We're here to fuck shit up.
From what I've been told (and I have no 1st hand experience here, just second hand "knowledge") everything MS makes is by hand, and they kill quite a few pieces in their QC dpt. I think maybe @PhotoRider can answer this, I know he has some of these in his personal collection and IIRC he knows the owner of MS or a friend of a friend does or something?
Anyway, want to talk about ridiculous markup for zero work?
Mike Shelbo. He got famos for this (admittedly awesome) goblin rigs.
$1400 sticker on that BTW... But thats not what Im talking about here.
He makes these fucking pendants (necklace) that he calls "Teleporter Keys":
Yeah, its ~$3.50 worth of STAMPED GLASS. The only "hand formed" part is the loop for the chain at the top.
What do these retail for you ask?
And people line up to buy these things at midnight believe it or not. All because of his name, hype, and artificially inflated demand.
If it is true that MS pieces are all hand made then I may have to change my tune slightly. Those percs made by hand would be quite difficult and time consuming. The symmetry of these pieces is also impressive.
I want a Shelbo Goblin. They are beautiful and the amount of work put into them is apparent. Those Teleporters Keys and the prices they fetch make me shake my head.