got this hitman min-e dpad perc at a really sweet shop about an hour from my house.
the joint is a 18mm male, and i have some 3/4 inch OD, 5/8 inch ID tubing i got at lowes that slides perfectly over it and makes a perfect seal. the other end goes over my pax mouth piece, and it fits like the tubing was made for the pax.
this thing hits RIDICULOUSLY awesome. VERY strong hit on hi-temp, but not at all harsh. this thing fits the contours of your hand perfectly when you're holding it and its a very comfortable piece to hold for a while. the base is really thick but not too thick.
never heard about hitman until i walked into the shop and saw this piece in the display, the d-pad makes the cool factor of this thing x100000.
took these pics with the rear facing camera on my ipad mini, but i still think they came out pretty good. also these pics were taken in a room with led lighting.