I see some negative about Colie here - is it about their recyclers - i.e. the design or is it about workmanship?
Have you discussed it with them and gave them feedback?
Not saying it will changing anything, but it could.
Designs can be updated by user feedback. Workmanship, well yes I understand, but I would still give them feedback constructively. I have to several blowers myself. I didn’t say this sucks... I said positive things, but added areas for improvement from an users point of view especially if its design of a recycler. All good ones in each type have something in common I notice in my collection. I can almost say just by looking at it now if it will function well.
For example: if its the whirlpool effect thats important on a external recycler, 1st look how the tube connects to the funnel. If its straight in, it isn't going to work well. Look at a Hamm closely. It comes in the ball on the side (off center) and throws the water around the ball. My Hamm waterworks is a Ball not a funnel.
My Robin Hood another home run brings the tube at the top of the funnel and wraps it around below the rim and then melts into the funnel. That whirlpool is awesome.
Now if the funnel is just an egg kind of thing and the tube enters almost dead center near 90 degrees it is not going to whirlpool.
W/o the whirlpool the cooling is not done as well. However, it still could preform well. That can be personal.
Another is the perk itself. Too much turbulence screws up the whirlpool. It creates eddies in the flow. Honeycombs, frits etc are not good.
Another “good” thing is the recycler return path below the perk itself so you get full cycle of the water. Above the perk I have found isn’t a good thing. If you think about it you want a full circle. Water is raised by the perk into the tube and flows in the funnel. It should whirlpool and slow down taking time to return. The return itself comes in below the perk and the vacuum sucks it right back up into the tub... Above it does not suck, it pushes water via bubbles - not good in my opinion. You be your own judge there.
All this is for an external funnel recycler. An internal recycler or a Klien have differences in some design aspects.
Many people ask me why I don’t list in my spreadsheet my judgement rating like 1-10. I avoid that kind of out of respect for all. Why, its just my opinion. I am not a reporter and do not put enough effort to broadcast that too publicly. Now if I find an issue and it truly does not meet my expectation I will deal with the source first. And if it doesn’t get resolved to the point we agree to disagree that’s the time to go public
For example I bought a Steve Beer recycler in July from a Shop. It was broke in shipping - UPS store used shrink wrap around the bubble wrap (and pipe) creating a compressed ball. There were drips hanging on the mouth piece. An impact broke it. Shrink wrap on glass like that isn’t good. It compresses it. Well I asked for a replacement and they agreed - that was July. Guess who is still waiting... I have not raked the shop or blower over the coals yet ( publicly

). I don’t see how that will help unless I give up on it, which I have not.