Ive played with this thing in every conceivable variation when it comes to toying with the heat. 9v,12v,13.5v, with and without coozies at all voltages, and keeping the top covered. I personally like to use it with either 12v with the coozy, or as of late 13.5 with no coozy. Like Tom said, it is harsher, closer to smoke, but I find that it isnt burning the load and the large draws coming off of it are on par with my SSV and Extreme. I'm sure the hotter temps will no doubt take a toll on the longevity of the wood, and possibly the electronics, but I'm willing to be the guinea pig. Keep in mind, my pd is NOT COVERED BY WARRENTY!!!

This all started because of a H.O. alternator on my truck and a ride with my PD!
I love my Purple Days!!!!!