Political Cartoons and Memes

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When the Facts Change, I Change My Mind.

The setup is important. Sorry for the text. Delete it if necessary.

George Takai: Tinkle, tinkle, little czar, Putin put you where you are.

Drumpf believes in right wing Trickle Down Golden Showers.....

CNN reported that intelligence officials notified President Barack Obama and the president-elect last week that a British intelligence operative claimed Russians had compromised Drumpf using personal and business information.

After that report broke, Buzzfeed published what was purported to be the full dossier presented to Obama and Drumpf detailing the explosive — but unverified — claims about the “kompromat” — or compromising material — gathered about the real estate developer and reality TV star.

The document posted by Buzzfeed claimed Russia had targeted “Drumpf’s personal obsessions and sexual perversion,” and one allegation in particular soaked up most of the attention.

“According to (a source), where s/he had been present, Drumpf’s (perverted) conduct n Moscow included hiring the presidential suite of the Ritz Carlton Hotel,” the documents claim, “where he knew President and Mrs. Obama (whom he hated) had stayed on one of their official trips to Russia, and defiling the bed where they had slept by employing a number of prostitutes to perform a ‘golden showers’ (urination) show in front of him.”

Drumpf denied the document’s claims Tuesday night in an all-caps tweet.

Drumpf is pissed. :)

Intel chiefs presented Trump with claims of Russian efforts to compromise him CNN

Classified documents presented last week to President Obama and President-elect Trump included allegations that Russian operatives claim to have compromising personal and financial information about Mr. Trump, multiple US officials with direct knowledge of the briefings tell CNN.

"(To the tune of "Shine on Harvest Moon")

Spy on, spy on Putin's pet,
Up in the Ritz.
Trump's had bladder lovin'
Since January, February; June and July.

The presidential suite was a busy place to be,
And Donny did not question
Why the prostitutes were free.
He didn’t think to ask about the little flying drones,
Or why the knickknacks looked like microphones.

Spy on, spy on Putin's pet,
Up in the Ritz.
Trump's had bladder lovin'
Since January, February; June and July."




Yellow journalism.

Trump has now proven he is truly a Goldwater Republican.

Drumpf disagrees with: Better to be pissed off than pissed on.

Breaking: R. Kelly Changes Mind, Will Perform at Trump Inauguration

If the video comes out, I will quit my current life, give away all my possessions, and join a monastery in the Himalaya. My life, from there on out, would be complete, and I would be ready to move on to the next one.

There is more :)

FBI chief given dossier by John McCain alleging secret Trump-Russia contacts

"Senator John McCain passed documents to the FBI director, James Comey, last month alleging secret contacts between the Trump campaign and Moscow and that Russian
intelligence had personally compromising material on the president-elect himself.

The material, which has been seen by the Guardian, is a series of reports on Trump’s relationship with Moscow. They were drawn up by a former western counter-intelligence official, now working as a private consultant.'
An official in the US administration who spoke to the Guardian described the source who wrote the intelligence report as consistently reliable, meticulous and well-informed, with a reputation for having extensive Russian contacts.

Some of the reports – which are dated from 20 June to 20 October last year – also proved to be prescient, predicting events that happened after they were sent.

One report, dated June 2016, claims that the Kremlin has been cultivating, supporting and assisting Trump for at least five years, with the aim of encouraging “splits and divisions in western alliance”.
The Guardian can confirm that the documents reached the top of the FBI by December. Senator John McCain, who was informed about the existence of the documents separately by an intermediary from a western allied state, dispatched an emissary overseas to meet the source and then decided to present the material to Comey in a one-on-one meeting on 9 December, according to a source aware of the meeting. The documents, which were first reported on last year by Mother Jones, are also in the hands of officials in the White House.

McCain is not thought to have made a judgment on the reliability of the documents but was sufficiently impressed by the source’s credentials to feel obliged to pass them to the FBI."

Remainder of the article at: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news...secret-trump-russia-contacts?CMP=share_btn_tw

The jokes write themselves:

@realDonaldTrump you seem pissed...

@realDonaldTrump You put the "P" in president.

@realDonaldTrump first President whose voters have had to answer their kids asking "what's a golden shower?" after googling their president.

@realDonaldTrump Urine abomination!

Drumpf, you seem pissed.

@realDonaldTrump if information keeps TRICKLING out like this you might be in trouble ...


Press Conference

Fifty Shades of Yellow.

Come on real journalists, this is your chance to win that Pee-body Award or Pee-ulitzer Prize.

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