--- I think the shipping was fixed
On the discussion of recyclers and their venue of use...
I fully agree the #1 functional benefit of a recycler is the contact length of the vape and water plus the cooling effect of the water itself. That was my original point on the first pages of this thread once the OP asked

All this adds to “cooling”.
The second benefit of a recycler is the visual, but that is a byproduct of the functional whirlpool - the real benefit is time to cool. Doesn’t have to have the whirlpool visual to be a good functional recycler to use, but it does lose something. That said internals, kleins etc really don’t have that great whirlpool the external funnels do (yes some do), but I think they are awesome pieces for use. My Siren dual intake/out take doesn’t really have that awesome “whirlpool” like my Earl Jr, but it it works fuckin awesome. Definitely in the top 5 recyclers I own.
I only state this because, for functional use the whirlpool isn’t a mandatory item. Some recyclers are as good w/o them. So on to errl or flower. Well, I say it depends... Funny ZC wants to use my Siren every time he comes with his EVO, Bob wants my big Pulse (compare that to Mobius Matrix style). Both of them own Mobius Clear Matrix’s... My point - selection is somewhat subjective.
For me its size. Small recyclers are for errl mostly. I have tried a mini (not Micro) with my solo and it preformed well, but mostly I like larger recyclers for herb vaping. Recyclers like my dual Blazemaster, Hamm (both), Vertigo’s and especially my APIX klein. They all preform very well with herb vaping for me. Using a Cloud+, EVO and my Solo. Part of that is size to. I think you want a bigger can with vaping with say the Cloud/Evo and a carb. As far as function - I like it. The favor and effect are great. I think the taste is better also over the Matrix style. The downside is higher draw though.
The Matrix style for me is all about drag - its the least. The perc effect to the vape verses the recycler effect to the vape on a comparable piece is similar, but the recycler adds less oxygen, which I think retains favor. Drag doesn’t compare though, not even in the same ball park...
For actual combustion, I always used a charcoal filter causing a higjer drag so a matrix style perc was a great benefit and a recycler was a... drag

But outside a joint here or there my combustion days are over now thanks to the EVO/solo and my buddies Bob/ZC
So in summary, the vape conditioning on the recycler is better for me, but the drag increase is a serious drawback for herb vaping. That’s my trade-off given all things equal (size, ergonomics, joint type etc). In the end I use the matrix style with my EVO and recyclers for oil typically because of that drag. EVO hits are slow and steady as you must heat the herb to extract the material, while my nail hits are more instant and quicker since the nail is hot and the errl vapes fast. The slow and steady draw of herb vaping likes a lower drag. That’s my theory.
I say the sweet spot for the herb is that Mobius Clear Matrix and possibly the Ion (or similar style). For Oil it is a well designed and executed recycler. Size based on tastes and ergonomics.
I will say this, the Black Leaf Blaze Cage Matrix bubbler (BLA B 01) is like 90%+ of the Mobius Clear Matrix. Very similar in design and function, but half the cost. Course Chinese made so buyer beware... I gave one to Bob and ZC for XMAS - their traveler EVO rigs. The function is more than good enough for the EVO and minimizes the travel risk of damage to their Mobius Clear Matrix’s. Ask @
Bob Loblaw or @
Zangano Cruel their thoughts on the piece, but I have delayed getting a Mobius Clear Matrix since I am happy with mine. Sure someday I will get a Matrix, but thinking ION due to the size difference.
Bottom-line to quit rambling here. If I was buying a EVO herb rig it would be a Mobius Clear/Ion Matrix if I had the money, next the Blaze BLA B 01, followed by similar designed rigs.
For Oil only a recycler like Earl Jr.
Now if you ask me if only 1 rig... I will ask what do you use most errl or herb. You can not say 50-50

not true. You will end up with a garden tractor - does everything, but nothing well. Much better to truly invest for the right rigs, get one for each type. In the end its cheaper and a higher chance of success in my opinion. Now with that and maybe $5 you can get coffee at Starbucks.
OK, to keep this rolling, here is a Mad Rob Klein. Current working with him to get another, but dual klein