PUFFiT portable


Vaporist Extrordinair
Sounds like Dogman has been recently employed by Discreet Vape?

Just Kidding.

Or am I? :brow:
I am a mere mechanic, stuck in the middle of Indiana, with a taste for the vaporous. I do like my Puffit a lot, and it has its place in my collection, but it is not my favorite. For the money I spent, it is an excellent vaporizer to have in my collection, I am glad to have it, but there is a place and time for its use. The cap does not have a great seal, so I think some of the smell was coming from the cap area while in the theater, not a great vape for using in low circulation rooms.

Dogman, so it seems you prefer your T1 in public more then the puffit. Is this true? The puffit seems more stealthy but the T1 can still be in hand without much notice according to pictures. The battery life on the puffit if you can't use it for the day would be an issue since the idea of a portable is portability. Would you use either in a non smoking hotel room or would that be an issue?

It really depends on where you are going. I would feel comfortable with either one in a motel room. I have not been in a motel room in a couple of years, but the last time I was I had my Iolite and there were no problems. I would probably feel better with the T1, since with the Iolite or the Puffit, they still have heat working the herb via conduction, where the T1 stops heating when you release the switch, keeping the herb cool and not releasing vapors. A little more stealthy IMO.

Though I would consider being employed by a vapor company, that would be awesome!


Well-Known Member
I just received my puffit, and unfortunately, it doesnt seem to be heating. just stays a consistent red led, try to draw anyways and its a pure plastic taste.

On the charger again, we shall see. This may be a not so great bday for me if this things defective.
Was lookin forward to this and receiving my mflb adapter today.....
Adapter isnt coming, and this may be defective. Fantastic

Thank god for the DB next to me


Active Member
I went to a film festival this last weekend and was going to use my Puffit during the movie. It was a small theater at the art museum in a closed room with not much circulation, and about 20 seconds after starting the heat up, the smell of roasting marijuana filled my small area and I was forced to shut it down with no hits. For that situation I wish I had grabbed my T1, I never smell anything coming from it while heating.

A "discreet" vaporizer that reeks of medicine is not discreet at all.. I took my DV to the movie theater the other night and it REEKED of mj. If I had turned it on, I'm sure my whole section could have smelled the herb; not cool. :\

Anyways, it seems like the TV is still king for "ultimate" discreetness? The low price point is starting to make sense with the Puffit now.
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Well-Known Member
Just another vendor taking our money and giving us crap.

Happens all the time.

mod note: This sort of attack on a vendor is not allowed. Please refrain. Next occurrence will result in an infraction.


I'm of the opinion that any vaporizer that needs a warm-up phase like the DV and Puffit isn't going to be very stealthy. The LB and TV only need to heat up for a few seconds before you're inhaling, as opposed to a 15 second + heat cycle.

Small edit, but I feel like I should expand on what I actually mean. When I say stealth here, I mean in terms of smell, not appearance/size. If you're driving and someone in the other lane drives by, you can see each other for maybe two seconds tops. That's not enough time for someone to determine if you have an actual inhaler or to see what exactly is in your hand. For looks, sure they're stealthy, but... like I said, pre-heating and all that jazz just seems to be the opposite to me. I've had no problems driving around vaping, going into bathrooms and taking a few quick puffs while business is attended to, etc. Movie theater hits during the previews? Hell yeah, I've done with both by myself and with another friend (after a very quick two hit practice run on the way there, my friend mastered it and thoroughly enjoyed the experience, although he ultimately decided on a DBV.) I don't have qualms with pulling my box out for a quick three or four hits to help boost my high, but when you think about the construction and how the PI works... you begin to realize why a pre-heat cycle doesn't make sense with a loaded bowl when smell is a priority.


Well-Known Member
Just another vendor taking our money and giving us crap.

Happens all the time.
I dont want to believe that's true.......

On to a vaporblunt? In consideration....
Anyways, i think mine just won't work with the stirring tool. Unfortunate bit not a big deal.
No good vapor yet, and terrible taste. Probably worst ever from a vape personally.....but im hoping enough use will make it go away. To be safe for my celebrating, im using my DB right now. I feel like clouds and the puffit isnt and isnt supposed to be capable i believe.

I am curious why my stirring tool makes this useless?


I am curious why my stirring tool makes this useless?
Mmm, forgive me if I'm mistaken, but I didn't see you say it made it useless? Anyways, is it touching the metal bowl part at all? Do you think that's where the taste comes from? How exactly does it render it useless? It refuses to turn on with it placed in the cap?


Get your Freak on....
Mmm, forgive me if I'm mistaken, but I didn't see you say it made it useless? Anyways, is it touching the metal bowl part at all? Do you think that's where the taste comes from? How exactly does it render it useless? It refuses to turn on with it placed in the cap?

Agree.. What are you talking about VisiblyVaped


Get your Freak on....
I have a question.. People are saying the battery last about 2 bowls.. But what does 2 bowels = in hits.. I believe Dogman said he could get 20 to 30 decent hits off one bowl.. So that would = 40 to 60 hits off of 2 bowls.. If that is the case than that is damn good is it not??? Hell 40 to 60 hits would last me 2 or 3 sessions. When I use my Solo I avg about 2 to 3 bowls at about 6 to 7 good hits per bowl per session... About the same with my T1... With my Solo I can do about 6 to 8 bowls(6 to 7 good hits per bowl) before the battery light gets down to #3 and I recharge per the Solo's instructions..


For me this is all about strealth and by that I mean visible appearance and most importantly: SMELL. If the Puffit releases the smell of herb while it is heating it will be useless to me. It will be a real shame since the stealthy look is perfect.

Thermovape Evolution may be what I wind up with after all.


Well-Known Member
I don't get the smell issue... if you vape flower, it's going to smell. I only noticed a significant reduction in smell when I tried an oil vape (omicron) and even that has the higher temp roasted smell. Using a vape in very-public situations was just never something I got, don't you just get paranoid?

Flowers will always smell because they have the terpenes and smell molecules still ripe and ready to be boiled off when you vape. Oil vapes can get around this if the oil is heated beforehand, but you lose some of the lower temp sweetness.

Slightly Medicated

(SliM) Iron Lungs
I don't get the smell issue... if you vape flower, it's going to smell. I only noticed a significant reduction in smell when I tried an oil vape (omicron) and even that has the higher temp roasted smell. Using a vape in very-public situations was just never something I got, don't you just get paranoid?

Flowers will always smell because they have the terpenes and smell molecules still ripe and ready to be boiled off when you vape. Oil vapes can get around this if the oil is heated beforehand, but you lose some of the lower temp sweetness.

It is true... I have never understood the smell thing. You can always smell it. I can smell any of the portables I own while they are heating up. The vapor smells. The whole process smells.


Always in a state of confusion and silliness♀
For me this is all about strealth and by that I mean visible appearance and most importantly: SMELL. If the Puffit releases the smell of herb while it is heating it will be useless to me. It will be a real shame since the stealthy look is perfect.

Thermovape Evolution may be what I wind up with after all.

That is my same issue. You want look but if it smells there is no point. I am really rethinking going to the T1 as OF suggested to me.

I disagree slim. I wrote in this thread or another that I have smoked in my room with the davinci and flight box and no smell to the other person in the room at all. I will qualify this by saying with it under my nose I can smell the dv heating up and the mflb only smells after use and will smell up a whole room. The dv won't smell up the whole room just a very small area on heat up only or if you have your nose on it. If the dv was a one hitter that would be my choice for a no smell and it would just need to be clean and empty to use in a place you needed to be more careful. I have used my mflb and the dv while speaking to someone and they had no idea what I was doing.


Well-Known Member
Now, this damn taste.....

I probably ran about 15 bowls through it so far. The plastic taste is still there but not quite as strong.


Well-Known Member
That is my same issue. You want look but if it smells there is no point. I am really rethinking going to the T1 as OF suggested to me.
Ehhh, I hated the draw of the T1, that was too restrictive imo

Now, this damn taste......

I probably ran about 15 bowls through it so far. The plastic taste is still there but not quite as strong.[/quote]
Dammit. Cant be good

Slightly Medicated

(SliM) Iron Lungs
I disagree slim. I wrote in this thread or another that I have smoked in my room with the davinci and flight box and no smell to the other person in the room at all. I will qualify this by saying with it under my nose I can smell the dv heating up and the mflb only smells after use and will smell up a whole room. The dv won't smell up the whole room just a very small area on heat up only or if you have your nose on it. If the dv was a one hitter that would be my choice for a no smell and it would just need to be clean and empty to use in a place you needed to be more careful. I have used my mflb and the dv while speaking to someone and they had no idea what I was doing.

I only vaporize in public in a car. Just because you can't smell it does not mean the odor is not perceptible by others. I have an extremely sensitive olfactory system. I have never attempted to vaporize in a theater space or some of the places other poeple seem willing to attempt to use their devices.

When I am in the car all of my devices smell when they are heating up. The DaVinci, all ThermoVape products, Inhalator, PAX, Solo, and others all produce enough odor that anyone one else in the car can smell the unit. If I am in the back seat of the car people in the front seat have asked me if I am vaporizing based on the smell.

They all produce odors at various degrees. The DaVinci seems to be the worst offender. I use a strain that has a rather pungent order. To help quantify the odor if I open up my pill container with my ground flowers it will smell up a small room instantly.

I don't think there is a single vaporizer I will feel comfortable using in a setting like an inclosed space Movie Theater, Mall, or other public setting. I am just too cautious.


Well-Known Member
Just another vendor taking our money and giving us crap.

Happens all the time.

mod note: This sort of attack on a vendor is not allowed. Please refrain. Next occurrence will result in an infraction.

Sorry for that, but I meant all vendors. Not just vendors here or any other vaporizer vendors. Just anyone selling something these days.

But don"t get me wrong, there are diamonds in the ruff. Their out there we just have to weed them out. So to speak.
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I have to correct on the issue of smell. My first vape was the MFLB and you can't smell a thing. That is what is so cool about it.


Well-Known Member
I'm right now sitting at work hitting my Puffit for my second bowl of the evening. I work with customers coming in and out with no one the wiser.

I even have friends that walk in my section and I ask them if they smell anything and they say no.

I used the original iolite in the same settIng and depending how skunky your strain is, the odor differs. My friends would only smell it when I have really stinky stuff.

But even if some one gets a whiff it's usually just a hint.

Plus it disapaites better in a open environment than lets say a car.


I'm right now sitting at work hitting my Puffit for my second bowl of the evening. I work with customers coming in and out with no one the wiser.

I even have friends that walk in my section and I ask them if they smell anything and they say no.

That is very encouraging, perhaps the cap wasn't on tight for the poster who smelled the oven contents during heatup.

Also your battery must be working pretty well to be on a second bowl. How many hits do you think you've had?
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