Tom, you beat me to it, as far as the questions, but I'm gonna leave my post as it is, since most of it is just opinion and user experience. Thanks again for creating such a great product at a bargain price.
Some comments on Jeff's review and updates from my own use (6 weeks now):
it's a work of art, it works flawlessly, it's inexpensive, it feels good and it makes you feel good.
seems to allow you to draw out the essence completely, just like the old hair gel commercial, "a little dab will do you." the thing is so efficient my dealer is wondering why he hasn't heard from me in weeks....
Amen. It has a ton of time and effort put into it. Compared to 'asembly line', 'slapped together with cheap wood' box vapes, the Purple-Days is the steal of the century. It has the hand crafting and build quality of a Rolls Royce combined with the durability and ruggedness of an Abrams Battle Tank. I can see people passing this vape down to their grandkids, still working like new. And efficient it is-always cooks your herb but never burns it.
very easy to get the hang of.
I was surprised how well the vapor tube holds onto the loaded bowl. Every now and again you get a few grains down the hole but they shake out easily. I've gotten as much in the shell of my SSV through blow back. Hit it easy-hit it hard-doesn't matter. If the bowl is kinda packed and you want a smooth, easy draw, just part your lips a little (use your mouth as a carb). As much as I like my SSV for big hits, I find myself using the PD a lot for pure ease of use. And it's surprising how big a hit it will deliver. I love filling it about 3/4 full and adding a little kief on top. After a good first hit even the kief stays in place like it's glued on. A bowl packed like that will provide a good many hits.
after a few sessions, it's best to let the suck tube sit in alcohol overnight
I actually used two tubes for about a month before I saw any signs that they needed cleaning. Vapor condenses much more easily on glass and the typical whip tubing than on the PD vapor tubes. I cleaned one tube with ISO in the provided container, just shaking it up, then immediately removing (sticking a cotton swab down into the tube allows easy removal from the cleaning bottle). The other tube I let soak overnight. But I didn't see any difference in the two as far as the overnight soaker being cleaner. Definitely one of the easiest vapes on the market to clean. In fact, no cleaning at all as far as the vape itself.
the material doesn't fall out of the tube. it's not a concern at all.
Like he said, surprising but true. I found I don't even have to hold it level. Now if you set it down with the tube in like it's a bottle of beer, expect some leakage. But if you take it easy it stays put.
it's great for one person, it's not a group vaporizer.
But with 3 vapor tubes it certainly can be. Like some other vapes it's not the best for people used to 'bong rips', but you don't buy this to sit around and see how much vapor you can blow out without choking.
i like the fact that you don't have to fuss with the heater dial - it sets itself at the perfect vape temperature after 45 minutes, and remains consistent. the heat up time is not an issue to me.
It does a great job of staying in the vaping range. It quickly recovers from a hit and is ready again when you are. Unlike the Vapolution, which easily burns your herb if you're not careful, this beauty is hands free with no worries about overcooking.
i love the fact that it is designed to be left on all the time. i assume that the unit will last for a long time - i hope so. this aspect seems unique to me, and special.
Like the Vapolution (or any 12v unit), it doesn't suck power. It doesn't get hotter if left on either. In fact, it gets its hottest during use. When in idle mode it's barely warm. I plug mine into a cheap mechanical timer. It cuts on an hour before I get home from work and is ready to go. I set it to turn off about 2:30-3 AM. Or like Jeff says, just leave it on. With a heavy duty resistor (which is designed to deal with heat) providing the heat for the stainless steel heat exchanger, this vape probably has a longer life span than anything on the market. And no heat control to fail. The temp control (rheostat) on my Vapolution is getting gritty-I pretty much leave it at 11-12 o'clock. I know the Vapo guys have had to replace some temp controls.
the purple days has great stealth appeal, it's an elegant, small, aroma therapy diffuser is all.
i never feel the need to hide it. when i'm by myself it is a far simpler affair, you just load up the tube a few times and that's it. the silver surfer on the other hand - it looks like a mutated futuristic one tube radio - how do you explain that, left exposed, to people you don't want to have to explain this to.
Agree completely. I have the aroma top for the Surfer, but even with that in place it doesn't look like a simple diffuser.
SO with it being a DC input does that mean the output voltage doesn't matter? 240v down under
This should work just fine with 240v. 50Hz is an issue right now, but in that the Vapolution AC adapter works fine at 50 Hz as well as 60, Tom just needs to get some confirmation from a 50 Hz user. He's sent out an adapter to a customer in Europe, but hasn't gotten confirmation yet. Hopefully, no news is good news.
Since the PD uses 6 watts would it be possible to have it run off of a battery for extended periods of time? Say about 10-12 hours? That may be too optimistic however.
Any ideas? Possibly even plans to make a power pack of some sorts?
The Vapolution battery pack works fine with the PD. I've tested it. Haven't timed it, but it runs the Vapo for 2 hours. Forget about 10-12 hrs. The BP would have to be too big (and expensive). I sent my charger and BP to Tom last week so he can give it a look. Hopefully he'll decide to provide a BP as an option. I think there'll be enough demand for it to make it worthwhile. With a BP it'll be even more portable friendly than the Vapo is. The Vapo electrical connections are slightly smaller, so my Vapo battery is slightly loose in the PD, but it functions fine and Tom can easily change to his size connector.
Hey Purple Days, what temp is it set to work at?
I used to say I'd never buy a vape without a temp control, but Hot Box users never complain, and I've found the PD to be very efficient at fully cooking with no burning. After owning my Vapo for 2 years I still sometimes overcook or load a piece that's too big and the far end doesn't get done. I usually save the half cooked bits and finish them in the SSV.
All things considered, if I could only have one vaporizer the PD would be it, hands down, no contest. It's not the best in all catagories, but it scores so high in nearly every aspect, it has to be the overall winner for me. If I've got a good supply of herb on hand I'll load up the SSV and enjoy the big hits, but when I'm in conservation mode and getting low, the surfer gets put in the cabinet and I'm perfectly satisfied with Tom's PD. Even when I'm using the SSV, I often just pick up the PD, load a tube and in about 10 sec. I'm vaping away. It's so convenient. It's a great vape guys.