Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer


? & beyond
So both my power adapters came in... I got a backup for the future, just in case. ;)

The first thing I did, before even swapping my jimmy-rigged one was reinforce one with electric tape at the end. Looks clean and simple. It's a lot smaller than my gargantuan one a few pages back.... :lol:

Anyways, spliced the car adapter back and hope to test it out later. I don't really vape on the road, so yeah...

For those of you who's power adapter hasn't fritzed yet, it might be a consideration. :)

Vape on! :D
'one more time'


Well-Known Member
Glad Jameco, one of our electronics suppliers was so quick to get those power supplies to you. Jameco part #10081 . :)

The re-inforcement of the plug / strain relief may be a good idea with any power supply from any mfg. :2c:

Spiral says. "For those of you who's power adapter hasn't fritzed yet"... Well Spiral, it wasn't the power supply or else your spliced plug would not have worked. Right?

Hate to be picky but there is a difference... and implied cheapness. We do not ship cheapo power supplies. They are UL listed and come from a reputable dealer.

The power supplies Do Not 'fritz out'. :p We have never seen a bad power supply, we have never seen one fail. The plug and strain relief and wire can be broken, but the power supply is nearly invulnerable (short of dropping it on concrete). :2c:


Out to lunch
The adapter is 100% up to standard for this type of device. It does get more stress at the wire-strain relief point than with most devices it would typically power, due to the unit being picked up and set down frequently, so reinforcing the wire at this point is not a bad idea. Mine has held up just fine for 8+ months of daily use and I'm going to leave it as is. I do take some care when handling the unit to eliminate/minimize the back and forth bending of the wire at the connection.


? & beyond
You are right Tom. It was the the wires that went into the plug that wiggled loose.

I'm sorry!!! I should have worded that better.

I actually saved my 'dead power cord' to splice onto my extra for a 'super long' one I can bring to friends houses!!! :D An extra 2-3 feet will be perfect.

Acolyte of Zinglon

I actually saved my 'dead power cord' to splice onto my extra for a 'super long' one I can bring to friends houses!!! biggrin An extra 2-3 feet will be perfect.
i agree, i did that when i replaced the cord on mine and the extra couple feet make a big difference!
Acolyte of Zinglon,


Well-Known Member
Broke is broke and from normal use is not a good thing. Being that the PD is relatively new this would be a concern if it was more widely reported. It seems at this point it was just an unfortunate thing and crap happens.

I wouldn't worry too much about the subject unless it becomes a reoccurring theme and it appears if Tom is going to shrink wrap and/or otherwise address the cord before shipping than the issue is more than adequately addressed since there is only one report of the issue as far as we know.

Not all durability issues are identified in the short term but I believe this may be just an isolated and unfortunate issue but it does potentially identify an issue. I wouldn't simply blow the issue off but keep in the back of the mind of a possible longer term issue based on the normal use of the PD in regards to the power adapter cord wearing out at its connection.


combustion fucker
Just thinking out loud here, but it just occurred to me that for some people it might be worth soldering up an extension cord with a plug on one end and a socket on the other. The power supply can be plugged into it and won't get any strain on the plug. Only the extension cord will get the strain, and if it breaks it can be repaired or replaced without affecting any of the original power supply (thus guaranteeing uninterrupted vaping :brow:). Also it might be neater to use an elbow style plug on the extension cord.


Well-Known Member
No problem Spiral, just wanted the reader who jumps in to know that the cord and plug are the vulnerable parts,

Lots of ways to look at it Beezleb. I can see why you say the things you do. But look at it from another perspective.

A new car comes with tires. From Yugos to Mercedes they all have tires. Some folks need new tires after a short while, Others seem to get more than their share of milage out of a set. And Either catagory can have an accident. (ie, you fumble your PD a few times and stress the cord/plug, the PD has some significant mass and when it hits 'the end of the rope' it's gonna put stress on any wiring... (and we are talking about an item that gets handled by a certain type of consumer that may be prone to fumbles occasionaly :/).

So staying with the tire scenario you wouldn't want to have to go to the car dealer for a new set of tires would you? I don't know anybody who does that. But a proprietary cord and plug that was invulnerable (sure...).

Part of the idea is you can replace the power yourself.

No way... I won't accept blame for damaged power cords or plug.

I don't blame Fender when i stretch my guitar cord with repeated use and it 'breaks'.

And I did not say I would shrink wrap any cords. I believe it was more that I would look into it or think about it. And after further consideration, I believe the engineers who design these things know what they are doing and my modifications would be a step in the wrong direction. Adding strain relief further down the length of the cord would increase stress on the plug.

Hazy that's a great idea, and you can have any custom length you want.

Only thing about an elbow is every time you pick the PD up it will spin with the cord pointing down. When you set the unit down you will have to rotate the cord to the side (90 degrees) or you are gonna bump it every time you set it down increasing the stress on the plug. So a straight cord with straight female and male ends, or even a coiled job like a light weight cord from a shaver or something.


Well-Known Member
Tom, I sorta disagree but I understand what you are saying but in order for the scenario to be a similarity the cord would have to be equal to a tire or a guitar cord which a wire connection really is not the same in my view as a cord is not normally considered a part of expected normal wear and tear in a sort to mid term time frame. I could use your scenario towards any part of the pd.

I am not knocking the product in any way and I think this was just an unfortunate thing. Believe me I understand. Before I became ill I used to own a management consulting business. I have purchased and over saw the literal 10's of thousands of computer systems and believe me, I feel you. I have had issues with things you dont really see coming and no matter of testing can always account, especially when you toss in user habits. Breakdowns happen no matter what you do.

I dont think anyone is saying you accept blame. I think at most a PD owner had an issue and discussed it in the PD thread. Chalk it up in the back of the mind and if it should become a more prominent issue than address which I am confident you would based on all that you have done regarding the PD. It is possible the issue could turn out to be like the LED light. It just may take time for such issues to surface and it may be just an unfortunate issue.

I would not normally consider the adapter connection failing in a short to medium time frame as normal wear and tear. I dont know how long Spiral has owned his PD your product is still relatively new on the market if not mistaken. The story and development of the PD is not over as illustrated in your addressing of the LED light.

I applaud your product, heck I recommend it constantly to those who are looking for that type of vape and I normally always name your product and give direction to your site and to this site and this thread. I would not do that if I did not have confidence in your product. Its also a great American story of a bringing a product to market. With all that said, I say what I got to say and I do my best to explain it regardless if its the popular thing to do or not.

I respect you and your product but im not a fan boy. My being here is to talk about vaporizers and to help people select a vaporizer that best fits them so they will use their vaporizer rather than smoking. I care not what specific vape someone selects.

I think this subject is done to death though so I will give a pre "I agree" and move on to the next topic hehe.

Happy Vaping.


Well-Known Member
Yeah the tires might not be such a good one as an example, but the guitar cord seems appropriate. Some folks will make one last a lifetime, others jump off the stack with theirs.

Always say what you think Beezleb, and I answer the same way. Just honest and open, no need to hide anything. Sure : Warning the cord and plug can be broken. Lots of smileys would fit here, you pick one. :)


vapor junkie
Staff member
Eh, the cord is fairly thin which makes it lighter and easier to manage. I wouldn't change it and haven't had a problem with it in ~6 months of daily use. When a longer cord is desirable, an extension cord is easy enough. If someone is rougher on it sure they can reinforce it... but the idea that it's some sort of pandemic is kind of absurd.

Spiral said:
I'm sorry!!! I should have worded that better.
This was the issue. I don't see why you're getting so excited, Beezleb. The sky is not falling. :p

If you're truly worried that there may be an issue with the adapter/cord, you should probably take it up with Jameco.

Beezleb said:
I respect you and your product but im not a fan boy. My being here is to talk about vaporizers and to help people select a vaporizer that best fits them so they will use their vaporizer rather than smoking. I care not what specific vape someone selects.
That's commendable for sure. But perhaps you shouldn't be quite so opinionated on vapes you've never tried.

Sorry, had to retaliate after the fanboy comment. :D


Out to lunch
IMO this issue is no different than the coiled cord that comes on phones. Whether the coil stays nice and neat or gets tangled up into a knot all depends on how you use it. It would be nice if the adapter had a flexible strain relief (the charger connection on my work Nextel phone has one). That would pretty much eliminate the problem. But I can't remember seeing a flex strain relief on any power adapters, and even if it's available, I'm sure they'd charge a hefty premium for it. All it takes to prevent any problems with the PD adapter is awareness of what can happen, and a little care to avoid it. And if the user wants to add shrink wrap or electrical tape (properly applied) to avoid worry, that's fine. But Tom shouldn't have to compensate for how a PD owner 'may' handle the product.


Well-Known Member
Well you drew the fan boy correlation. I named no names so if the shoe fits, you put it on. Heck for some people here if tom stopped walking I bet he would get some peoples head up his butt lol.

For a site that is supposed to be open to discussion on vapes and vaporizing it sure is defensive. My god not a single thing detracting can be stated without some people getting their drawers all wadded up. I would understand if we were talking about general statements and the like but I explained my view, Tom said his and to a point we agreed. I thought it was over.

Keep in mind, I replied to the issue because the defensive attributes of some here started on a guys post who discussed his issue. He was not saying shame shame on the PD or anything, just a discussion on his issue and what he did about it in the form and intent as I took as to be helpful.

You guys are the one blowing it out of proportion. I am really done with this discussion on it though. It does not bother me that some people come off as fan boys. That is why is explained my position. I shouldnt have to do that but that is the atmosphere of this thread at times. Like it or not that is a reality of being overly "friendly." Be fair and open minded and jumping on the opinions and views and promoting that atmosphere does hurt the forum and it hurts the opinions of some here as those peoples views can be construed as not wholly neutral.

At best some here are overly protective and if it was from just a poster that would be one thing but when the actions are from the sites mods it can be understood or misconstrued and can do much to hurt the creditability. You run the site how you want, im not trying to say how to operate but I calls it how I see it and I say this in the light of being helpful though I realize it will not be taken that way.

Keen in mind on the fan boy aspect, you, vtac were the first I believe to use that correlation not all that long ago. I didnt think it was going to cause an issue.

Its amazing, I have been nothing but honest and I virtually explain every point I ever made and still I manage to ruffle feathers. Its not easy being Beezleb some times hehe.


vapor junkie
Staff member
You said that you weren't a fanboy-- implying that people in this thread were, and you've said it before. I think you misunderstand what 'fanboy' means. No one in this thread has said that the PD is the only good vape out there, on the contrary, many of us own multiple vapes or plan on buying more.

When you come in here sharing your more or less negative opinions on something you've never tried, of course you are going to get some people voicing that they disagree. This is the PD thread, so yes, of course there are many happy PD owners who are going to take it personally. Are you really surprised?


Well-Known Member
Yes, I will address it as it is not my intention.

My intention was to discuss the issue and as people know, there are more than one side to an issue so what you are referring to "negative" is probably a misunderstanding so I would like to see what you are saying as it is not my meaning to be.


Weapon Enthusiast
Take this with a grain of salt but i personally cannot see where he had a negative opinion at all, he just wanted to bring up a potential future problem with the vape for the better of it. IME online anytime someone "implys" a thought its actually not meant that way at all.


Out to lunch
Be fair and open minded and jumping on the opinions and views and promoting that atmosphere does hurt the forum and it hurts the opinions of some here as those peoples views can be construed as not wholly neutral.
I don't really understand that whole sentence, but the discussion here simply consists of the typical back and forth disagreements and varying opinions that people normally have on forums. The idea that mods and/or admins have to be neutral with their posts implies that they don't have the right to express opinions and post freely the same as every other member. If that's the case on forums you're used to, it's not the case here. I think you'd be better off if you just considered all posts about vapor and vapes to be posts by members. If it's a 'mod post', concerning rules, etc., I think that will be clear to everyone.

At best some here are overly protective and if it was from just a poster that would be one thing but when the actions are from the sites mods it can be understood or misconstrued and can do much to hurt the creditability.
"overly protective"? As you've said before, Tom can speak for himself. I reserve the right to agree or disagree with him or anyone else. On this issue I agree with him. I don't always. Don't always agree with my wife either. That's life. The "actions" you refer to are opinions, which everyone has the right to express. Saying that our opinions as mods (or forum owner in the case of vtac), whatever those opinions are, will hurt the forum's credibility, is just your opinion. I don't agree. This is the PD thread. I've been using one for 8+ months and I love it. I don't recommend it to everyone in every thread though. But on this thread my posts reflect my ownership and love of the product and I won't be neutral. I have the right to my opinion and I don't expect anyone to respect that opinion any more or less than anybody else's opinion here.


vapor junkie
Staff member
My intention was to discuss the issue
The 'issue' was already addressed numerous times. You came in here and posted your 2 cents on the matter anyway, which you are welcome to do. Having experience with the PD, I tried to explain why I disagreed. But in your eyes that makes me a fanboy?

I guess I just found it a bit odd for someone who's never used a PD to come in here and make a post debating long term reliability issues based on Spiral's broken power cord.

Anyway, let's not derail this thread any further. No hard feelings. :)


Vapor concierge
I have one thing to say about the power cord. I live in a house with some older wiring and not all my outlets are three-pronged. I love that the PD has a two-prong plug. With my E, I have to use an adapter sometimes, and then I'm worried about shorting, etc, because I know nothing about electricity.


Well-Known Member
I hear you Max but I stand by my words. Sorry you feel that way. If you are not understanding enough to realize that a mod's opinion, like yourself Max, carries more weight generally with a reader. So when an atmosphere is in appearance to be unbalanced by consistent behavior that is overly directional it can have meaning.

If you do not understand that than no matter of words from me is going to have any effect. So be it but I stand by my words and I appreciate your honesty about not being neutral Max. A mod is generally seen as someone who can be trusted in the views and judgment.

No one is saying you or anyone else have to be neutral but you are kidding yourself and everyone if you expect people to believe that you do not present your opinions and advice from a neutral perspective.

You and I have had discussions before on another forum regarding about how "factually or scientifically" you like to keep things. I may be mistaken on your exact wording but you have presented your views in a neutral manner in the past. Now you claim otherwise but I applaud you on your honesty.

I believe this has gone of topic and as I have stated this before I am done with this discussion. If you wish to discuss further please feel free to email me or open the discussion up in another thread out of respect to Tom and the Purple Days.

Vtac, I am not merely referring to some behaviors in just this stupid discussion but overall.


vapor junkie
Staff member
max and I have more experience (time owned) with the PD than just about anyone else on this forum. Are you saying we shouldn't be allowed to share that experience in the Purple-Days Experience thread because we happen to be mods?


I agree we should try to be as neutral as possible, that's one of the ideas behind this forum. The PD just happens to be an extraordinary vape. If I come off as a shill that's too bad. :D

partially veiled

Lo Boob Oscillator
IMO this should be ended or moved elsewhere. I respect everyone's right to their own opinion, and Beezleb I really do love your "don't back down" honesty and opinionated nature, but I think this is just becoming clutter (not that I'm blaming you B--this is a full blown affair now and I realize you're just defending your stance). It's just that this is the longest thread going here at FC, and there's already enough info for a newb to sift through. I DO however think it's unfair to ask mods or admins to be "neutral"...their users like the rest of us, and their entitled to their feelings and opinions. If there is anything that should be required of mods IMO it would be simply that they be honest...if there is an issue, they have to change their opinions to reflect the true situation, not just stay on their soap boxes like the rest of us...but really, IMO, we should all change in the light of new information...so mods REALLY are just lke the rest of us, only with more people looking to them for answers, perhaps. Anyway, sorry if I'm only convoluting things further, but the point of this post was "let's take it elsewhere". The issue is beyond a discussion of the PD and into a discussion of ethics--which is certainly one worth having, but not here on Tom's already crowded thread.

FWIW, I have had zero issues with my adapter/cord in the 5+ months I've had my PD, and that's with daily, rather rough, usage. I do have a burnt out LED though. So you are very correct to say, B, that there are no doubt issues to be worked out and that this is the format to explore them in...let's do that.

My PD is cold right now (no vaping for me so no need to heat the sucker)...boy, it feels totally lifeless...:(
I think I may have to heat it up and diffuse some oils, just to feel that warmth again...:luv:
partially veiled,


'Socratic Existentialist, MD'
I believe this has gone of topic and as I have stated this before I am done with this discussion
I agree I can't believe I read all of those posts at the end looking for a nugget ;) of goodness (I am an admitted information addict :lol: )

I have a desire to contribute my :2c: in an effort to help resolve this conflict, but not in this thread ;) .

Related to the PD:
I had a friend over who is interested in purchasing a PD. We watched the durability tests while we hooked it up to everything accessory that was clean. He asked me if the PD was supposed to vibrate when you tap the side and if (whatever that is) could contribute to problems caused by something coming loose down the road. I was pretty sure I had remembered that this had been discussed and Tom had said the reverberation one would hear if they were to smack the side of the unit were normal and that everything were secure inside, but didn't care to look through 50(?) pages of discussions. When I said this, he replied, "So, it would be cool if I played the side of this like some kind of vibrating instrument? :D ". We got into a deep conversation about whether the durability tests that were done covered this scenario, which I think ended when we realized that we were trying to factor the difference between the gravity on Mars and the gravity on Earth. We then realized that we could just log on to FC and ask, so here we are...

I was wondering if anyone (especially the great-and-wise creator of our little wooden children, Tom!) could shed some light on this (possibly a durability test? :lol: ).

My friend also wants to know if you would be willing to do more freezing temperature durability tests in case he accidentally/intentionally leaves it in his car overnight (even when I was skiing it was always charged or with a dead battery in my coat pocket, so :shrug: ).

I will end with a tip for all of you PD owners. If you clean your parts with gin instead of iso it takes slightly longer, but is safer and you can drink the infused gin when it gets too 'dirty' to use (I clean the outside of the tubes before putting them in the gin for this purpose ;) ). If you vaporize various herbs/oils, this can be a nice flavorful infused gin; if you live somewhere where you are able to vaporize cannabis (and only vaporize that) this could make a nice green-dragonesque Gin and Chronic (maybe with some tonic water :cool: ).
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