Try to remove it using a pick tool. Harbor Freight sells a 4 piece set for under 2 bucks.My tip broke off and looks exactly the same as this, how exactly have people managed to pry the remainder piece out?
You need to email VB, let them know what is happening. Everyone keep emailing them. VAPORBLUNT1@GMAIL.COMMy tip broke off and looks exactly the same as this, how exactly have people managed to pry the remainder piece out?
although i do think it's weird having 2 contact email addresses, as vaporblunt does... i didnt get an answer when i used the one you are saying... perhaps if i 'd tried the other one (the retail-customers one), i would have had better luckYou need to email VB, let them know what is happening. Everyone keep emailing them. VAPORBLUNT1@GMAIL.COM
My tip broke off and looks exactly the same as this, how exactly have people managed to pry the remainder piece out?
they just have bad cs....... they take their sweet time to get back to you. last time i emailed them for a replacement took them a few days or a week to answer. also you night have to email them multiple times just to get a reply.The E-mail address that always worked for me is Using this address I have a gotten a response 9 out of 10 times and the longest he took to respond is about 48Hrs.
The E-mail address that always worked for me is Using this address I have a gotten a response 9 out of 10 times and the longest he took to respond is about 48Hrs.
Mine should be here tomorrow :-) does the pro come with screens that fit in the bullets or do you have to buy / adapt some :-) sorry if this has been answered its been a long day at work lol
I recently purchased a pong with glass (or Gong??) and it has been failing me, I could be cleaning it wrong though. The screen gets clogged very easily (smaller circumference screen than the normal pong due to glass lining) and I can't really find a great way to clean it. Can I just get a normal screen and sort of make shift replace it or is there a better way to clean my completely clogged screen?
I too found this after my first use, but now push the screen down slightly so it is protruding from the bottom of the glass slightly (not enough to come out of course). It seems to do the trick...
To clean I'd pop it out and soak it in ISO for an hour or so![]()
@MileHighLife posted this a while back.What is the best recommended portable charger pack, like something small that will charge, but not necessarily allow me to use while charging, although that would be a plus. Whats the best car charger? Im sure these have been answered but I have many pages to go to catch up. Thanks everyone. Vape on!
I decarbed some herbs for a batch of edibles.
I kept some to test in my PNP.
What I discovered is the sweet bud taste was almost gone.
There was absolutely no smell of herbs at all what so ever during heat up and exhaling.
The high seemed to be actually a little bit more intense then normal.
End result:
Decarbing your buds will allow you to be more stealth, especially with the PNP.
The lack of taste and smell is very misleading so end user take caution.
I'm in situations where I need to medicate, and this allows me to feel the full effects without having to have to worry about bringing any heat to the situation.
Yeah, those batteries can get pricey. Another option would be the Astro E3 (cannot be used while charging) I found mine on Amazon → e3. You will also need a plug →®-3-5mm-Barrel-Power-Cable/dp/B003059FAI/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1403185557&sr=8-3&keywords=HDE® USB to 3.5mm Barrel Jack 5V DC Power Cable .Veddy veddy sneaky Deeds. Ive found the same, used to do that to prevent the funk myself. Allowed me to vape in bedroom while in-laws were around.
Also, ordered everything from TYYK on Tuesday, just checked tracking, I'm on the east coast, it arrives today. Cheers to you my friend! Now, to leave work early, or not to leave early..... need to find some sort of portable battery powered charger before the Reggae concert this weekend. Thanks for the info @VAPEHUNTER , seems like the better option, albeit rather expensive. Now to find something local to get me thru the weekend....