Thats a brilliant answer frikr, so in a really cold environment, you just have to toke slower... and vice versa for a really hot environment? right? we can get 42c at 2am! is there however some point at which the cold of the air overwhelms the heat sink?
What about altitude? I gather water wont even boil at high altitudes.. is that correct? Is that to do with the rarefied air? or? would this have any bearing on the PD ?
one more question... sorry inquisitive mind
the voltage, I gather from tom that at a higher voltage the PD operates at a higher temp, thats correct right... so a lower voltage= lower temp... is there a way to determine , apart from practical experiment, the temp in relation to the voltage? ie . I ask just for vapeing other herbs. This might sound strange, but I vape sage, eucalyptus, hash, etc... and also because my battery's can read 11v on a cold night... is that too low? thanks a lot for your clear and informative reply, I really appreciate it.
What about altitude? I gather water wont even boil at high altitudes.. is that correct? Is that to do with the rarefied air? or? would this have any bearing on the PD ?
one more question... sorry inquisitive mind