Random thoughts


Putin is a War Criminal
How cool would it be if Melania Trump came out and indicated that she was voting for Harris? Or even better, Ivanka. I mean, I don't think either one is going to happen, but how cool would it be if it did? Rather than just most of the women that surrounded him in his political world, if the people in his personal world were to reject him publicly, I can just imagine what would come out of his mouth.


When my generation was growing up, our parents would say "don't believe everything you read on the internet!"...
My parents were dead for 34 years before there was an internet.
I did not discover the internet until 2006! I was apparently "old fashioned" and a late bloomer!
When I was a boy, my family's constant warning was: "Don't talk to the Police".
I am the last living member of my family.
I am happy they never saw our "modern civilization"!

Grass Yes

Staff member
When I was a boy, my family's constant warning was: "Don't talk to the Police".
Although my parents lived to see the Internet, this was also our family's warning. I think this is also the most salient advice I have passed on to my kid.

How cool would it be if Melania Trump came out and indicated that she was voting for Harris? Or even better, Ivanka. I mean, I don't think either one is going to happen, but how cool would it be if it did? Rather than just most of the women that surrounded him in his political world, if the people in his personal world were to reject him publicly, I can just imagine what would come out of his mouth.

After the events of the last 24hrs... I'm calling it. He has lost, and it will be by a bigger EC and PV margin than last time. Might not be 'totally' decided on Tuesday night, but he has lost, and I expect it to be called sometime on Wed.

Today is going to be my best mental health day in the past month. I may even go get a bottle of champipple, for Tuesday night.


Well-Known Member
After the events of the last 24hrs... I'm calling it. He has lost, and it will be by a bigger EC and PV margin than last time.

I think you're right. Conservatives shouldn't have let religious freaks come after women's healthcare. Because now it looks like their favorite Game Show Host President is gonna die in prison. And for what? Even deep Red States are enshrining the right to an abortion in their constitutions, lol.

If trends hold... these people are gonna look so fucking dumb. The guy barely won on a technicality in '16. Ate shit in '18, '20, and '22. And then they ran him again????

What I'm most worried about are well armed hogs running wild. Because the Fake News Media has been telling everyone this is a very close election. It looks like that might not be true.

My Pillow Snl GIF by Saturday Night Live

Oh well. If a bunch of chuds want to do suicide-by-cop over the next few months, that's no business of mine :shrug:
I need to apologize for my 'sure-fire' prediction of a few days ago. (yes, I know I didn't jinx it with the entire country; it just feels that way).

2016 was 'explainable', as an accident.
This is not.

"Those who would trade essential freedoms for a little security, deserve neither."

Or something like that.

Finally tired enough to get some sleep; hopefully I can medicate well, to catch up w/ rest. Then start picking up the shattered pieces of America, tomorrow.

(Florduh: Sorry about A3) :(


Well-Known Member
(Florduh: Sorry about A3) :(

Yeah. It would've been nice to have an Adult Use Cannabis State in the South. The majority of Floridians voted to legalize. But Florida law requires a supermajority for ballot initiatives to pass. Never heard a good argument on why that isn't bullshit.

The bigger gut punch was Amendment 4. That will kill people. There were State funded ads with doctors saying you can end a pregnancy until a "heartbeat" is detected. There is no "heart" in a 6 week embryo. If you saw a 6-week old embryo on your kitchen counter, you would scream and grab a can of Raid.


Well-Known Member
Let's see how running around the country with Liz Cheney, promising to Build The Wall, being more brutal to migrants, giving tax breaks to Small Business Idiots, and protecting Crypto Scams worked out...


Oh well. The important thing it to never learn anything, ever :nod:


Well-Known Member
The orange nightmare
The lesser of evils.

The orange nightmare
The demented old guy
The laughing hyena.

They are all the same breed.

i have kept my political opinion to myself for the most part on here, but i just gotta ask, when are you idiots gonna wake up and realize that these morons we call our politicians are all cut from the same cloth? It isnt dems agains republicans, or right against left. The media and the ruling class make it seem like that. They keep us angry with each other because a divided people are easier to rule. They don’t want a united american people.

The american public needs to wake up and smell what they are shoveling on top of our graves.

Our politicians are supposed to work for us, not the other way around.

And i also would like to apologize to Floriduh…..the fact you need a super majority to get anything passed by THE PEOPLE in florida is retarded.


Putin is a War Criminal
I just can't wait to see what wonderful policies Elon Musk and Robert F Kennedy junior come up with to make America great. Should be very special. And I'm sure the majority of Americans will go along. Oh, wait, they don't have to any more. Not in the new America.

Maybe it's time for Biden to test out some of those new superpowers the Supreme Court gave him while he still has them.
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Well-Known Member
And i also would like to apologize to Floriduh…..the fact you need a super majority to get anything passed by THE PEOPLE in florida is retarded.

The funny thing is the ballot initiative that mandated a 60% vote for ballot indicatives to pass only got 56% of the vote.

They keep us angry with each other because a divided people are easier to rule.


Elon Musk

He says the Middle Class should prepare for hardship, while his rich buddies take an even bigger cut of the pie.

To be fair, he promises that eventually we'll all be better off. But he also said he'd have a city on Mars by 2020 and fully self driving cars by 2015. If writing every rule to benefit the wealthy "trickled down" we'd be living in utopia by now.

Radwin Bodnic

Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
i have kept my political opinion to myself for the most part on here, but i just gotta ask, when are you idiots gonna wake up and realize that these morons we call our politicians are all cut from the same cloth?
The United States of America never experienced totalitarianism in his history.

From an European perspective, Trump could very well be the first dotus (dictator of the United States). It looks like this election was more democracy vs dictatorship than dems vs reps, but only time will tell.

The rest of your political opinions seems damn right and accurate though.


Well-Known Member
So a slight silver lining for me personally...

I caught 5 minutes of a Fox News segment with jubilant Trump supporters. The reporter asked all of them why they were so excited about the victory. Every one of them said, "prices are coming down!"

LOL. I got news for you. Prices are never going down. That isn't a thing. I guess there could be a global depression. But barring that, prices only ever go up.

I also saw that 10% of people who voted for the guy, hate him. They've just been suffering because wages haven't kept up with prices.

The solution to this would be wages going up. But the people who fund political campaigns do not want that. So it won't happen.

This looks like a perfect storm when next year at this time, prices are, at best, slightly higher than they are today. Might be a monkey's paw situation for The Game Show Host :shrug:


Well-Known Member
Millennials are the Greatest Generation.


We were born too late to get our brains damaged by leaded gasoline. Born too early to get our brains permanently damaged by growing up with smart phones.


Well-Known Member
Millennials are the Greatest Generation.


We were born too late to get our brains damaged by leaded gasoline. Born too early to get our brains permanently damaged by growing up with smart phones.

I feel kinda bad for posting this (but only a little) and can't edit it.

The actual explanation for that graph is, Millennials don't have enough money to trade the promise of meager tax cuts for seeing a million abuelas getting their doors kicked in by the Gestapo and being thrown in concentration camps.

I don't know what Zoomers are up to. Maybe they haven't lived long enough and are still delusional enough to believe they're temporarily embarrassed millionaires :shrug:

On a more positive note, here's some free financial advice: Concentration Camp stocks are going wild right now.

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