Puffco Peak


Well-Known Member
I'm looking to get a bubble cap for the Peak. Does anyone have any thoughts on Space Walk vs. Eternal Quartz, or any other alternatives? Also, what's the best all-purpose quartz cup available for the Peak so far? EQ alone has like 5 or 6 of them.




sTrange cLouds
I'm looking to get a bubble cap for the Peak. Does anyone have any thoughts on Space Walk vs. Eternal Quartz, or any other alternatives? Also, what's the best all-purpose quartz cup available for the Peak so far? EQ alone has like 5 or 6 of them.
I purchased a spacewalk duo cap, direct, based on good feedback a couple pages back. One side is a bubble cap and the other a terp spinner/joystick. I've never got such great performance with the oem cap. The spacewalk cap produces better clouds at low temps & no more pooling around the edges of the dish. It requires a bit more cleaning, but thats the only negative that I've experienced thus far. They're also available from IG vapez_hideaway for free shipping.

I've got a quartz dish coming from sneapy petes in the next couple days. Pete also said he is working on a low cost alternative to the oem glass.


Accessory Maker
Accessory Maker
I'm looking to get a bubble cap for the Peak. Does anyone have any thoughts on Space Walk vs. Eternal Quartz, or any other alternatives? Also, what's the best all-purpose quartz cup available for the Peak so far? EQ alone has like 5 or 6 of them.
ive tried the original eternal quartz which has the thin bottom and fadespace quartz which has a little thicker bottom. Didnt like either of them personally. The eternal quartz was horrible you had to use it on blue and even then it still burnt and chazzed the quartz after 1 dab. Fadespace wasnt much better

Does anyone know if these Puffco Peaks from Alibaba are legit? I inquired with the seller and he said they ship from Canada, which seems odd. They did claim that they are 100% authentic, but who really knows?

I remember reading here or somewhere else when they first popped up on alibaba that the people only would except money through western union and wanted to do the transaction outside of alibaba seemed like a scam then not sure though

Thats sick, his shopemate made my attachment
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Peaked Dave

New Member
I'm looking to get a bubble cap for the Peak. Does anyone have any thoughts on Space Walk vs. Eternal Quartz, or any other alternatives? Also, what's the best all-purpose quartz cup available for the Peak so far? EQ alone has like 5 or 6 of them.

I’ve got the spacewalk glass joystick top and love it. I’d warn away from Eternal Quartz. I ordered their quartz bowl and it took almost 3 weeks to get it and then when I got it, it was too thick and did not produce any vapor with the peak. Contacted them by email and got no response and finally got a response on IG from the owner and he said he would send me a replacement, it’s now been two weeks and I have not heard anything from him and don’t believe he is planning to send it.

Eternal quartz are pieces of shit IMO.


Well-Known Member
I’ve got the spacewalk glass joystick top and love it. I’d warn away from Eternal Quartz. I ordered their quartz bowl and it took almost 3 weeks to get it and then when I got it, it was too thick and did not produce any vapor with the peak. Contacted them by email and got no response and finally got a response on IG from the owner and he said he would send me a replacement, it’s now been two weeks and I have not heard anything from him and don’t believe he is planning to send it.

Eternal quartz are pieces of shit IMO.
I jus ordered a peak marble cap and switch insert.. been over a week, n my order is still processing... havent even gotn a order confirmation email... this one dude i was chatn eith on IG.. after his order took so long, the owner sent him 1 of each peak inserts, marble cap, and free hemisphere cap... i wanted that hemisphere cap bad!! Tried ordering it for Monthes before moving onto the Spacewalk Duel cap... thats an AMAZING cap.. add sooo much ti the function.. with thr Quatz dish n duel cap, i blow clouds on the blue n green the size i usually get on red n peak with a normal cap..


Well-Known Member
Literally the worst service I’ve ever encountered in this space

It really is terrible. It took like 8 weeks for me to finally get a refund from them when they couldn't send me my order because Paypal locked their account, never had an experience like that with a company before


Active Member
Have had the Peak now since about the day it dropped. I personally messed something up with the base. Still worked, but they replaced it over Memorial Day weekend. No questions asked. Both atomizers still going strong with heavy use. I’m guessing people don’t follow the instructions, maybe use it more than 3 times in a row without cooldown, etc. that’s prob where the issues reside.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
I just got it tonight. It's simple with a way better vapor path. Brilliant. How do you upload photos on here?
It changed the way the peak works. Since its easier to pull with a bigger air path, I barely have to double sesh on green. And red feels easier on the chest because you can put in more water. I will make a video tonight. Get one asap


Well-Known Member
Just ordered the white one... yin to the yang.. gonna trick the white one out with a grade A insert, n bubbler upgrade for the coffe table convo piece.. then keep the black as the on the go traveler.


Well-Known Member
Finally joining the Peak club...Some of my buddies chipped in and got it for me and my girl for our wedding gift. Can't wait until we get it and start using it and so she has it for the wedding day to make her dabbing a little easier
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Peak came in the mail yesterday and my fiance and I were able to take 3 dabs out of it (Came in the mail late and I wanted to get a full charge on it so didn't fire it up for the first time until like 9 at night)

First Thoughts: Love the size and the look of the unit, it feels heavy and sturdy. Wish the cable it came with was a bit longer, its about 3 inches and most of my outlets at my house are higher than that so switched out to a different micro usb cable and was all good. Charged in about 90 minutes out of the box, but it says about 2.5 hours if it is dead.

I read the entire instruction manual, and watched a couple videos of people using the unit to make sure I was doing everything correctly since I read on here about the atomizer issues and everything.

I turned the unit on, has a strong vibration to let you know it is on, then cycled to the heat setting I wanted (I went with blue for medium size dabs) I loaded up my concentrate, popped the tiny carb cap on, and double clicked the unit to heat it up. About 20 seconds later I started smelling some nice terps, the unit vibrated and I started inhaling. I was definitely pleasantly surprised with the vapor production, I got about 3-4 good hits off the one dab that were flavorful and smooth. A lot of people compare this to an oversized pen, I definitely got far better effect from the amount of material out of the peak than pens i have tried, but the $40 replaceable atomizers are definitely a downside to the unit. I did just order 2 extras though to have on hand if one craps out.

Both dabs I took from the unit I used the boost mode for another heat up since I still saw a small pool of concentrate and got some decent dabs out of that as well, not as flavorful, but not anywhere near as harsh as a reheat on a banger. May have to adjust my draw technique or bump the heat up to try to finish the dab without needing to boost. My fiance's words after her dab were "This little fucker packs a punch" - they should put that on a t shirt.

Overall, after initial use, I would give the Peak an 8/10. I don't think this will completely replace my quartz banger/insert setup, but I will be going to this unit at home more often than I thought. Initially I thought I would use it mainly in hotels or down the shore, but it is pretty convenient to take a quick rip once you have it set up. I give it an 8 due to the frail and expensive atomizers, if they could get those down to like $15 I think it would be far more reasonable, or make them more robust so you don't have to be as dainty when q tipping and hopefully last like 6 months or more of regular use. I will update this in a couple months after some more use to let you guys know how the unit/atomizers are holding up.


that's all this device is worth. :2c:

Aaaaand apparently I eat my own words because I just paid a lot more money for a Peak than I think it's worth! Just couldn't turn down the sweet deal in the Classifieds... so now I have about a week or so to get caught up with videos, tips, etc. I'm not expecting much, but would be nice to be pleasantly surprised with a portable device that would allow me to sample some of my favourite tasty extracts!

@SMODomite Thanks for the early feedback/review! I'm very cautiously optimistic! :rockon:


Well-Known Member
Aaaaand apparently I eat my own words because I just paid a lot more money for a Peak than I think it's worth! Just couldn't turn down the sweet deal in the Classifieds... so now I have about a week or so to get caught up with videos, tips, etc. I'm not expecting much, but would be nice to be pleasantly surprised with a portable device that would allow me to sample some of my favourite tasty extracts!

@SMODomite Thanks for the early feedback/review! I'm very cautiously optimistic! :rockon:
Yep I was the same way, and getting this thing as a wedding gift makes it a little easier for me to be unbiased. The biggest pieces of info I got for taking care of the unit from videos and things I watched are being EXTREMELY gentle when qtipping the ceramic cup, like rolling the q tip in your thumb and pointer finger back and forth so you apply no pressure to the bottom of the cup - you can always hold the cup with pliers and torch it to get it white again, and ever once in a while you need to soak the whole atomizer in iso, which to me seems wrong since there are electronic components in it, but that is apparently what is recommended


Accessory Maker
Accessory Maker
Yep I was the same way, and getting this thing as a wedding gift makes it a little easier for me to be unbiased. The biggest pieces of info I got for taking care of the unit from videos and things I watched are being EXTREMELY gentle when qtipping the ceramic cup, like rolling the q tip in your thumb and pointer finger back and forth so you apply no pressure to the bottom of the cup - you can always hold the cup with pliers and torch it to get it white again, and ever once in a while you need to soak the whole atomizer in iso, which to me seems wrong since there are electronic components in it, but that is apparently what is recommended
99% iso is best, 91% iso is okay i wouldnt use anything lower than that and dont rinse it wirh water. Theres no real electronics in the atomizer just the wire connections


Well-Known Member
99% iso is best, 91% iso is okay i wouldnt use anything lower than that and dont rinse it wirh water. Theres no real electronics in the atomizer just the wire connections
Yeah I usually use 91% for my pieces but will try to find 99% around me and use that for this. Thanks for the tip


Finally got to hit a Peak for the first time today!

Probably gonna have to get one.

It's everything my e-nail isn't... the cordless freedom would be perfect for balcony or couch dabs. It really allows you to dab in a chill way, without the hassle of a torch or the tethering of a plugin.

I leave my enail on all day so heat up time isn't something I'm really used to. It seemed fine though, better than a torch and simple to operate.

Not crazy about the stock carb cap, would probably want a bubble cap. Loved the size, not much bigger than my daily driver mini tube.

Pretty tempted to grab one with an opaque quartz insert!
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