It is a small world indeed. Been in touch with folks who know our old stomping grounds. And keepin' in touch with folks we may never get to meet. Lots of fun thinking about those places.
Apologies to all, for my recent AWOL. 'Let it go', someone said, so let's do that.
Welcome to the Purple Family to those that have joined recently, glad to have you all aboard.
Baikal asks about the vapor tubes and how they are made, I think. Nothing remakable, but they do take some time. I have done some time studies on the whole vape making process and the 3 tubes (metalwork and plastic and assembly) take about 60-70 minutes.
What takes so long? They start as 8 foot plastic (#5) rod. This is cut to the cigarillo length. Careful stacking keeps them straight (and takes time) till they are ready for the next phase. A Rockler pencil drilling jig is used to center and through bore the tubes from each end, (7/32" for those keeping score) and then bored to a stop depth for the stainless tip with a 9/32" bit that matches the steel tip. Then shaping each end. That has changed a bit over time and new tools have made a consistent end product easier to achieve.
The steel undergoes several steps before Pammy gets to install clips and screens and do some final clean up and inspections.
Really nothing much in the vapor tube has changed since the Eterra except the materials used.
Glad to be back, let's take it in a positive direction.