Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer


Dead Foot Designs
Accessory Maker
So I have a little kit I got from a craft store. It is a square plastic box that holds 10 little round, plastic containers with screw lids. Each one holds 1 gram. I use it to pre-grind my herbs, store them in the small containers, and label each as to what it is.

Last night before I fell asleep, I unscrewed all the tops and placed them in front of a dehumidifier overnight. This dried out the ground herbs quite a bit more than they already were. This stuff was in mason jars and cured for several weeks. Eight types in all. Perfect dryness for smoking, but not vamping, I figured.

This morning I grabbed my little container of Widow and brought it upstairs. Now, I usually use the EQ in the morning, either a bag or whip hits through the bong. I always use a nice sativa to get things going for the day.

The newly dried herbs worked MUCH better in the PD. One small tube gave me 4 really heavy, milky hits. I think it will be a much better dryness for the MFLB, too. Probably for the EQ as well, but too lesser extent.

Just wanted to share this with everyone as first hand experience. I know it has been suggested to use dry herbs, but I am surprised just how much of a difference it actually makes.


Just finished putting together my new PD Pandora :ko: Tom and Pam are running a great company and their products are great. I just cant express how much I love this vape in its design and functionality. Also, my most efficient vaporizer and happens to be my daily workhorse at the same time. Ill get some pictures up tomorrow sometime..


Well-Known Member
Purple-Days said:
And the gross figure he estimated is way off too. I wish . . . :rolleyes:

Minus materials . . . Minus expenses. . . minus taxes. . . yeah, I could make more money as a butcher. . . :cool:
love the Zappa reference


Well-Known Member
I love Tom. He's jus Fred Sanford over here...:lol:

Tom could do OK, if he could magically grow a couple decades younger and be able to work the long hours again. I look at those boxes and I'd work on em till they were all done, then I'd eat, go to sleep, wake up and start again. I'd hit the computer maybe once a week. But I'm still young, I just turnd 50 and in MN that means 30 to you.


'Socratic Existentialist, MD'
I mentioned a while back that it can be helpful to snip a 1/4" of silicone tubing (if you have some laying around) to stretch over the lip of the copper aromatherapy cup. This makes it notably cooler to the touch, grippier, and easier to remove.

If it is still too hot, then some sort of tongs (pliers, etc.) may be your best bet.

Just my 2 cents...


Well-Known Member
I have been carefully considering grinders for some time,
and I think I am planning to get the mix n ball tripple screen, seven part grinder for $120,

but what do people think about using this particular grinder with the PD?
I kind of like the novelty of having seven parts, but the mix n ball site doesn't give measurements for the hole sizes in the grinding section, it gives them for the two keif catching screens, just not the grinding section,

so I would like peoples thoughts on weather it grinds up two finely for the PD, or just write or not enough.
After all, $120 is quite a bit to spend, but I figure I might as well go for quality, and I don't want to risk getting something like a knock off space case, and I have pretty much ruled out sharpstone after all the reports of broken or bent teeth.


Well-Known Member
I dont think that all is neccesary(or practical IMO) for the grind your looking for.
I would reccomend a 2 piece Space Case. This particular Space Case has become a favorite among users here and elsewhere. The thing about a 2 piece is that you can simply choose how fine or course you want to grind it, there are no holes to automatically designate the size of the grind. If you want it finer, just grind more. Space Case really is the best grinder brand, fyi. You could easily find a 4 piece SC for $100. I honestly dont know why you would want a 7 part grinder.

For the record, I have both a medium and large 2 piece titanium SC.


Well-Known Member
OK, I will think about that.
before starting to consider mix n ball, I did consider the space case crystal catcher listed on everyonedoesit.co.uk
I wasn't completely clear, is that 3 or 4 piece? and has anyone tried it with the PD?

I tried to visit the
www.spacecasecutlery.com website given on the grinder thread, but the url is dead. It seems to me with apparently no official website, it is very easy to get ripped off and not get something that is a genuine spacecase product.
After all, for example how do I know the products listed on everyonedoesit.co.uk are genuine spacecase? the price might look right, and they may look genuine, but there is it seems to me just no way to tell for sure seemingly without an official website.


Well-Known Member
Aqualabtechnologies.com has real Space Cases. And I'm pretty sure lwien uses a Space Case with a PD.


Well-Known Member
Nycdeisel said:
And I'm pretty sure lwien uses a Space Case with a PD.

Yup, I do. 2pc ti SC. Had a 4pc ti SC. Gave it to my son. Love mah 2pc. Allows for a finer grind without going to the hassle of turning the 4pc upside down, plus, I want as much kief in my bud ALL the time, not just some of the time.


Well-Known Member
Vapormonkey says, "I'd work on em till they were all done, then I'd eat, go to sleep, wake up and start again..."

There is around 200+ hours of work left to do, to finish that many (from that point). That's a long time to go without food or sleep or a life... But you seem to be a superman, and could probably do it. ;) :2c:

Try a Spacecase 2 piece Alexwallis, it will last a lifetime. Loose one piece of that Mix-N-Ball and you are screwed. Spacecase even has a magnet to hold the two sections together.


Well-Known Member
Hi Tom. I think I recall this being answered before so sorry for the repeat, but this thread has gotten so enormous that I wouldn't even know where to start to look.

I noticed today that the metal elements of my unit seem to have loosened considerably. If I grab the metal around the center hole (don't know what to call it exactly), I can wiggle it like a loose tooth. The whole thing - the base washer, the hole, and the rod perpendicular to the hole - moves as one. When I move the unit I can feel something inside it shifting or giving, though I'm not sure if this is just the feeling of these top pieces moving, or if there's something inside the wood in motion as well.

Is there an easy at-home fix for this? I recall something about sticking a screwdriver in, but I didn't want to start messing around without getting your advice first.


Well-Known Member
Plotinus said:
Hi Tom. I think I recall this being answered before so sorry for the repeat, but this thread has gotten so enormous that I wouldn't even know where to start to look.

I noticed today that the metal elements of my unit seem to have loosened considerably. If I grab the metal around the center hole (don't know what to call it exactly), I can wiggle it like a loose tooth. The whole thing - the base washer, the hole, and the rod perpendicular to the hole - moves as one. When I move the unit I can feel something inside it shifting or giving, though I'm not sure if this is just the feeling of these top pieces moving, or if there's something inside the wood in motion as well.

Is there an easy at-home fix for this? I recall something about sticking a screwdriver in, but I didn't want to start messing around without getting your advice first.
the unit comes with a little cylindrical pc of wood with a purple logo on it. That is the tool to reset the clip. set the unit on a solid surface- insert tool in top opening .. hit tool sharply with a hammer to re-seat clip. all this info is in your manual or on the PD website. Enjoy!


Well-Known Member
Ah, now I'm remembering a bit. I think I purchased my unit before they started including that tool, because I didn't receive one in my packages. Is there something I could use as a substitute?


Well-Known Member
@ spentskeeper: that does not look like a quality grinder, not to mention the shape AND position of the teeth seem like they would seriously compromise your grind. Look at Space Case if you really want the best.


Well-Known Member
And now I see from the website that they'll send me one of those by request. I'll take this to email.


Well-Known Member
Nycdeisel said:
@ spentskeeper: that does not look like a quality grinder, not to mention the shape AND position of the teeth seem like they would seriously compromise your grind. Look at Space Case if you really want the best.


Well-Known Member
Honestly, if your buds are moist enough but dry enough to SMOKE, they wont need much drying, maybe overnight sitting openly. But it doesnt take much to dry out herb. A day out of my mason jar and my herb is definitely dry enough to vape!


Well-Known Member
Top of the fridge is a warm, open spot where air circulates. TV sets used to be a good (semi-free) source of low heat (if you watch TV).


Master JedHI
Like to dry mine in the vapor tube. I place the vapor tube in the heat exchanger tube at a 45 degree angle. The tube will now draw in room air with the heat exchanger air and slowly dry it at a lower temperature. This also gives you some very tasty hits. There won't be much vapor at first but it will taste really good and you can inhale deeply because it is cooler.
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