what 10 week wait???? when i first ordered my pd i was assured by you at the cannabis forums that it was an accurate quote (at the time it was 9+ weeks). now, you and i both know that it was off by at least 5 weeks. so, it makes a lot of sense why tony would cancel if he thought he would only have to wait approximately 10 weeks when in actuality it was another month on top of that.lwien said:Sure it's true. He said, "I recently had to cancel my order of pd reluctantly, it sucks to wait 2 1/2 months........". 2 1/2 months is 10 weeks, and saying that he canceled his order because the 10 week wait time sucks, after he placed his order knowing full well that it was going to be at least 10 weeks doesn't make any sense.SSS said:that's actually not true and is the subject of my only beef with the pd ordering experience.lwien said:What really doesn't make sense is that you knew full well what the wait time was but ordered it anyway and now, after doing so, you are complaining about the wait time and canceled your order. THAT doesn't make sense.
regardless, it's nice to see the vapenow site updated with a more accurate quote and i will continue to keep the list alive so people know some of the details of where they stand.