PUFFiT portable


Well-Known Member
In the case above, the final 'square bracket' on /quote got lost so the quote box never closed. To work right you need square boxed quote and /quote to define the quote area, an you need to post all your stuff after that (or before it if you want the quote at the end).

Watch the details next time, it makes more sense than I am right now.....

Thanks OF

I'm sure it's not for lack of will. But 'everything is a trade off'. TV for example, uses designs that preclude electronic temperature controls (or electronics of any sort). What they (and many of us) see as a strength in design. More battery would be nice, but nobody wants bigger or heavier. And so on.

Fortunately for us, Capitalism provides us with lovely options to pick from. And by those rules, if the demand is there, the product will happen if it can. All we have to do is make informed choices.....and enjoy them.



Well-Known Member

You're welcome, CSW. To the first point I tried to make, notice how your message appears in the center of my post quote? Right where you put it like it was an email. Everything between the two 'square bracket' headers shows in the quote box. For your text to appear afterward, as is typical on this forum, you need to put your post after the "/qoute" header (I can't spell it out clearer than that without causing problems, but if you hit 'reply' the cursor starts just after the box, start typing there, don't move it?

One of those 'oh, of course that's how it works' kind of insights......once you've been there, of course.

Keep up the good fight.



You're welcome, CSW. To the first point I tried to make, notice how your message appears in the center of my post quote? Right where you put it like it was an email. Everything between the two 'square bracket' headers shows in the quote box. For your text to appear afterward, as is typical on this forum, you need to put your post after the "/qoute" header (I can't spell it out clearer than that without causing problems, but if you hit 'reply' the cursor starts just after the box, start typing there, don't move it?

One of those 'oh, of course that's how it works' kind of insights......once you've been there, of course.

Keep up the good fight.

Maybe a picture to help with the explanation? CSW, at the bottom, do you see how I boxed in the beginning and end? Those are the "tags" that tell the forums which part to put in the "quote bubble." That's the "go" and "stop" if you will. Anything you type INSIDE of the first and last part... the forums will think that it is part of the original quote. The part you want to type at... is AFTER the end quote bracket part (the "stop" box at the end that says [ / quote ] That way, the forum software sees that there is a quoted part, and then a reply at the bottom.


Anyways, back on topic, 37 puffs from Jenny... sounds like she got a good unit (dare I say, the only good one so far?) I really had high hopes for this thing, even though I didn't intend on getting it right away. It's always good to see some competition in the portables, keeps everyone else on their toes. Wish I could recommend this to friends, but at the present time results aren't favorable... hoping the rest of you people get good ones.


My friends call me "Menz"
I'm a big fan of T1, IMO it's got excellent taste, reasonable price and excellent quality (both design and construction) in addition to being 'boilable' to clean.

i know everyone has their opinions on what "reasonable" is but for me and my tight budget $249.00 is not a reasonable price :( wish it was cause it sounds like a T1 is pretty good
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Well-Known Member
You're welcome, CSW. To the first point I tried to make, notice how your message appears in the center of my post quote? Right where you put it like it was an email. Everything between the two 'square bracket' headers shows in the quote box. For your text to appear afterward, as is typical on this forum, you need to put your post after the "/qoute" header (I can't spell it out clearer than that without causing problems, but if you hit 'reply' the cursor starts just after the box, start typing there, don't move it?

One of those 'oh, of course that's how it works' kind of insights......once you've been there, of course.

Keep up the good fight.


Before i was posting from my iphone.

Now i'm on a computer. It works fine from my computer
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Well-Known Member
i know everyone has their opinions on what "reasonable" is but for me and my tight budget $249.00 is not a reasonable price :( wish it was cause it sounds like a T1 is pretty good

Understood, it's relative for sure. Money is dear these days no doubt, more so for some than others.

You're looking at the old price, however, it's been reduced (lower manufacture costs) to $200. $150 if you can wait until the next sale.....



Jenny it looks like your battery is one of the good ones. (perhaps after a few charge/discharge cycles?) Some here get very little power from theirs. 37 hits without a charge is phenominal imo.

Is the odor of heated herb generated from yours?

How is the plastic taste?


I don't think I get 37 hits out of every charge, the other day I only got like 12 hits from it then it died, so I wish I had the patience to count how many hits from every bowl, but i get vaped & forget lol

The smell? Typical, faint odor, but there's a smell every time I heat it up, it's not as obvious when you smoke a bowl outta a pipe or a joint, but it's still there.

Plastic taste has gone away completely, I'm not sure how many bowls it took to diminish, but it's completely gone, or I have gotten used to it, but my mom gave me some herb and it smelled completely planty, and then I ground it up, and smoked it, and it tasted the same way it smelled so I know it's probably gone.

I changed the first screen last night, I didn't have iso so I just used a qtip and cleaned the residue under the screen which was pretty built up (I can imagine the inside of the device) I haven't smoked with the new screen yet, but should be fine

EDIT: I also revaped the ABV from the puffit on the volcano, and I still got HELLA vapor even tho it's a bit more brown than the ABV from the volcano


Well-Known Member
I don't think I get 37 hits out of every charge, the other day I only got like 12 hits from it then it died, so I wish I had the patience to count how many hits from every bowl, but i get vaped & forget lol

The smell? Typical, faint odor, but there's a smell every time I heat it up, it's not as obvious when you smoke a bowl outta a pipe or a joint, but it's still there.

Plastic taste has gone away completely, I'm not sure how many bowls it took to diminish, but it's completely gone, or I have gotten used to it, but my mom gave me some herb and it smelled completely planty, and then I ground it up, and smoked it, and it tasted the same way it smelled so I know it's probably gone.

I changed the first screen last night, I didn't have iso so I just used a qtip and cleaned the residue under the screen which was pretty built up (I can imagine the inside of the device) I haven't smoked with the new screen yet, but should be fine

I was thinking about opening up the Puffit taking out the silicone tube and soaking it in ISO.

I mean since the silicone tube they used has a resisitance to build up. We shouldn't have to worry about cleaning it. ( Sarcasm )


Before i was posting from my iphone.

Now i'm on a computer. It works fine from my computer
Ah yeah, I see why now. The iPhone's browser is finicky when it comes to some of these forums, although there's an app for Android that I know of called Tapatalk that works really well for my mobile browsing experiences.

The smell? Typical, faint odor, but there's a smell every time I heat it up, it's not as obvious when you smoke a bowl outta a pipe or a joint, but it's still there.

Plastic taste has gone away completely, I'm not sure how many bowls it took to diminish, but it's completely gone, or I have gotten used to it, but my mom gave me some herb and it smelled completely planty, and then I ground it up, and smoked it, and it tasted the same way it smelled so I know it's probably gone.

I changed the first screen last night, I didn't have iso so I just used a qtip and cleaned the residue under the screen which was pretty built up (I can imagine the inside of the device) I haven't smoked with the new screen yet, but should be fine

That's some good news. Time... time will tell.

Also, I wanna see this hooked up to a water pipe just because.


I was thinking about opening up the Puffit taking out the silicone tube and soaking it in ISO.

I mean since the silicone tube they used has a resisitance to build up. We shouldn't have to worry about cleaning it. ( Sarcasm )

Makes me think when I used to take my moms calculators apart with my dads tools, they always seemed to work before I got to them, after, not so much....I'm thinking if I even try to clean this on the inside....rip puffit lol


as in dumb as
I was thinking about opening up the Puffit taking out the silicone tube and soaking it in ISO.
Once you split the unit the metal you see in the mouthpiece is dovetailed between the two halfs of the case. you can straightin out the tube and run a Qtip without disconecting anything.
On reassembly pay close attention to the plastic pushrod up against the microswitch. close the case halfs at the mouthpiece area first

I found that the silicone washer around the bowl is removeable. Any ideas out there on a method to degass silicone? Hot or boiling water, herm..

In my mind there are puffits out there with silicone like yours and mine that are just more

Andrew can I ask you this?

Is there any way to degass this?

I Know I dont want to deform or reduce the size, I realize that it would introduce air from the electronics section.


My friends call me "Menz"
Understood, it's relative for sure. Money is dear these days no doubt, more so for some than others.

You're looking at the old price, however, it's been reduced (lower manufacture costs) to $200. $150 if you can wait until the next sale.....


where is that??? i checked PIU and thats where i saw it for 249.00


Well-Known Member
where is that??? i checked PIU and thats where i saw it for 249.00

From "the horse's mouth":

$199.99 right now (close enough to $200 for me). If you start saving right now, I bet there will be another 25% off for Forum Members sale right when you need it. You just missed July 4th, maybe Labor day? If not the Fall holidays aren't far behind. That would make it $150, IMO a great deal.

Talk about customer appreciation! 25% off is hard to ignore IMO. These guys are serious about happy customers....on many fronts.

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From "the horse's mouth":

$199.99 right now (close enough to $200 for me). If you start saving right now, I bet there will be another 25% off for Forum Members sale right when you need it. You just missed July 4th, maybe Labor day? If not the Fall holidays aren't far behind. That would make it $150, IMO a great deal.

Talk about customer appreciation! 25% off is hard to ignore IMO. These guys are serious about happy customers....on many fronts.


From what I've seen the Evolution LV (also Thermovape) looks the best option for me in that line. 150? for the kit. Low voltage for more hits (slightly longer warmup time) with smaller oven. If you want big bowl and big clouds go with T1, which is larger. It also uses power quicker. The Evolution thread here has got good info. One commenter said you can go throught he whole oven without stirring on the Evo. That is a big plus for me.

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vapor accessory addict
Coastal, have you forgotten that mom's can see all, hear all? It's part of our special powers, along with the eyes in the back of our heads. :lol:
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Well-Known Member
I think its time to complain about the plastic/silicone taste and after-taste some more....

No way anyone tested these and then thought "ok, tastes like good vapor, design is set"


as in dumb as
I think its time to complain "
I would rather they give us some solutions
The silicone washer looks almost like a consumable. Would one of these be for sale? I would pay for a second one. Would this and other parts be available ? Lose the chamber cap and its useless
Least I got a wall charger
my count is there are only two that didnt get a charger, well one cuzz I didnt get one


Well-Known Member
Phone malfunction....how to delete a double post?

Solutions would be great, puffit hasn't made their presence very known the last couple days....

Least I got a wall charger


Evil Genius in Training
Accessory Maker
Once you split the unit the metal you see in the mouthpiece is dovetailed between the two halfs of the case. you can straightin out the tube and run a Qtip without disconecting anything.
On reassembly pay close attention to the plastic pushrod up against the microswitch. close the case halfs at the mouthpiece area first

I found that the silicone washer around the bowl is removeable. Any ideas out there on a method to degass silicone? Hot or boiling water, herm..

In my mind there are puffits out there with silicone like yours and mine that are just more

Is there any way to degass this?

I Know I dont want to deform or reduce the size, I realize that it would introduce air from the electronics section.

It might be worth a try to experiment with different cells to see if we can get better life out of it, you can get cells that are double that capacity.


as in dumb as
Oh wow... the more I see about this vaporize the less I like. This thing looks like it will be impossible to clean in the long term. :ugh:
it would be easy. Tube by the foot and once you pull the screen you can ico the inlet. All you need is a small phillips
tubing is a minor issue IMO
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