I just wrote a full page vent-post and decided it can be boiled down to one or two key statements/questions. I'll spare everyone the whole thing and boil it down just a bit.
I'm a healthy, balanced, normal person. I love Tom and Pammy just on principal, I don't need to spell out why. I'm pretty sure we all do. None of this is about them whatsoever.
When i paid for the product, i was told to expect 9+weeks wait. Clearly it's been longer than that. Business needs come up, there are reasons, i get that. Not a problem. I do feel however that transparency is the answer to the woes of the quiet non-complainer like me (and to busy self-starter small business owners.. but I'll get to that). Vapenow clearly says they don't respond to email inquiries regarding wait time. This is not the case, as plenty of people have asked and posted their responses here. This bothers me. Sometimes I feel the squeaky wheel gets the grease, what's in it for the patient, good customer? The one who paid full price just like everyone else and has been waiting without a single peep from the retailer.
Don't people think that simply sharing real information would solve this problem? We've gone so far as a community of wannabe owners, that we've compiled our own wait list?... Come on. This is 2010 and we haven't ordered a kit-car from the back of a magazine.
Can't vapenow just share their real order number list and be honest about the quantity and frequency of their re-stocking? Shouldn't they be intrinsically motivated to do so? isn't it in -everyone's- best interest? In my mind, this would stop the emails from those who disregard the rules and negate the need for so many people to be bashing their heads against the walls wondering when they're going to get their product. Information, vs. guessing that's all. Customer service is all about setting the right expectation with your customer. Tom and Pam do a great job of that on their product website. Others, not so much.
Again just my

$.02 I was thinking 9+ and then mid wait, out comes the pandora. The product meant for me. Normally I'd be happy that such a great thing is put out, I can't help but interpret it as a cosmic slap on my other cheek. "Should I cancel and get pandora? Nah, they're just about to ship my PD, I'm sure. Be patient..."
So i continued waiting, the pandoras started shipping, and newer customers put PD's to their lips. I don't think my situation is anybody's fault, and I'm mostly just complaining.... the past 15 weeks were fun (thanks to all on this AWESOME board), but now every day without a status change is more discouraging than the last. I don't like doing business this way, am I the only one? I'm pretty sure my post will be misinterpreted, as I have a way of messing up my words, but one last chance to clarify, I promise:
I'm happy that i get to buy one, i don't mind waiting. I just wish the -exclusive- retailer would realize how lucky they are to be able to offer this product, and decide to be proactive, and innovative about improving the customer experience. I think people would pay considerably more for one, if somebody (maybe it needs to be a competing retailer?) delivered a better buying experience with an identical wait period. Bah.
"Hey, sorry we told you 9 weeks, shit has come up. We're so sorry! I have 23 people ahead of you, and things have been coming in around 15-20 units per week. Only a couple more weeks!"
That kind of email would've squelched this bitch before it even came up. How hard is that?... Again. Come on, this is their business!!!!!!!! It doesn't take Steve Jobs does it?