I also just remembered how some vapes put out a more blue colored vapor compared to other vapes that put out a darker white colored vapor.
Maybe its the vape, but I feel like its do with the ceramic material since the vapes that use it are the ones i've got blue tinted vapor from.
I personally feel the blue vapors are more pure flavor.
But idk. Just some thoughts I had and wanted to see if anyone else has input?
It looks like this vape is putting out more white color vapor, but it might just be the lighting?
You can get that thin blue vapor at lower temps, if I set to ~550F that light blue mist comes in spades.
Higher temps will be denser and tend to be more opaque though. I find most of my vapes give that blue vapor at the end of the bowl too when everything is mostly evaporated.
About the vapor in the heater after a hit...
I remove just the heater and leave the bowl in for a few reason.
Firstly, it is easier for me to do this
Second, I continue my hit when I remove the heater to clear the bowl so no vapor ever enters a vape
third, i find it keeps a bit more flavor for the 2nd hit as I have totally cooled the herb down when clearing the bong.
That's just the way I do it! LOL!
Yeah it's always better to remove the heater between draws, but I guess I get distracted when the camera is rolling or sometimes the bowl will get bound up. I'm thinking that cutting part of the joint off will go a long way to reducing the bowl binding; what I think happens is a nice sized load can end up touching the joint and after a number of loads it can get just a little sticky, and with the big ISO shortage my gear isn't getting cleaned quite as frequently, though I did clean everything up sparkly new for today!

Another theory is the loose fitment of the coil on this prototype is "pulling" on the joint and lodging it in at a slight angle as its sitting on the bowl and then when you go to give it a quarter turn to remove it, the handle is twisting torsionally from the loose coil fitment and not helping it pull either. Those are my thoughts, I do think slicing off half the heater will go a long way there. In the meantime a quick swab of the heater joint with an ISO dipped Q tip has done the trick. That's why I'll probably do one more prototype just to test those couple changes that have been mentioned, and then this thing will be done