PUFFiT portable


as in dumb as
Yes, but does opening the unit void the warranty?
of course it does, now you know why I am dumb as a box of rock

Andrew, the mfg rep, suggested that nothing get pushed through the tubing as it may become dislodged from its fittings. Sound advise and taking apart your puffit wouldnt be wise.

I feel there is nothing to lose I dont like the taste, really couldnt afford it, wouldnt give to my worst friend and there is no satifaction guarantee.

So,,, Mod it, appeal to the mfg or throw it away

should have got a MLFB, I just need something when the power goes out. I dont medicate outside of my house. I dont need to hide a thing I just want it to work


Well-Known Member
So can anyone assure me that even though it tastes like plastic....... what im inhaling is safe?

This product has me very iffy

Frederick McGuire

Aggressively Loungey
The manufacturer said it was residue that was considered "food safe". This should be burnt off during production for future models.
No-one seemed to doubt that when he said it, so that's been my assumption.

Hopefully someone more knowledgeable than myself can chime in?
Frederick McGuire,


as in dumb as
The manufacturer said it was residue that was considered "food safe". This should be burnt off during production for future models.
No-one seemed to doubt that when he said it, so that's been my assumption.

Hopefully someone more knowledgeable than myself can chime in?
From Andrew
Re: Plasticky taste.I'm sorry folks are having troubles. It does seem to be a bit subjective and we may never be able to make everyone 100% happy but we are working on improving things.
We Have found a new silicone vendor and are ensuring ALL the silicone parts are post cured.
We have also increased our burn in time for our heating chambers prior to shipping to help eliminate any residue.
That tells me they know the old vendor supplied items that were of bad quality and no recourse for those first few suckers that bought it. As I mentioned earlier I will pay for new silicone parts from the new supplier but it falls on deaf ears.

I know I have said it before but I really need to stop complaining on this thread. From the lack of response of my questions from puffit or other members here over the last unknown mult pages I give up. I am disabled ( which is probibly the norm here) and I have no extra money in my budget for frivolous purchases and it is my fault for buying a product on preorder with no reviews.

My apologies for my ranting and I do realize it my problem and will not muddy the thread any further. My last word is an appeal to the manufacturer to allow an end user to buy the improved silicone. The taste is real, it makes no sense having a delivery system that make the nausea worse


Well-Known Member
Didn't someone on here say that you could cure the silicone in a toaster oven at 150? The only issue i have with that is would i have to get a new toaster oven after? Because of the plastic smell lingering in there.

I too would buy new silicone pieces.

Hey Box, what other vape where you interested in buying before you bought the Puffit?


Well-Known Member
Good Morning All
The postman just brought my unit ordered July 5th. Less than three weeks from preorder to delivery IMO is pretty good service. I did get the wall adapter, but it was buried in the bottom of the shipping box so perhaps those that didn't get one may have missed it in the hurry to unpack it. It show a fill charge on delivery but I am charging it anyway. I removed the prescription label off my real inhaler and attached it to the Puffit. Talk about stealth now! I got a nice neoprene pouch with it, which I don't remember anyone mentioning. I will say mine came out if California while most of you have said yours came from NJ. I'm wondering if this is going to make any difference as to the taste if these are two different batches chronologically. I will try it out later today and report back. As well I expect the Pax to show up late next week (supposed to be Aug. 2nd), so I will try to work up a comparison then. I will also try and post a pic f the Puffit with the prescription label on it.


Well-Known Member
Good Morning All
The postman just brought my unit ordered July 5th. Less than three weeks from preorder to delivery IMO is pretty good service. I did get the wall adapter, but it was buried in the bottom of the shipping box so perhaps those that didn't get one may have missed it in the hurry to unpack it. It show a fill charge on delivery but I am charging it anyway. I removed the prescription label off my real inhaler and attached it to the Puffit. Talk about stealth now! I got a nice neoprene pouch with it, which I don't remember anyone mentioning. I will say mine came out if California while most of you have said yours came from NJ. I'm wondering if this is going to make any difference as to the taste if these are two different batches chronologically. I will try it out later today and report back. As well I expect the Pax to show up late next week (supposed to be Aug. 2nd), so I will try to work up a comparison then. I will also try and post a pic f the Puffit with the prescription label on it.

Most of us received the pouch. Just not the charger. They shipped mine in a bag so no charger.

Can't wait for your review.


Vaporist Extrordinair
That tells me they know the old vendor supplied items that were of bad quality and no recourse for those first few suckers that bought it. As I mentioned earlier I will pay for new silicone parts from the new supplier but it falls on deaf ears.

I know I have said it before but I really need to stop complaining on this thread. From the lack of response of my questions from puffit or other members here over the last unknown mult pages I give up. I am disabled ( which is probibly the norm here) and I have no extra money in my budget for frivolous purchases and it is my fault for buying a product on preorder with no reviews.

My apologies for my ranting and I do realize it my problem and will not muddy the thread any further. My last word is an appeal to the manufacturer to allow an end user to buy the improved silicone. The taste is real, it makes no sense having a delivery system that make the nausea worse[/quote

It is not just your problem BoxofRock, it is everyones problem. Unfortunately there are manufacturers that are in this forthe dollars only. They see a nitch in the market and go for it, with dollars signs being the only goal.

It breaks my heart knowing that you are having a hard time with life in general, and most likely being disabled, you are on a fixed income, so extra cash is hard to come by. I know we all have to live with our own decisions, but for those of us with a heart, it does not make it any easier to read of your plight.

I had mentioned this on the Atmos Raw thread, but we are all here to relieve the stress and pain of everyday life, not to become more stressed by having to deal with a faulty product that a manufacturer will not address. I would be angry if I were in your shoes, and I am sorry you spent your money on a product that hinders your health.

Sir Dogman of Puffit is requesting a audience with Sir Andrew of Discreet Vape. You have a very unhappy customer on this thread, do you have a solution for his problem?

In the mean time, I would like to offer a suggestion for all the members here. I am not a rich man when it comes to money or possessions, but I am rich in good friends and good karma, and lead a very happy life. I don't know if there is an availability on this site for donations, but I would like to be the first to donate $10 to the 'BoxofRocks needs a new vaporizer' pool. His story cuts my soul, and the man just wants to feel better. Maybe I am way off base, but it is what my heart tells me to do.

With enough good karma, we could get this man a solid, clean, reliable vaporizer and make his life much easier.

Please don't apologize for complaining BoxofRocks, it is the only way we get anything to change, is by letting our voices be heard.


Well-Known Member
It is not just your problem BoxofRock, it is everyones problem. Unfortunately there are manufacturers that are in this for the dollars only. They see a nitch in the market and go for it, with dollars signs being the only goal.

It breaks my heart knowing that you are having a hard time with life in general, and most likely being disabled, you are on a fixed income, so extra cash is hard to come by. I know we all have to live with our own decisions, but for those of us with a heart, it does not make it any easier to read of your plight.

I had mentioned this on the Atmos Raw thread, but we are all here to relieve the stress and pain of everyday life, not to become more stressed by having to deal with a faulty product that a manufacturer will not address. I would be angry if I were in your shoes, and I am sorry you spent your money on a product that hinders your health.

Sir Dogman of Puffit is requesting a audience with Sir Andrew of Discreet Vape. You have a very unhappy customer on this thread, do you have a solution for his problem?

In the mean time, I would like to offer a suggestion for all the members here. I am not a rich man when it comes to money or possessions, but I am rich in good friends and good karma, and lead a very happy life. I don't know if there is an availability on this site for donations, but I would like to be the first to donate $10 to the 'BoxofRocks needs a new vaporizer' pool. His story cuts my soul, and the man just wants to feel better. Maybe I am way off base, but it is what my heart tells me to do.

With enough good karma, we could get this man a solid, clean, reliable vaporizer and make his life much easier.

Please don't apologize for complaining BoxofRocks, it is the only way we get anything to change, is by letting our voices be heard.

That's why i asked him in post # 1079 what other Vaporizer he would be interested in? I would send him an iolite from Amazon but i'm not sure if that would be good for him.

Does anyone have any other suggestions?

I think Discreet Vape should fix this issue. Or refund his money.

99% of all vendors just want our money.

Only 1% really care about the people.

mod note: back-to-back posts, merged, quoting fixed. you still seem to be struggling to learn how the forum software works, so you get one more break. the edit button is at the bottom of your posts, please use it in future, thanks
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Vaporist Extrordinair
The cleanest tasting vape I have ever used, I cannot mention or Momofthegoons will have me drawn and quartered. A lot would depend on his disability as to hand strength, the one I am thinking of requires some hand strength to turn on.

Please don't discipline me Mom, just trying to help.
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Well-Known Member
The cleanest tasting vape I have ever used, I cannot mention or Momofthegoons will have me drawn and quartered. A lot would depend on his disability as to hand strength, the one I am thinking of requires some hand strength to turn on.

Please don't discipline me Mom, just trying to help.

If your talking about the T1 i agree on the taste. But holding the sleeve up to heat and all those battery changes I'm not sure if that's the best choice for him?

Trust me Mom has a heart and a sense of humor too.

She has too since she has children.
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The cleanest tasting vape I have ever used, I cannot mention or Momofthegoons will have me drawn and quartered. A lot would depend on his disability as to hand strength, the one I am thinking of requires some hand strength to turn on.

Please don't discipline me Mom, just trying to help.

Someone above mentioned baking in a toaster oven at 150. That was my idea, just a thought and not tested. Try that at your own risk. I'm only going to vape mint leaves to start.

Dogman, what is the cleanest tasting vape? M.O.G. might post another sexy pic in leather so post away dude.


Toolbag v1.1 (candidate)
Staff member
As promised, here are the pics of my "prescription" Puffit. I think that adds something to the stealth factor.

I think those pictures show a bit too much personal info. You might want to blur out your name, your doctor's name, and maybe some of the other stuff. Just a suggestion, in the interests of stealth ;).


Ok got mine and here's an initial review:

Did not get wall charger, gotvape rep said they are sending them out separately. I am using an Igo Green PS00273-0001 plugged in to wall and usb to Puffit same time.

Out of box battery indicator was green. Loaded mint leaves and packed it. Cycled it over 25 times, 2 bowls, before the indicator started flashing red (low batt). Now charging. At least my battery appears good.


Slight plastic taste but the mint leaves cleared that up pretty quickly.
It gets hot with contuous cycles, def need the cap cover provided.
Mouthpiece is on there pretty tight so you need to get a good grip wrapping your fingers around it to get it off without pinching it and breaking it.
Works as advertised so far except for problem below.

Biggest drawback:

The cap is not on tight enough and herb will fall out around the top. A casual breath into or at the mouthpiece will blow herb out of the oven. I will not be using it out of the house for this reason alone. The loose cap is also why some note odors escaping. It will easily rotate off and spill contents. The loose cap situation could be corrected fairly easily by either extruding the silicone seal farther up so it contacts the cap to provide a positive seal or (preferably) modifying the cap with an insert or additional silicone washer which will seal the oven when the cap is screwed on. An additional silicone washer in the cap may help make for a more secure closure when the cap is rotated on.

I am considering using an extra screen to insert on top of the full bowl to keep the contents where they belong or some other mod to get a better seal with the cap.

The manufacturer should offer a free replacement cap or seal to all of us who bought this item so the contents are secure. Discreet Vape are you listening? If you don't correct the problem your sales will peter out and you won't be selling many of these.


Well-Known Member
Out of box battery indicator was green. Loaded mint leaves and packed it. Cycled it over 25 times, 2 bowls, before the indicator started flashing red (low batt). Now charging. At least my battery appears good.

Thanks for this information. I assume these were 'chain cycles'? That is one right after another. I suspect you'll get a different answer if you let it cool down between hits as would normally happen?

Can you please try that?

Also, were you actually taking full hits (drawing cool air through it)?




Thanks for this information. I assume these were 'chain cycles'? That is one right after another. I suspect you'll get a different answer if you let it cool down between hits as would normally happen?

Can you please try that?

Also, were you actually taking full hits (drawing cool air through it)?



Yep, continuous use although I let it go to red in between. I assume that a cooldown will mean a longer heatup time and more batt drain but also gives the batt time to recover a bit. I don't have time to test that right now since I'll be out of town for a few days. I had hoped to take it with me but that won't be happening until I can get the cap situation resolved. I'll be taking the MFLB instead, which never leaks any contents.

I was drawing from the Puffit the whole 15 seconds each time.

The mint came out evenly browned after one stirring and about 10 cycles per bowl. Packed tight or loose worked equally well.

Unless they resolve the loose cap situation quickly they will lose considerable market share.


Well-Known Member
That's why i asked him in post # 1079 what other Vaporizer he would be interested in? I would send him an iolite from Amazon but i'm not sure if that would be good for him.

Does anyone have any other suggestions?

I think Discreet Vape should fix this issue. Or refund his money.

99% of all vendors just want our money.

Only 1% really care about the people.

mod note: back-to-back posts, merged, quoting fixed. you still seem to be struggling to learn how the forum software works, so you get one more break. the edit button is at the bottom of your posts, please use it in future, thanks

Sorry but the issue is not me. The issue only happens when i post from my iphone.

Your forum software is the same as any other forum that i belong too.

Your software is in need of an upgrade anyway.

Hey Coastal,

My cap seems fine. I even pre pack one and leave it in the pouch for later. Nothing has spilled out yet.

But i see your gripe.


On the Stoop
Unless they resolve the loose cap situation quickly they will lose considerable market share.
If i go out with the Puffit already loaded or don't finish a bowl, i just put a rubber band over the top. Not very elegant, but it works. A cap that stays on tight would make it better.


Well-Known Member
"The cap is not on tight enough and herb will fall out around the top. A casual breath into or at the mouthpiece will blow herb out of the oven. I will not be using it out of the house for this reason alone. The loose cap is also why some note odors escaping. It will easily rotate off and spill contents. The loose cap situation could be corrected fairly easily by either extruding the silicone seal farther up so it contacts the cap to provide a positive seal or (preferably) modifying the cap with an insert or additional silicone washer which will seal the oven when the cap is screwed on. An additional silicone washer in the cap may help make for a more secure closure when the cap is rotated on."

Was this problem present both with he stirrer in the cap and/or without it? I would thing the use of the stirrer would tighten the cap up significantly


Well-Known Member
"The cap is not on tight enough and herb will fall out around the top. A casual breath into or at the mouthpiece will blow herb out of the oven. I will not be using it out of the house for this reason alone. The loose cap is also why some note odors escaping. It will easily rotate off and spill contents. The loose cap situation could be corrected fairly easily by either extruding the silicone seal farther up so it contacts the cap to provide a positive seal or (preferably) modifying the cap with an insert or additional silicone washer which will seal the oven when the cap is screwed on. An additional silicone washer in the cap may help make for a more secure closure when the cap is rotated on."

Was this problem present both with he stirrer in the cap and/or without it? I would thing the use of the stirrer would tighten the cap up significantly

I never tried the cap stirrer. It's worth a try.


If i go out with the Puffit already loaded or don't finish a bowl, i just put a rubber band over the top. Not very elegant, but it works. A cap that stays on tight would make it better.


Took out the little cardboard disc from the top of a small bayer baby aspirin bottle, crimped the edges a bit and inserted it into the cap. The cap fits tighter now and I'll test to see if any material blows or leaks out. The draw is slightly harder now. Since paper burns at 451F so since it doesn't touch the really hot parts it should be fine but I'll report back if not.

I realize now that to seal the cap firmly would interfere with their microswitch. When I inserted 2 of the circular wafers to get a tighter fit the cap switch wouldn't work.

Looks like the screen on top method will work better since they need the air to draw around the cap and leave room for the microswitch

Update 2:

Now making a dome screen out of a bigger pipe screen. That plus the cardboard wafer should solve my problems with leakage. I'll report back after my little vacay.
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