Mr. Whitewall
Well-Known Member
Eternal is out of stock I'm afraid, any other suggestions maybe?

Eternal is out of stock I'm afraid, any other suggestions maybe?
Eternal is out of stock I'm afraid, any other suggestions maybe?
Hey guys!
I was lucky enough to receive a HE V2 Gavel this Christmas with a purchase, and am still in awe...
At first, I thought: 'oh cool, I mentioned I only vaped so they exchanged the Sovereignty clear bowl for a nice banger instead. Prolly worth $45, same as bowl'... Then I realised it was the Gavel!![]()
I'm a TOTAL noob with bangers and torches in general mind you, always found them too scary to manipulate while stoned, but now I guess there's no going back!
So I have few questions for you fellow "banger maniacs":
I already have some Crystal Clear, but am not certain whether I should get a quartz insert for the HE as well?
I read they're especially suited for preserving the banger completely clean, among other advantages.
Problem is, they seem to be out of stock everywhere!
Also read on IG a new technique for low temp torching: first step was to place the dab in a cold banger, then torch, lastly hit while the oil started vaping and cap. Q-tip.
Can't remember if there were any other steps? Seemed sensible enough considering the temps mentioned in those articles from the HE blog @ensabbahnur quoted a few posts back???
What's your take on this folks?
BTW thanks @ensabbahnur for the links to the blog, very informative!![]()
Check out Eternal Quartz inserts for up-tep dabbing.
Also, anyone pick one of the Toro TerpSlerper knockoffs?
This one looks like the pick of the (knockoff) litter:,101,4#frpd-4-5|null:101:r0628747000
+ banger hanger:,103,1#cppd-1-5|null:103:r0490534760
Yeah I ordered from Eternal a while back and unfortunately didn't get my order but then they posted that a website called the dab lab had them and I purchased an insert from them and had no issues, may want to check their IG and see if any other shops with websites have them in stock, dabbing with an insert really is a game changer though, I feel like I have been using less oil since I got it
So after every use (ie. after 1-3 dabs), I need to soak in DC clear before next use? And you need to heat the stuff apparently for it to work? @ $19/650mL for DC clear, I can probably buy a new banger every couple months for less!Its been solved a few posts back if I'm not mistaken, the idea was to clean it with Dark Crystal and soaking it in to avoid vitrification.
Using an insert also helps. Saw yesterday on IG some fully opaque ones as well!
What is the secret to torch and not fog these nice bangers up?
I keep my banger, insert and bubble cap in a 50/50 solution of ISO/Dark Crystal when not in use. That will keep them pretty much brand new if you do that from the start. I didn't do that in the beginning and my banger formed some carbon on the bottom. I was amazed at what a 3 day soak did to it. It got rid of a lot of the carbon. If I had kept it in my solution from day 1 there would be little to no buildup.
I keep a container with 50/50 ISO/Dark Crystal Cleaner on hand for my soaks. The Dark Crystal stuff is worth getting IMO. It makes a big difference.
Just rinse the insert with water and dry it off. Good to go.![]()
@ $19/650mL for DC clear, I can probably buy a new banger every couple months for less!
I'm sorry I don't understand what you mean.And you need to heat the stuff apparently for it to work?
Have anyone tried those Thermal quartz bangers filled with sand ? I suspect those hold heat pretty well,maybe they can be used with a stove to achieve e-nail effects. Also will work good with IR thermometer
CHARACTERISTIC:excellent heat preservation effect. Can keep high temperature much longer time. For heating coil and torch lighter use.![]()
The 26mm AH coil/banger setup is down to $90 right now, not listed as a sale so maybe this is the new price.
As far as inserts go, Im guessing since the banger is 2mm? on the walls, maybe 22mm?
Thanks for the reply. I'm going to bring a digital caliper home from work so I can get an exact measurement on it. So do you think the Auber 300 will run it? There were no specs on the coil but if I had to guess I'd say 150W
posted this in another thread but maybe someone can help here : Maybe someone can help. I want a spare dab setup and happen to have a Hex Nail Hn-01. I been looking at the 30mm and 25mm quartz banger and coil combos August supplies. Wondering if the Hex will work with his coils and also how much nicer these coils work being they actually hug the bottom of the banger. If there id another affordable route I am open ears. I am not to familiar with bangers much besides my first I ever owned way back that was a 16mm small banger I ran on my Enail. Ty
Ty buddy, maybe I should go 30mm instead .It's affordable, and I have the 26mm coil and banger. It works with my Auber, so it will work with the Hex. Drawback is that it's nearly impossible to find an insert that fits well. I have to run a 20mm insert, and it fits too loose. I have been unable to find a 21mm. 22 is available, but I think it would be too big. The top doesn't seal against a good bubble cap either. Really wish he would have made it a standard 25mm instead tbh. The wraparound bottom design I do like. It heats up fast. Hope this helps..
I have a question. Can you use the Augusthaus 26MM XL coil with the HE Gavel Banger thats says 25mm?
Im trying to debate whether i want the XL or XXL coil and banger from AH as i ultimately want an enail coil for the AH that works with the gavel banger.