Lwien is joking we will be sticking with our standard business cards. Is that Saffron?
Thanks for the logo comment, Puget, I'll let the brand manager know.

Uhh, I guess that's me. Thanks.
Pammy and I were dreaming that day, she came up with the Purple-Days name, I was thinking of what a 'purple day' would be like and thought you needed a purple Sun to have a purple day.
So I opened Photo Filter and mouse sketched a rough idea, purple on white, the PD logo, for graphic design reasons (laser work) it is now a black on white.
It has remained unchanged since day one. It felt right.
Here is a little behind the scenes of some of the other PD beginnings.
Biz card selection.
Here were some ideas we rejected.
We started with this one.
But I prefer to use my own art rather than stock photos or public domain materials by others.
So this
is the modern Purple-Days biz card, photo by me. Cape Blanco Light, about 5 miles from the birthplace of the PD.
All Sapele units ( and a bunch of others) will be going out today and tomorrow. Did them (Sapele) as a batch along with the other species.
Here is how I think.

When I box units for shipment I have a big batch of units and a big batch of matching boxes with all the other stuff pre loaded, by Pammy. Each box has a code on the side to tell me the wood species and leather style. I grab the next box and grab a unit that matches the code. Buyer names are unimportant to me (and I probably wouldn't recognize them if I looked). ie. random unit (grain pattern) selection. I try to treat everyone equally. I don't care if you are an FC member, or the King of France they (orders) are all the same to me and receive (and deserve) equal treatment.
BTW this batch of Sapele all came from the same stick of wood. I had 17 bodies. One went to Pammy and another to a buddy, both of those got the rear mounted purple LED, leaving 15 bodies. One went out early as an order (species) change leaving 11 orders and 14 bodies. I had Pammy come in and pick out the best looking 11 units, those are the ones that have been assembled and will be boxed randomly to fill orders.
This is also how I fill other species orders... Next is next.