The following is based on instinct, not fact, but knowing the VapeNow crew...
First, I think an honest estimate is best. I have nothing to do with the estimates, other than my ability to supply product.
Hmmm, 9 weeks. Sure, the length of the list changes.
The VapeNow crew know how many I produce a week and know the length of the waiting list. They are producing an estimate for prospective buyers. Folks thinking about buying.
This (current) estimate would have no bearing on past orders, those orders were placed under a previous estimate. That previous estimate is not affected by the current wait list length or estimate.
All that said, it is an estimate. If I can do anything to shorten the wait, I will, (and am).
And sometimes things happen. In the past month or so we have had two deaths in the family, an eye surgery and recovery period, and a 4 day trip to San Francisco and back to pick up our new puppy. Except for the surgery, all were unplanned. Life can throw you a curve ball or two.
Now back to work trying to shorten the wait.