Your plants should count themselves lucky, my plants can't see a window!It's Not Easy Being Green in My House
OR ..... If Chris Rock had answered the slap with a full out, closed fist to the jaw....Imagine how different things would be if Will Smith had slapped Chris Rock's butt.
A perfect example of how you can build tolerances for different forms of weed. I have been doing dabs each night for a long time now and found myself needing more and more to get the effects. I have a live resin pen that lists 60% THC on the box. I need 4-5 good rips to get in my zone.
Just for fun, I loaded a vapcap with a pinch of ground herb from a free pre-roll I got with my last dispo purchase, and I'm fucking dancing right now.
I think this is just kinda cute.I’m 30 and this is extremely relatable!
It’s funny to tell younger family members “I remember when you were born.”
I’m 30 and this is extremely relatable!
It’s funny to tell younger family members “I remember when you were born.”
How about this old saying..... I'm closer to the day of my death than the day of my birth.....