Rhymenocerous ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
The air is slightly smaller.
I have a question for PV.
I noticed that you have (not available yet) listed separate vortex gongs and stems for Air and Solo??
I thought these were supposed to be the same size.
What gives??
Good question and response. Technically the Stainless heat chamber is the same size. The difference is the rubber seals used by the Air create a too tight of a fit and you can damage the seals if you are not careful. On our premium Vortex stems and GonGs we took this into account and made the Air versions just slightly smaller for a perfect fit while not stretching out or damaging the seals.The air is slightly smaller.
Good question and response. Technically the Stainless heat chamber is the same size. The difference is the rubber seals used by the Air create a too tight of a fit and you can damage the seals if you are not careful. On our premium Vortex stems and GonGs we took this into account and made the Air versions just slightly smaller for a perfect fit while not stretching out or damaging the seals.
Vortex Stems and GonGs finishing production very soon. Lots of new glass products coming for your favourite vapes.
For our Sublimator Fans, Sublimator has released the first flame powered Fully Titanium Sublimator called the Eliminator. Yes even the Atomizer is full Grade 2 Titanium and it includes a Titanium Carb Cap. It is a BEAST and will surprise you with the bountiful and flavorful hits it produces. Fully dis assembles for cleaning. The Eliminator, Atomizer and Carb Cap are fully CNC machined from a solid block of Grade 2 Titanium.
Read more here
Peace and Love,
PV, thanks for the reply and clarification.
No one from PV responded when I asked if it would be possible to allow FC members order the Vortex gongs and stems BEFORE they are officially available.
Another question just came into my mind, if one were to purchase an Air vortex, would there be any problems using it in a Solo (besides looseness)??
Ooops sorry we missed your other question. No need for advance ordering, we will have lots available. Yes the Vortex sized for the Air will be too loose in the Solo and give poor performance, o-rings will not compensate using Air sized stems in a Solo.
Once again it has been a pleasure purchasing from PV.
Don't know if this is the right place to post this, but is there a good way to dry the f-bomb on the inside, so as to avoid the potential buildup of germs and such nastiness? It seems that water/condensation remains in the chamber.
I've got a question about the PVHE turbo gong. I bought this gong a few months ago & the Solo I'm using it with is maybe 18 months old. I was hesitant to use it at first because it's super tight & I had to trim back part of the cap of the Solo to fit it in, so obviously I'd really like to get some results from it. I've tried pretty much everything & all it seems to do is cook the load without producing any vapor, I don't even know where the vapor goes. I've used this Solo successfully with other gongs & stems so it's a little confusing.
I do like thicker vapor & usually run the Solo on a higher setting but I've been through the whole spectrum with no results. Is it possible this gong is too wide for my Solo & it simply chokes the airflow? Sorry to bother you, I don't really know who else to ask but I'd appreciate any feedback.
I see all this positive reviews. You are not very good at responding to emails to your website asking for information. Other than the robot response saying someone would write. I wonder if this is a better place to ask ordering questions since your more responsive to this thread than to emails. I'm trying to find the accessory I want somewhere else I would get it since other vape sites are better at responding.
They have always responded to mine. I emailed them a question about two weeks ago and got a reply within a day.
I have seen people mention using FC promo codes at this retailer, but I don't see any mention of what they are, am I misinformed or just looking in the wrong place?