Our leather supplier, Churchill, cracks me up. He gets odd lots of leather and needs to describe them. Well he 'feels the need' to describe them. This is his description, of some black horse leather he just got into the warehouse...
"We don't call this leather Black Gold because of how nice it is. Sure, it's nice, but the name comes from an old racing horse. Maybe this is him...
Horse leather is a by-product of raising horses - no horses are raised just for their leather, so why let it go to waste when your friend, Flicka, makes that weird gurgling sound, turns her eyeballs skyward, and tips over into the raspberry bushes?
Let's make good leather out of the old girl, and wear her around for years.
Fact is, the fibers that make up horse leather are packed tightly together, so it usually doesn't wear out very fast at all."
BTW I meant creative photographers and photos. The PD itself is a tool, not art.
Kali gets spoiled a little.
Yep, the laser guy is a wood guy. We tell him to make his best guess on placement and I am happy with his tastes. He owns the shop where the Billy Bowls and Tube Holders are turned. Nice gift shop on Hwy. 101 with woodworking facilities out back including a bandmill and a kiln and plenty of shop space and tooling.
Uhh, PD quantities. Well each kit takes about 3.5 - 4 hours of work from start to final brown paper wrap. Most workdays are 8-12 hours and I work everyday that something like Doctors or something else doesn't interfere. So 15 - 20 a week, more like 15. People who
can't do math probably think that's a lot of money...