Regarding PES, I finally decided to see what mother Google had to say about Polyethersulfone. Here is an excellent reference by some lads at Mitsui Chemicals, Inc. (,d.cGU) about it. There are several grades of PES, but almost all start to give out at 180C (356F - glass transition temperature) and all plots stop at 200C (392F). This temperature is less than setting 2!!! I gave up my MP permanently this past week due to what I show below. The MP funnels the vape & heat to the tip. As you can see, my tip center is rounded, smooth, a bit chipped looking, but definitely not the same color it was when new.
Hi all, long time lurker, first post on this forum. Read the entire thread, you guys have really educated me, many thanks to you all!

@BarnBoy The exact same thing happened to me. The tip part that has broken is almost clear, it's clearly heat degradation.

I bought my unit from @VapeFiend in the UK, who is an official distributor and handles warranty claims too. I emailed him, and his initial response was along the lines of "I've never had a problem, and the mouthpieces are classed as consumables, and not covered under the warranty." He said he is bound by Vaporblunt's warranty policy.
I wasn't happy with this response, and pointed him here, and argued that this shouldn't happen after less than a months use. He has now very kindly agreed to send me a replacement tip when he gets the mouthpieces back in stock.
I have just ordered the ADJUST-A-BOWL E-NANO GONG, and will probably order another PONG and adapt it to take the GONG. Only then will I be satisfied with the safety of the PNP.
Eagerly awaiting Vaporblunt's solution. I hope they will offer a swap out service (PONG->GONG) for existing customers.
It's clear the problem with melting/cracking/chipping/breaking mouthpieces/PONG's is becoming more wipespread, and will only continue to do so with time. Hurry up @TherealVaporblunt , we really need you to take some action soon, before your reputation really becomes tarnished. Otherwise I really love this product, and it's enabled me to finally kick tobacco/combustion.
Fuck combustion, long live vaping!

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