Back from the void.
Update from PD land.
With a high gain antenna I am getting 1 bar of reception on a neighbors Wi-Fi. Not much but enough to get some e-mails out and put in an update here. Lines are drawn on the ground and utilities located for the trench that will give us a phone line and DSL again. Maybe Tuesday for the trench and then gotta get Verizon out to connect us.
Yes the lathe part got here on a Tuesday and it was up and running that evening. (Pammy got her days mixed up... easy to do).
I am still catching up, and the last of our orders will ship this week.
We have moved. About 100 feet. But distance doesn't matter, any move is a big one. And this was a sudden move, no planning. A very nice new mobile home that has been sitting empty and for sale for 2 years was put up for rent. It was a now or never opportunity... so in addition to trying to catch up we have been moving and cleaning etc.
Lots more room for us, even a loft and a deck. And plenty of room for the new workshop. Still 8' x 12', and still un- built... When the last of the orders are filled in the next few days, then work on the shop can begin.
The shop should go up in a week.
When will we take new orders? Not sure. But things are going to be a bit different. I cannot supply unlimited demand. It's just me and Pammy. And 16 hour days, 7 days a week is not so much fun. Burn out is imminent. So the pace will be slowed, and fun will return. I've always said if it isn't fun I'll stop doing it. It's not the usual business model.
I don't believe in 'back-orders', if I don't have it, I don't sell it. I don't want long lead times either. 2-3 weeks wait is as long as I am willing to accept. Forget about waiting lists, I could give several reasons, not an option. (a note to any who have requested to be placed on such a list: sorry, no.)
PDs take 4+ hours per kit to build. Longer if you count paperwork and e-mails and Post office runs and all the other unseen work. We can only build so many a month.
The solution (we are open to suggestions): PDs will go on sale on the website on the 1st and 15th of each month. 7PM Pacific Time 10pm Eastern. When we sell the available units for that period we will stop sales till the next 2 week period. If they sell out in one day, or 12, doesn't matter, there is a cut off. X units in any 2 week period. I will not be swamped again, it's no fun for us or our customers.
These have always been limited availabilty vaporizers. No factory, no warehouse, no staff of employees (no ambition?). It's just us, and we need a little bit of a life if we are going to keep this going. I really do enjoy doing this, and hearing from all the folks who we deal with makes it even more rewarding for us both. Thanks to everyone for your support and kind words and patience.
ps. People use timers to save a little energy while they aren't at home or are asleep. But the unit is intended to run 24/7. Our personal units never shut down.
pps. the Buzz-Butter is good for the wood and the leather, but any nice plant oils will work after you run out of the B-B. Olive oil, peanut oil, even canola. Side note on Buzz, I was turning a piece of walnut outdoors yesterday, and fine sanded it, opened my tub of Buzz

and was putting it on the spinning piece when I looked down at a honey bee hovering near my chest between me and the lathe. I've never used the stuff outdoors before and this was just a neat thing I thought I would pass along.