ok I spent the night getting to know the PD unit.
I have been using the SSV (with concentrates) for the last 2+ weeks now and I can feel my tolerance has taken a hit, so bare in mind that while I write this review.
I ordered a Walnut unit with bison leather bottom unit on the 6th of march, I received it on my doorstep on may the 3rd. The wait was worth it, I had time to read this entire thread!
Looks: This device is a work of art! I love how it looks and feels in my hands. It is a very smooth, well finished wood. I cannot feel any rough areas at all, nor on the edges. I personally get that "woodshop/furniture factory smell of the wood " I remember from my past. The grain of the wood is beautiful and I think anyone with an appreciation for nature will get it when they looks at one up close.
Efficiency: Given the volume of the bowl, this thing blows my mind! it stretches out my weed a long way! I was doing stems of 3 different types and because the bowl is so small it is easy to get to try many individual strains rather quickly. Abv at the end is almost all brown with a tint of green here and there. I suspect if i wanted though I could put this through the volcano later on. I also read that there is a "warming in" period so this could well change later.
Taste: 1st rip: this one is a big one! i take a long haul to begin and then i am varying my inhale speed from none to med hard.all this over a 30 second period or so. I find the first 2 hoots through the stems are mighty tasty! (esp that first one!) After that while I am still getting vapor, the taste aspect begins to diminish quickly.
After reading this thread here I think I had that down from the get go. Angle it the first time, hit it and from then on it's your call.

for the first hit I held it slightly upright even. The warmth you feel when you hold the unit is very nice too. The heat source is recessed and I have not had to worry about burning myself at all so far. The only thing I need to remember is the weed in the stem can fall out and I need to be more careful handling the stems.
I used it as an aromatherapy device too and the cedar oil I put in it smelled amazing!

gonna do fir tree today.
Final thoughts: This is one classy looking unit! I can totally see leaving it out as an aromatherapy device in it's "down time". The taste given from the vapor is thick and tasty. The restricted airflow reminds me of mflb technique but you can be more forceful than with the mflb. For me to reach the level my high that I am looking for I need about 4-5 fresh stems I am finding, but I am switching it up between strains each time so it has been fun to try each one and judge taste so quick and directly. I can see this becoming time consuming however. I think I may not retire my SSV so quickly, as I can use that to get to where I want to be quickly and then maintain throughout the evening/day using the PD. All in all a very nice addition to my arsenal! I can use the PD to lower my tolerance back down too I suspect.
On a side note I am totally loving how I can have a stem of this type then a different stem of that other. This is really fun!
i don't normally feel compelled to name my possessions, but i have decided to name him Wally.