Anyone else tried this?
Ive been experimenting with ABV. So I extracted some oil from the ABV and then let it pretty much evaporate down to thick goo.
Next I packed the first half of my PD stem with nice herb, I then took a tiny bit of the oil and worked it into the bowl,( not too easy since the stuff is sticky as hell) then i topped(or bottomed) off the bowl with more herb.
- Massive Clouds ( choke-able type)

I let the stem warm up for about 30 seconds before i took a draw
- depending on how u hit ur PD u get more hits ( I can usually finish off one bowl in one good pull.....WOK THOSE LUNGS!) With the above method i get about 3 or four of the same type pulls

- A very deep cerebral high( i guess that all depends also on the type of herb used to make the oil) Might even give you a head ache if ur not used to sooo much goodness at once.
* Clean up wasnt bad - The reason i packed the oil between herb was to limit any drip-age ( i had zero drip-age)
*Will clog ur screen faster, but not in one sitting
Try it at your own worked for me though
i know that you can use any ol alcohol to cleanup ur stem in the purple tube, but I use 190 proof Everclear, and I only need to let my stems sit in the alcohol for about a minute beofore they are clean.