Sorry, paka. I'm guilty of straying.
Anyway. I'd like to see some more video... maybe some water level tests. I know there's some concern about "stackage". Everyone is building their pieces... to put up these tubes stacked with bubbles. Hey, I'm as guilty as ANYONE. But, it was really the DR that changed my mind about that. Yeah, I've posted videos of it, stacking real nice... but that's screwing around with it, under not-vape conditions, typically. If you watch most of the videos, during the pull... its got this nice little stack of tiny, tiny, little bubbles. On the clear... holy @#$%, violent orgy of churning, tiny, tiny little bubbles crashing into each others... exploding into vapor/flavor. Its completely dragless, to. Probably the worst "stacking" piece I have... at least for those nice pretty bubbles, like the Lattice and Big Mona (which easily pushes past the splash guard, if not careful).
To echo my previous sentiment... I think this is a gorgeous piece of glass and I would LOVE to partake in a session with it.