For goodness' sake Lwien, you are jumping the "problematic customers" gun here. He just asked a question. You've jumped to the execution without a trial or conviction. Yes, if a customer is problematic...But are we really there yet? If a proprietor cannot handle some mildly annoying questions he shouldn't be in the business of dealing with the public. Because dealing with the public sucks. Bitching about it won't change it anymore than bitching will change the wait time. And the waiting time is absurd. It doesn't mean it isn't what it is. It doesn't mean Tom isn't doing the best he can. It just means it sucks to wait sometimes. That's the way I took it, anyway.lwien said:You can roll your eyes all you want, reece. The fact of the matter is, is that Tom is not running your "typical" business for he is more than willing to sacrifice the lost profit of a particular customer for personal quality of life, and if a problematic customer is causing him grief, than he has every right to cut him off. He has refused to do business with customers like this in the past, and I seriously doubt that it has negatively affected his business one iota. His business plan is working for him.
Should other businesses adopt his plan? Only if it fits their lifestyle. Attitude has NOTHING to do with it and neither does your judgement call here. It's neither good, nor bad. It's just the way one chooses to run their business.
Tom, why do you use the eye wink when you are not kidding?Purple-Days said:Reece you are confusing a post made by a FC user, with my attitude towards a waiting list. But you aren't really confused are you? Just another person fanning the same lame flame.![]()
I apologize lwien. I didn't realize I was dealing with a perfect person who has never been wrong when complaining about something. Someone who has never had unrealistic expectations. I get it now. You're better than everyone else. Everyone I know have made those kinds of mistakes once or twice in a lifetime. My bad.lwien said:The bottom line is this, reese. He called the wait time absurd knowing full well what the wait time was BEFORE he decided to join it, but joined it anyway.
Have I ever been impatient about something? Sure I have. Have I ever expressed my displeasure about waiting too long for something? Sure I have, but......................I'll only express my displeasure IF my expectations were not met, or that false claims were made and not followed through with. Tom and VapeNow has not made false claims regarding the wait times. They are clearly spelled in BOLD lettering for anyone considering the purchase of this vape, so if one then decides to sign on and wait in that line knowing full well what the wait time is, and then to come in here to complain about it and call it itself, imho..............absurd, and is a very clear indication that this customer COULD be a real pain in the ass in any future dealings with him.
That's my stance on it reece. You are obviously free to disagree, but surly won't change my mind on this matter so, with that, I'll bow out of this particular debate. Nothing more to be said, at least from me.
Perfect? Not in the least. Have I ever been wrong when complaining about something? Sure I have. And when I have, I was deservedly called out on it, as I have done here. It's all part of the learning process, reece.reece said:I apologize lwien. I didn't realize I was dealing with a perfect person who has never been wrong when complaining about something. Someone who has never had unrealistic expectations. I get it now. You're better than everyone else. Everyone I know have made those kinds of mistakes once or twice in a lifetime. My bad.
I think you are in fact seeing some anxiety over expectations not being met. The list waiting time was at 7, then 9, then 9+, then 10+, so there have been people who purchased their place in line, then the wait times increased after they purchased. Now you might argue that the change in wait time does not affect those that are already on the list, but there are indeed people who purchased at 7 week wait which stretched to 12. The wait now seems to be in the 12-14 week range, while it is still listed as 10 weeks at VapeNow. So, you have a stated wait time that doesn't carry much weight, and to compound this issue you forbid people from knowing where in the line they are, and you make them pre-pay, you are going to get an antsy crowd.lwien said:I'll only express my displeasure IF my expectations were not met, or that false claims were made and not followed through with. Tom and VapeNow has not made false claims regarding the wait times.
A few comments. One, is I'd like to know where you got the info that the wait time is now 12-14 weeks?tuttle said:I think you are in fact seeing some anxiety over expectations not being met. The list waiting time was at 7, then 9, then 9+, then 10+, so there have been people who purchased their place in line, then the wait times increased after they purchased. Now you might argue that the change in wait time does not affect those that are already on the list, but there are indeed people who purchased at 7 week wait which stretched to 12. The wait now seems to be in the 12-14 week range, while it is still listed as 10 weeks at VapeNow. So, you have a stated wait time that doesn't carry much weight, and to compound this issue you forbid people from knowing where in the line they are, and you make them pre-pay, you are going to get an antsy crowd.lwien said:I'll only express my displeasure IF my expectations were not met, or that false claims were made and not followed through with. Tom and VapeNow has not made false claims regarding the wait times.
Personally I feel if a seller is taking peoples' money upfront, they owe them some transparency. At this point the buyer technically owns the product and the seller need to let them know where they stand. If a seller is unwilling to do this, you need to charge the card when the order ships.
Have I ever pretended to be on the PD wait list? And if you read my post carefully you'll see I'm not calling the wait time absurd. I was speaking from the point-of-view of the person who let his impatience get the better of him.Purple-Days said:Yes, you are trying to stir things up, reece. You have no desire for a PD, you are not on any wait list for a PD (don't pretend), and you call the wait time absurd. What exactly are you contributing to this discussion? There, was that plain enough? I notice you calling people stupid in another thread, un-related to this. Maybe it's just your style to cause a commotion.
The last sentence clearly shows that I am talking about what I thought was behind the poster's comments on the wait time. Should I have included "to him" after absurd?And the waiting time is absurd. It doesn't mean it isn't what it is. It doesn't mean Tom isn't doing the best he can. It just means it sucks to wait sometimes. That's the way I took it, anyway.
But you knew that already. Just as you know I wasn't calling the wait time absurd. Why else would you not supply the proof of these things you are accusing me of?rayski said:They're coming to take us away...ha,ha...they're coming to take us away.reece said:Experts chosen by the new world order to disseminate mis-information to sheeple like you. You see, only those who believe as I are analytical thinkers. The rest are lazy, gullible, get my drift. So, now that I've presented my argument, that's the part where I called you stupid, can't you see the error of your ways?rayski said:I listen to the climate scientists because they are the experts.![]()
I guess we shouldn't listen to that guy.Share times, info, disgust, whatever with each other in this thread.
I kiss no ones ass. Tried to kiss my own once though and got a major charlie horse in my neck. TMI I know, but what the hell. Makes for an interesting visual.Purple-Days said:I don't want any ass kissers............
First, I want to make it clear that I was not trying to insinuate that Tom or VapeNow where knowingly making false claims or purposely underestimating delivery time. I think Tom is working very hard to meet demand, and I think VapeNow did a very good thing by creating the waiting list. I didn't want to read as another Negative Nelly, but rather was just trying to give my opinion as to why some people might be less than happy with the wait time.lwien said:...I'd like to know where you got the info that the wait time is now 12-14 weeks?
Secondly, I stand behind my statement above of "Tom and VapeNow has not made false claims regarding the wait times."
I obviously can not speak for elhoel, but I would imagine that someone who is far down on the list reading about people far ahead of them experiencing delays, they may assume that those delays will cascade and increase down the wait list. As to why (s)he doesn't just step out of line then, I can not answer, but I would imagine stepping out becomes somewhat disinsentivized when you already have your money on the table (or perhaps (s)he feels there is no good competition?). I haven't stepped out because I am excited about the payoff, and was already expecting the longer lead time.lwien said:So when you say that "I think you are in fact seeing some anxiety over expectations not being met.", what were elhoel's expectations? He said in his post that he hasn't been waiting that long, so I interpret that to mean that he hasn't been waiting for 10 weeks yet. How could his expectations not be met yet?
I take your point. If I had started the sentence with, "This is how I took what he said," there may have been less confusion. Maybe. And I was far from poor at basic English. But I wasn't in "composition" mode. I was writing as I speak.Purple-Days said:Reece, yes I was still confused...
The tone of a paragraph, in English , is set by the first sentence. You must (or should) convey the basic thought of the paragraph in a clear manner for the rest of the thought to follow in a logical order that we may all follow. Basic English. Which I did poorly at, but tried. Did my participle dangle, who knows?
You say, "And the waiting time is absurd. It doesn't mean it isn't what it is. It doesn't mean Tom isn't doing the best he can. It just means it sucks to wait sometimes. That's the way I took it, anyway."
I don't want any ass kissers and I don't need a bunch of carrion birds either.
Guess I will have to say sorry, Reece, I mis-interpreted the whole thing. And the other thread too. Sarcasm is very hard to interpret in a forum. Please excuse me.
Oh winky's and smileys can be mis-understood too. But, that's a whole other subject.
Yet here you are bothering to reply.Sinclue said:After reading part of one post by the "reece" character it was easy to skip on down to possibly more worthwhile posts. Not sure why folks like that (and the ones who are sucked into playing his game and replying) bother.
And how exactly did I goad Tom into anything? Maybe, instead of skipping around you should read everything before drawing a conclusion, which certainly in your case is the place you arrived when you got tired of thinking.Every time he is goaded into taking time to reply to negative posts is time taken away from making my PD.
It's funny how people project their own traits onto others. Have you read the first post of this thread? Of course I shouldn't expect that you read the entire post but surely you read the first sentence which, I've recently been reminded, sets the tone for what follows. Don't bother, here it is.So I would ask that folks try to stick to the subject and perhaps take their bitching offline or to some other forum where they might actually care what you think.
And you have the nerve to call me an idiot. You have the nerve to bitch about others not sticking to the subject? The first sentence of the first post says this is the place for bitching.Max said:Post info, comments, complaints, etc. here, and not in the PD thread.
You got something on your lips there. No, no, right there. OHHHH! You've got it all over your face now.And although it will mean a longer wait I hope Tom is going to take a nice relaxing holiday break and will return refreshed and rejuvenated.
You come here two hours after the matter had been squashed. You say I am provoking something despite the fact that I have proven the opposite (long before you posted). And you admit to rendering your judgment without reading all of the evidence.Happy holidays to all...even the "idiots"