lol, sorry I triggered for going against the group think. You guys have Trump = Hitler/Nazi memes/cartoons
all through this thread, but
only when someone points out how Hitler and his free healthcare and gun control/abortion stances and blaming the one percent, whoops I meant Jews, shares more similarities with Bernie/Hillary than Trump -
only then should we stop the Hitler memes.
The National
Socialist German Worker's Party. Liberal Fascism. They have a lot in common with socialist and community politics, whether you want to believe that or not. But just say "Reich Wing Propaganda" and anything I've read that says Hitler was
totally not a socialist (as in no similarities at all) is "loser leftist propaganda"(see how easy to dismiss) - but there's some pretty good information if you want to leave your nest. It's not a 1-1 parallel, on either side of the coin. But to be frank, the same people making the correlation that Trump = Hitler......It's a shame new users will see this thread and give stock and value to some of these memes , not knowing that the posters have a track record of having no finger on the pulse.
But, I also find it pretty distasteful to mitigate the lives lost and the horror's Hitler committed - to mitigate and correlate them to Trump winning. Pretty selfish huh? So wrapped up in your own little safe space that you need to equate the candidate that #rekt you guys in the biggest blowout in quite some time, to a guy who murdered millions of people. Par for the course eh? Maybe work on fixing why you guys shit the bed and leaving your safe space bubble instead of REEE'ing about Russia and Hitler. I'm sure you will say you make the correlations as a "virtuous stance of justice against tyranny!!" - if that helps you sleep at night
Tweets that don't age well
Lol 13.5% < 25% and he won. What an idiot
LOL the Mike Pence = Race Bannon funnies kill me.
I'll be back in a page or two to freshen the thread up from it's stench of bias and circle jerking