Oldfart, I have always wondered where those packed and finished stems that I find after an eventful night come from.

I am going to stay up tonight after an intentionally eventful evening (no work tomorrow) to catch that bird.
Madcap, I wish I had a wife who pooped Purple Days Units. That is like the goose who lays the golden egg! (Madcap laughs?). Just kidding ;p (except for the part that implied that she is a keeper

And, Hereatlast...best in glass?

That is so cool. There is so much in that picture as you scroll around. Those must be the screens we had talked about that increase airflow and slow clogging in the front of the pic, right? And, that jagito in the back looks like it not much longer than the PD stem in it!
I can't believe that this cowntest is almost over and I couldn't pull together a single picture.
Well, toke it easy, all.