not Micro) with my solo and it preformed well, but mostly I like larger recyclers for herb vaping. Recyclers like my dual Blazemaster, Hamm (both), Vertigo’s and especially my APIX klein. They all preform very well with herb vaping for me. Using a Cloud+, EVO and my Solo. Part of that is size to. I think you want a bigger can with vaping with say the Cloud/Evo and a carb. As far as function - I like it. The favor and effect are great. I think the taste is better also over the Matrix style. The downside is higher draw though.

The Matrix style for me is all about drag - its the least. The perc effect to the vape verses the recycler effect to the vape on a comparable piece is similar, but the recycler adds less oxygen, which I think retains favor. Drag doesn’t compare though, not even in the same ball park...

For actual combustion, I always used a charcoal filter causing a higjer drag so a matrix style perc was a great benefit and a recycler was a... drag :) But outside a joint here or there my combustion days are over now thanks to the EVO/solo and my buddies Bob/ZC :)

So in summary, the vape conditioning on the recycler is better for me, but the drag increase is a serious drawback for herb vaping. That’s my trade-off given all things equal (size, ergonomics, joint type etc). In the end I use the matrix style with my EVO and recyclers for oil typically because of that drag. EVO hits are slow and steady as you must heat the herb to extract the material, while my nail hits are more instant and quicker since the nail is hot and the errl vapes fast. The slow and steady draw of herb vaping likes a lower drag. That’s my theory.

I say the sweet spot for the herb is that Mobius Clear Matrix and possibly the Ion (or similar style). For Oil it is a well designed and executed recycler. Size based on tastes and ergonomics.

I will say this, the Black Leaf Blaze Cage Matrix bubbler (BLA B 01) is like 90%+ of the Mobius Clear Matrix. Very similar in design and function, but half the cost. Course Chinese made so buyer beware... I gave one to Bob and ZC for XMAS - their traveler EVO rigs. The function is more than good enough for the EVO and minimizes the travel risk of damage to their Mobius Clear Matrix’s. Ask @Bob Loblaw or @Zangano Cruel their thoughts on the piece, but I have delayed getting a Mobius Clear Matrix since I am happy with mine. Sure someday I will get a Matrix, but thinking ION due to the size difference.

Bottom-line to quit rambling here. If I was buying a EVO herb rig it would be a Mobius Clear/Ion Matrix if I had the money, next the Blaze BLA B 01, followed by similar designed rigs.

For Oil only a recycler like Earl Jr.

Now if you ask me if only 1 rig... I will ask what do you use most errl or herb. You can not say 50-50 :) not true. You will end up with a garden tractor - does everything, but nothing well. Much better to truly invest for the right rigs, get one for each type. In the end its cheaper and a higher chance of success in my opinion. Now with that and maybe $5 you can get coffee at Starbucks.

OK, to keep this rolling, here is a Mad Rob Klein. Current working with him to get another, but dual klein :)


Diagnosed with level 11 G.A.S.
How do you like that Slugworth?
kind of small, like 3" tall, 10mm joint. Does work fine, but being so small the effect is less, course all small recyclers share that. Whirlpool hard to see due to that.

Quality is top notch. A larger one would be good, but I would go for a Mad Rob or Siren Apparatus if that style was on my list :)
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kind of small, like 3" tall, 10mm joint. Does work fine, but being so small the effect is less, course all small recyclers share that. Whirlpool hard to see due to that.

Quality is top notch. A larger one would be good, but I would go for a Mad Rob or Siren Apparatus if that style was on my list :)

Fair enough... thats much smaller than i imagined. Chitownboro had a bunch of those in 10 and 14mm for $200. Hows it hit?

Maybe this can help narrow things down for me though; If you could only have ONE re/incycler, which would you pick and why? And if you were limited to a $350 or less piece, then which one?


Diagnosed with level 11 G.A.S.
$200 huh, interesting, this one was over $300 :)
I would get my Contrabasso... course its $1000. The whirlpool is the best I have, quality is perfect and functions awesome.

Already answered the $350 question. I said Earl Jr...

One can analyze this for ever you know :)


Well, I think the plan of action is to sell the Jhan, buy an Ion matrix, then save for the Earl Jr... at which point I hope he will be taking new orders!

Then again, the best laid plans...


Well-Known Member
So I've been looking on ioffer and there's all these little 5-6" recyclers. Has anyone here ordered one?
This is the one I'm looking at.
For $50 I'll probably just order it to see how it does.

That's the $50 ioffer recycler I was referring to in one of my previous posts. I've considered buying it... I'm in need of some new adapters so that seems like a great way to bundle some stuff. The sellers on ioffer will generally go down on their price or offer combined shipping if you ask.


Diagnosed with level 11 G.A.S.
positive thoughts, earl will pop up, many carry him, 4/20 is coming and there is the used market. positive thoughts :)

On the Ioffer $50 recycler... yes only $50, but not much of a recycler. doubt much whirlpool from the way the tube enters the funnel, super small funnel, plus small can = limited cooling.

Sure if want a cheap rig, but it ain't much of a recycler :) just my 2 cents.
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Well-Known Member
On the Ioffer $50 recycler... yes only $50, but not much of a recycler. doubt much whirlpool from the way the tube enters the funnel, super small funnel, plus small can = limited cooling.

Sure if want a cheap rig, but it ain't much of a recycler :) just my 2 cents.

That's about what I figured, I'll probably just get a $50 bubbler or something instead.
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You Must Unlearn, What You Have Learned...
I joined the 'cycler club today boys and girls!!! Walked into my LHS and was blown away by all the new choices. They have stepped up their game b/c 710 fever is growing wild! They didn't even have scientific pieces a few years back!! Now they have all the goodies at respectable prices. I walked out with a new hc recycler with dome and quartz nail and an 18f-18f adapter for around a hundo!! The whirlpool isn't amazing at all and hard to achieve routinely, but I was floored by the taste with not only oils but flowers too! I also got extremely medicated, on a much lower dose than normal, is that normal for others? I haven't gotten around to testing with all my vapes yet but I can see why you guys would collect these! They are amazing, and mine is on the low quality side of the scale! Makes me wonder what they are all like now, ugh GAS! Ok I've rambled on long enough and posted enough exclamation points just had to praise and give thanks to you all... :bowdown:

Zangano Cruel

IG zan.cru (code) zancru (5% NV checkout discount)
Hola FC:

Too much bla bla bla bla and no action….
Here's another one for those that post pics and videos…. and really help with REAL OWNED pieces, not links and photos stolen from the net… and bulky signatures with no REAL PHYSICAL EVIDENCE of OWNING anything…

This is a close up of the percolation and the whirlpool/funnel action…
Enjoy it in 1080HD…

Stay vaped…

PS: yep…. that's my hand holding my Felazi… :science: :tup:
Zangano Cruel,


Downward spiral
It's a shame some people still live in areas where their indulgences are STILL ILLEGAL. Perhaps, if not, then they could be BOLD and MANLY like other members who feel their posting apparently gives them some superiority complex.


We're here to fuck shit up.
Hola FC:

Too much bla bla bla bla and no action….
Here's another one for those that post pics and videos…. and really help with REAL OWNED pieces, not links and photos stolen from the net… and bulky signatures with no REAL PHYSICAL EVIDENCE of OWNING anything…

This is a close up of the percolation and the whirlpool/funnel action…
Enjoy it in 1080HD…

Stay vaped…

PS: yep…. that's my hand holding my Felazi… :science: :tup:
I don't understand. Are we accusing someone of something bad? What was that all about @Zangano Cruel?

Zangano Cruel

IG zan.cru (code) zancru (5% NV checkout discount)
I'm swallowing my own words right now.
Actually it was directed at SilverSurfer420... But I say it publicly now... I accept my mistake
Zangano Cruel,
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