Enigmatic Cannabist
Do these things provide any benefit other than visual entertainment? Seem like just another thing to clean...
I guess more heated surface area to vape is the only thing i can think of.Do these things provide any benefit other than visual entertainment? Seem like just another thing to clean...
Do these things provide any benefit other than visual entertainment? Seem like just another thing to clean...
I wouldn’t run a 30 mm at all it takes too much heat to get the same amount of vapor from a 25 mm I have found that I have to raise the temp close 600° for a similar hit, with a 30 mm there too much quartz on the base to heat up and keep heated when a dab is placed the center will cool much faster than the sidewalls since that’s where the contact of the coil is giving you an uneven vaporization and cooling of the base. I have one and I only use it to drop my empty jars in as inserts to get the last dab outposted this in another thread but maybe someone can help here : Maybe someone can help. I want a spare dab setup and happen to have a Hex Nail Hn-01. I been looking at the 30mm and 25mm quartz banger and coil combos August supplies. Wondering if the Hex will work with his coils and also how much nicer these coils work being they actually hug the bottom of the banger. If there id another affordable route I am open ears. I am not to familiar with bangers much besides my first I ever owned way back that was a 16mm small banger I ran on my Enail. Ty
Well pretty delayed response back but I ended up grabbing the 35mm banger and wrap around coil on 4/20 rather than the 30mm and have been using it since with great results. I am super happy I went with this over a smaller setup to be honest. My only experience before hand with bangers was with a 16mm and 20mm and I felt the dish was just to small. Now I can take large , medium or small dabs and with the added surface area it has been a pleasure for me. 1 thing I did notice is the only spot that gets kind of dirty is the actual center of the dish where the heat is not being applied much but it has yet to effect my hits. I also have been sitting below 600F on my Enail as well. The actual banger is not so thick , I don't have calipers to measure but I'd say 2mm-3mm tops. I posted this pic on a few threads on the forum but just so you don't have to do any searching may as well post it again , tonight I am going to try some proper insert drops thanks to @invertedisdead for helping me out on how to do them properly , I still feel I may like just dabbing straight off the dish better but always worth a try :Hello guys and gals just joining in.... @invertedisdead thanks for the mention, Yes the gavel is the tastiest banger I have found paired with a 25mm coil it does run a little bit hot due to the opaque bottom and it’s conductivity, I’ve used a cryptic culture JTR first and due to the rounded bottom the coil didn’t fit too well but still worked it just needed to be spread since the cryptic has such think sidewalls. I then have tried my friends grail and while it was a great taste full flavor and a solid hit. Finally I’ve used FatDabCo 25/30mm with similar flavor of the grail for a comparison. So with the gavel I find to get a fuller flavor hit at the beginning and taste the terps longer. I run all my bangers at the same temp a range of ~475° and 525° at the most unless I’m doing a boost/uptemp hit which I will only raise the temp 20°-30° for no more than 30 seconds.
I wouldn’t run a 30 mm at all it takes too much heat to get the same amount of vapor from a 25 mm I have found that I have to raise the temp close 600° for a similar hit, with a 30 mm there too much quartz on the base to heat up and keep heated when a dab is placed the center will cool much faster than the sidewalls since that’s where the contact of the coil is giving you an uneven vaporization and cooling of the base. I have one and I only use it to drop my empty jars in as inserts to get the last dab out
On that note also with the gavel and opaque bottom you do not need as much heat with it to keep at a stable temp giving you better vaporization. So I would stick with a 25mm even if you don’t go with a gavel you will find a much better hit out of a 25mm.
Just what I have found in my experience and experiments with everything...but it all comes down to personal preference and what your style is........STAY LIT EVERYONE
Well pretty delayed response back but I ended up grabbing the 35mm banger and wrap around coil on 4/20 rather than the 30mm and have been using it since with great results. I am super happy I went with this over a smaller setup to be honest. My only experience before hand with bangers was with a 16mm and 20mm and I felt the dish was just to small. Now I can take large , medium or small dabs and with the added surface area it has been a pleasure for me. 1 thing I did notice is the only spot that gets kind of dirty is the actual center of the dish where the heat is not being applied much but it has yet to effect my hits. I also have been sitting below 600F on my Enail as well. The actual banger is not so thick , I don't have calipers to measure but I'd say 2mm-3mm tops. I posted this pic on a few threads on the forum but just so you don't have to do any searching may as well post it again , tonight I am going to try some proper insert drops thanks to @invertedisdead for helping me out on how to do them properly , I still feel I may like just dabbing straight off the dish better but always worth a try :
No , those are to pricey for my needs just for a insert . It probably would fit though.Have you tried dropping in a 30mm Liger insert to see if it would fit?
No , those are to pricey for my needs just for a insert . It probably would fit though.
Most likely 2mm maybe 3mm but leaning on the 2mm, they do not seem very thick, you can see the pic I posted above. I do not have a liger insert to drop in sorry. Only a 28mm one off dhgate and a 25mm insert as well which would not help you much. They leave a few mm's of space between the walls when inserted as expected bc the banger is huge being 35mm. I will tell you though they do work maybe not as well as being close to the walls but these are my 1st inserts I have ever tried in my life and I did not want to go crazy trying something I may not use much so I went with the cheap dhgate inserts and I am happy I did bc it is to much work for me sometimes to use them so I usually go straight to the dish for a dab. Thing is I also searched dhgate for 35mm bangers to grab a spare but none has the little handle blown onto to them to secure the coil and that is something I wanted so I ended up grabbing a spare 35mm banger from galaxy. If you could find a 30mm insert for cheap please lmk , I'd be willing to try it but the Liger 1's are just to much for something I would not use much.Do you know how think the walls are on that 35mm banger? Or better yet, drop one in when its NOT HOT and take a pic? I am curious on the tolerance after the insert is dropped in. I want it as close to the walls as possible. I think i may even get a 24mm hybrid coil from Mininail and a 24mm XXL Quave flat top to replace my 25mm DC coil and Halen just to reduce the tolerance of the insert to bucket.
I should be getting my DHgate 35mm banger and the end of the week and i just order a 35mm barrel coil from mininail just to have one that connects to my mininails. I am still waiting on Augusthaus to get me a quote on the hybrid 35mm to compare to Galaxy 35mm.
Do you know how think the walls are on that 35mm banger? Or better yet, drop one in when its NOT HOT and take a pic? I am curious on the tolerance after the insert is dropped in. I want it as close to the walls as possible. I think i may even get a 24mm hybrid coil from Mininail and a 24mm XXL Quave flat top to replace my 25mm DC coil and Halen just to reduce the tolerance of the insert to bucket.
I should be getting my DHgate 35mm banger and the end of the week and i just order a 35mm barrel coil from mininail just to have one that connects to my mininails. I am still waiting on Augusthaus to get me a quote on the hybrid 35mm to compare to Galaxy 35mm.
You might consider the Eric Ross nail I posted in the Hex Nail thread. It's 24mm AND has the hybrid flat/barrel coil.
Edit: Just saw the hybrid barrel/flat coil on the mininail site, cool!
Slightly off topic but really digging the form factor on that new Micro Enail from Mininail.
Most likely 2mm maybe 3mm but leaning on the 2mm, they do not seem very thick, you can see the pic I posted above. I do not have a liger insert to drop in sorry. Only a 28mm one off dhgate and a 25mm insert as well which would not help you much. They leave a few mm's of space between the walls when inserted as expected bc the banger is huge being 35mm. I will tell you though they do work maybe not as well as being close to the walls but these are my 1st inserts I have ever tried in my life and I did not want to go crazy trying something I may not use much so I went with the cheap dhgate inserts and I am happy I did bc it is to much work for me sometimes to use them so I usually go straight to the dish for a dab. Thing is I also searched dhgate for 35mm bangers to grab a spare but none has the little handle blown onto to them to secure the coil and that is something I wanted so I ended up grabbing a spare 35mm banger from galaxy. If you could find a 30mm insert for cheap please lmk , I'd be willing to try it but the Liger 1's are just to much for something I would not use much.
I used to have a liger but it was not the big guy, maybe you had seen that in the past. Honestly I paid like under $15 for 4 of them off dhgate I grabbed to 25mm with the opaque bottoms and 2 I had found that said 28mm and they are clear . The 28mm is definitely larger in size and works better . I wouldn’t really wanna invest in anything over like $20 and that is only bc I don’t think I really enjoy dropping it in the banger as much as doing a dab straight in the dish using glob mode to up my pre set temps with the hex nail . That’s a good idea though to secure the banger , I just clean to much so it would be a tiny hassle for to have to keep unwrapping it to take it off . I’ll try and grab a pic soon of the inserts I got for you .Its really small. A bit bigger than a business card. They use mini XLR connectors but offer a good amount of coils sizes to use with it. But what i like about it the most is that the tune the PID to closely match the nail temp. Something like that as i cannot completely remember but with my 20mm Liger, i have a 18F to 20F delta between obsidian insert temp to mininail pid temp. They are a bit more costly compared to H5 and others but they do offer great customer service. They have replaced 2 of my coils without any hassle. And both worked but was cosmetic issues and they replaced to new ones. 1 year warranty on coils and 2 on pid. highly recommend these guys.
THanks. I was looking at the pics and i was assuming the same but wasnt too sure if the pics were deceiving or not. As for the Liger insert, I completely understand. For some reason, i always thought you had a liger and thought you would just have an insert laying around. I recently, i have been looking for inserts like crazy. What price range are you looking to spend on a quartz insert for a 35mm Quartz flat top banger?
I use 24 or 28 Guage SS 316L wire to keep my coil on the banger. I got the idea from Augusthaus's website. So far has worked great with zero worries of it falling off.
@Shooby sorry I took so long. The inserts I am using :
Also quick question , after using my banger I have some black spots at the bottom but some heat and iso got that right off. Along the sides of the banger I am starting to get some brown staining that did not clean up. Any tips to clean it so it is like new ?
While the banger is hot or cold ? That will remove the brown stains ? If so I'll pick it up this weekend and give it a try but it seemed like those brown stains may never come off.Couple drops of distilled water and some baking soda
I don't have dark crystal but I did soak in Iso for a few days and than after that warm iso in a ultrasonic cleaner with no lucking of removing those brown stains along the sides of the walls. I even broke out a torch and tried to torch it off with 0 luck and my darn torch broke while doing so. Used a qtip and iso while I had the banger at 900F as well and that did not work.I soak bangers and inserts in a 50/50 solution of dark crystal and 99% iso. Overnight or several days depending on build up and they come out spotless. I've also put a few drops of iso into a warm (~200F) banger and q-tip'd it - with the obvious warning of not sloshing it down the neck...
Only the dark black at the bottom of the banger I was able to scrape off but not the brown around the sides. I'll try some dc someday though.hhhrm - do they scrape off? I heard about the dark crystal stuff here on FC and picked some up on Amazon. It's not cheap but seems to do things that iso alone can't [albeit much slower]. A q-tip with iso at 900F has got to flash off almost immediatly - I've found trying to clean a hot banger difficult.