This forum is just making my wait painful. I was all prepared for the long haul, but now I feel like it is going to be an eternity. I am only number 3172, but I only ordered a few weeks ago, knowing I would be waiting well into the new year. Luckily I have my extreme to keep me company until it comes. I am being realistic and hoping for February, but I realize given everything Tom has been going through that even that may be reaching.
Keep up the good work Tom, it is the philosophy behind the Purple Days, even more than the unit itself, that made me want to order one, so I am more than willing to stick out the wait, however long it may be. Remember your own health and well being are more important then appeasing the masses.
Keep up the good work Tom, it is the philosophy behind the Purple Days, even more than the unit itself, that made me want to order one, so I am more than willing to stick out the wait, however long it may be. Remember your own health and well being are more important then appeasing the masses.