Well-Known Member
I got my Mayoral 24mm flat top yesterday. Its def. not worth the $$$. $180 plus $12 to ship. QC is just terrible. Both the first one i received with the crack and now this one both look like factory seconds. Bubbles in the walls and the neck not being 90 degrees. More like 105 degrees. It has a thick bottom which is the only thing going for it. But where they weld the thick bottom on the tube walls left a lot of uneven glass on the outside walls causing distortion when looking through.
Using it was fine, no real issues other than not being 90 degrees. With so many choices for American quartz flat top buckets at the $200 ish price. I dont see any reason to choice Mayoral over any other brand. Hoyes would be way better if they used scientific joints. Time to torch this bitch and see how it does.
With all this said, i could not recommend Mayoral. The customer service wasnt bad when they messed up my original order by having a local smoke shop send me their defective quartz. Took them 3 weeks to get me a working bucket in my hands from order date.
My new quave flat top should arrive today. I ordered that on Thursday so no issues with Quave so far. Up next is either another Toro XXL or a Evan Shore Long Jawn just to try out a ESB.
Thanks for the feedback and taking a sacrifice for the good of all.