Phase3 Vaporizers


Charles Mingus
Probably around $350 USD or so!

That’s a bit strange they would be different as the declared value is the same as what the invoice / order reads.
Duty fees suck, I paid almost $900 just on the housing fees!

Can not wait to hear what you think of the ZX good sir! Thanks so much for your support, I know you’ve been following along since day one so it’s great to have you on the team!!

It’s been a long and winding road, that’s for sure! What’s crazy to me is how this type of setup has now become the biggest trend I’ve ever seen in the entire industry - when I first started this thread, most users were afraid of exposed coils, and only the most hardcore, demanding enthusiast would have ever considered something like this. The reviewers definitely helped normalize these setups into mainstream appeal. I admit I still chuckle a bit when I read about some folks cautious of a coil vape, and instead opt for something that uses a sizable blowtorch 😅

It’s always fun to see how these journeys began, the beginning of the Dynavap thread is a really cool and interesting read as well!

I’m thinking of culling the store down to just the ZX for now. With the Z8 returning later using ZPRO “inverzion” technology.
That's sick! Makes me feel better about jumping the gun on it. Of course I wanted to support the endeavor too and I'm SO glad it's coming to fruition. It's well deserved.

Also, my friend has almost exclusively used his sx since he got it. He absolutely loves it!


Well-Known Member
Received mine yesterday and being exploring our orbital neighborhood since 🙃
With a friend later on we tried with 6 different strains and was really great, full taste, no combustion, even roasting, no sore throat, really great! I have yet to try with some hash and hemp wool.
Only "down" (not really), I haven't been able to clear a bowl in 1 strike. I'm on 500F (can't remember the technique to switch to C° 😅) and even with looong slow draws, there is still some left, maybe 3 or 4 draws? I grind with fingers, don't pack too much, but maybe do I fill the bowl too much?
Anyway, more training to do 😊


Only "down" (not really), I haven't been able to clear a bowl in 1 strike. I'm on 500F (can't remember the technique to switch to C° 😅) and even with looong slow draws, there is still some left, maybe 3 or 4 draws? I grind with fingers, don't pack too much, but maybe do I fill the bowl too much?
Anyway, more training to do 😊

The long slow draw might be why, these ball vapes work best with some back pressure to overcome the drag - you might try ripping it a little harder and seeing where that takes you!

Of course there’s always going to be a bell curve between flavor and extraction time. I like to set mine conservative enough for one main draw and a clean up. This was actually a reality check I had to accept along the way was realizing that the best tasting AND hardest hitting probably wasn’t going to come from the same vape. Or at least the same hit, or same settings. Remember that the number on the controller means nothing really, so feel free to go up or down and find what works best for your vaping style. I usually run a bit hotter than I see others posting, but I’m on a different controller as well (MaxVapor) so that could be why. Also to be honest sometimes I wonder how accurate the thermocouple reading actually is in some of these coils. The coil fitment is probably the biggest effect on set temperature.

Thanks so much for all the kind words and impressions everybody! Always makes me stoked to see people digging my stuff! Hope to open the store up soon, I’ll be working on it later and adding some of the new options!

Thanks all!


Active Member
The long slow draw might be why, these ball vapes work best with some back pressure to overcome the drag - you might try ripping it a little harder and seeing where that takes you!
I've also realized (at least in my setup), that a harder draw has a positive impact. This is my first ball vape and I'm adjusting (and loving it so far, coming from a few different Dynas paired with an IH).

I like to set mine conservative enough for one main draw and a clean up.
1+ draws is also what I'm aiming for. I'm amazed at how much extraction occurs on that first draw, and there's often not much left to clean up. Note that I load light...probably 0.07g "on average" (and that likely influences other things, like the heater surface is certainly a bit away in my case). I also notice that the ABV color, at what seems to be full extraction, is no where near as dark as I needed to go with my Dynas (and I preferred a low temp cap most of the time, usually getting 3-4 heating cycles per load).

I usually run a bit hotter than I see others posting, but I’m on a different controller as well (MaxVapor) so that could be why.
I'm currently experimenting at around 525 - 550 (Dabpress PID & 710 coil, and needed to do an "Autotune" cycle on the PID, which really improved temp maintenance, at least per the readout). And I know I have a good tight fit with my ZX and coil (as mentioned the other day).

Side note: the compact size and light weight of the ZX and 16mm coil really make it a pleasure to use; and this thing also seems to heat up & cool down quickly (although it was the quick cool down that I really appreciated).


Well-Known Member
The long slow draw might be why, these ball vapes work best with some back pressure to overcome the drag - you might try ripping it a little harder and seeing where that takes you!
Indeed, I kinda realized that during yesterday trials. I initially thought that by drawing slowly, the air would have more time to pump heat on the pearls and then spend more time dumping said heat on plant material, thus being more efficient at extraction, but experience seems to disprove it as harder draw drives you way higher 🚀

Thick Vape

In the Ballpark
Got mine. Custom fees were 30$, about as expected.
The 710coil coil fits perfectly. Ran to the headshop to get suitable screens for my 14 to 14 adapter that figures as a bowl.
And after lowering the temperatures much from my 18 mm titanium setup, this is very very promising.
First impression I love it alot, probably an improvement for me, but need to work on my bowl situation.
Second impression it seems much more efficient and is tastier.

edit: added custom fees and second impression
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Heads up P3 Crew, the PHASE3 store is now back online!
We've got new Plug & Play bundles with 110V Disorderly Conduction gear just added.
I THINK everything is working correctly with shipping and such, please reach out if you see any errors or issues, or have any difficulty completing checkout.

Loaded ZX housings are in stock and shipping immediately.
14MM glass chambers and DC electronics are about 2 weeks out, and those orders will be fulfilled AS SOON as the new equipment lands.

Thanks so much for the opportunity to serve you and please don't hesitate to reach out if I can assist with anything!

your friendly neighborhood phase change experts

Second impression it seems much more efficient and is tastier.

That's exactly right ;)

Scientifically optimized to put more active ingredients inside you where they belong, instead of floating on top of the water!! When I really decided to take this ruby ball vape concept seriously, around 2020, I knew that if I truly wanted to make better devices, it was paramount that I actually learn and understand the true physics involved here to remain relevant in the industry.

This is why I'm constantly mentioning the problem with perpetually discussing extraction and never once mentioning absorption.

It's equivalent to ingesting a bunch of vitamins, but not absorbing any of them.

One of the benefits of supporting a company who actually vapes is I understand how expensive botanical material adds up, and these products were specifically designed to address that.

I've also realized (at least in my setup), that a harder draw has a positive impact. This is my first ball vape and I'm adjusting (and loving it so far, coming from a few different Dynas paired with an IH).

1+ draws is also what I'm aiming for. I'm amazed at how much extraction occurs on that first draw, and there's often not much left to clean up. Note that I load light...probably 0.07g "on average" (and that likely influences other things, like the heater surface is certainly a bit away in my case). I also notice that the ABV color, at what seems to be full extraction, is no where near as dark as I needed to go with my Dynas (and I preferred a low temp cap most of the time, usually getting 3-4 heating cycles per load).

I'm currently experimenting at around 525 - 550 (Dabpress PID & 710 coil, and needed to do an "Autotune" cycle on the PID, which really improved temp maintenance, at least per the readout). And I know I have a good tight fit with my ZX and coil (as mentioned the other day).

Side note: the compact size and light weight of the ZX and 16mm coil really make it a pleasure to use; and this thing also seems to heat up & cool down quickly (although it was the quick cool down that I really appreciated).

Absolutely stellar first impressions!

Soooo glad to hear you're enjoying your ZX! Always love reading it and it never gets old! And obviously I'm a bit biased, but I really couldn't think of a better first ball vape :brow::D

The reason you'll note much lighter color in the finished material for anyone coming from a conduction experience is with pure convection, we do not have to physically heat the plant material to create an aerosol. This significantly improves flavor by not using the unvapoirizable plant components themselves as a medium for heat transfer.

Thanks so much for your support, it means and helps a lot!

Thick Vape

In the Ballpark
I am working on my absorption capabilities. :science: But you are so right no need for big clouds or whatever if they don't have an effect.
Honestly I already cough less than with the titanium setup. I wonder if my voice changes again over the next few weeks. I think you have truly a winner.
Are you going to offer 220v setups/coils for us non-US people?


Well-Known Member
Although other 14mm connections are available and usable, I can not recommend enough picking up the USA bowl. Nice durable glass and the fit to the ZX is perfect.

Been lowering my PID settings more and more. Went a little (lot) on the aggressive side and started to notice throat irritation. Lowered temps takes care of that and saves taste. Did I mention the efficiency…another time lol.


Busy vaping...
My ZX arrived today and after playing around with it and stretching the coil the same as my SX I’m definitely running cooler on the pid. The most noticeable thing is how much less the temperature fluctuates during a hit and it’s a noticeably more flavourful hit. Definitely happy I grabbed one in the end!

Edit. It also looks damn sexy!
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Well-Known Member
Would anyone happen to know if the ZX would be compatible with Cannabis Hardware's Heat Post and Hangar stand?
It does not fit in the heat post so no luck here. It could seat inside one of the shovelhead dugouts but that would make the entire head stand hot. Hangar uses the same heat post. I attempted to make it fit for one session and just went back to using the DC stand.

Grass Yes

Staff member
Would anyone happen to know if the ZX would be compatible with Cannabis Hardware's Heat Post and Hangar stand?
I use the CH hanger and post. It works fine for the SX but I think I would prefer the Qaroma-style porcelain stand. I might make one out or a coffee mug some time.
I continue to use the heat post, but it is not as secure as an 18mm injector or a 22mm diffuser. So It works for me, but is sub-optimal.


Well-Known Member
I continue to use the heat post, but it is not as secure as an 18mm injector or a 22mm diffuser. So It works for me, but is sub-optimal.
ah, i suppose it can be used if you trust it enough :D

It definitely does not seat and sit down, it just floats in the heat post / wobbles out of it if you bump it. The cable / handle on your coil sits on the desk and they hold in place because of that, it wouldn't freely hold itself up. I can't trust it when it's a few hundred degrees as a result.



Would anyone happen to know if the ZX would be compatible with Cannabis Hardware's Heat Post and Hangar stand?

I tried it out but I didn't really like the loose fit with that one. The DC or Qshop are better for this. I just use the DC hanger myself. I don't even have a handle on my coil so I'm pretty minimalist when it comes to this stuff. I do still have a pretty cool coil handle design I want to build that addresses things I don't like so much about other handles.

I actually just knocked out like 5 stand designs over the weekend, maybe I'll post them in here and folks can see if they like any of them. I'm curious do most prefer just a simple clean loking stand for just the vape, or do you like the ones that hold extra stuff like bowls and tools?

Honestly I already cough less than with the titanium setup.


I believe this is largely due to a phenomenon I call "residual extraction."

Although other 14mm connections are available and usable, I can not recommend enough picking up the USA bowl. Nice durable glass and the fit to the ZX is perfect.

Been lowering my PID settings more and more. Went a little (lot) on the aggressive side and started to notice throat irritation. Lowered temps takes care of that and saves taste. Did I mention the efficiency…another time lol.

I'm so glad you mentioned the efficiency though! I got an e-mail the other day from an awesome customer who said the ZX is probably the most efficient vape they've ever used. Got another email this morning saying they find the ZX as effective as larger setups but with much less material. I'm super excited people are catching on to this. I would have ran out of herb months ago if I was still using those bigger setups.

The most noticeable thing is how much less the temperature fluctuates during a hit and it’s a noticeably more flavourful hit. Definitely happy I grabbed one in the end!

Edit. It also looks damn sexy!

I've always been a big design proponent of form + function!! Never really understood why so many try to divide the two, we want both attributes dancing in perfect synchronicity. :D
And I wholeheartedly agree, that setup looks fantastic!!! ;)

Grass Yes

Staff member
ah, i suppose it can be used if you trust it enough :D

It definitely does not seat and sit down, it just floats in the heat post / wobbles out of it if you bump it. The cable / handle on your coil sits on the desk and they hold in place because of that, it wouldn't freely hold itself up. I can't trust it when it's a few hundred degrees as a result.

Yep, the hanger heat shield is probably key to this. Since I have one it keeps it from dumping off if you knock it.
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Well-Known Member
@invertedisdead yeah man efficiency is strong with this one. Yep, same thing, big set up ripping through way too much product before. I went with logs for a while but just couldn’t get what I was looking for. The 14mm bowl size is perfect…use a little or load it up for a deeper drag. Very versatile.

So…did a slight stretch today of my coil. Wanted to make sure I had good coverage top to bottom. Believe this has definitely allowed lower PID settings.


Well-Known Member
I tried it out but I didn't really like the loose fit with that one. The DC or Qshop are better for this. I just use the DC hanger myself. I don't even have a handle on my coil so I'm pretty minimalist when it comes to this stuff. I do still have a pretty cool coil handle design I want to build that addresses things I don't like so much about other handles.

I actually just knocked out like 5 stand designs over the weekend, maybe I'll post them in here and folks can see if they like any of them. I'm curious do most prefer just a simple clean loking stand for just the vape, or do you like the ones that hold extra stuff like
Could you make the handle small like the Herborizer handle? Or maybe vertical like a hook could work?

I kinda hate the ballers with their massive wood handles. Desk real estate is always precious so wasting less of it is always good.

I’ve been secretly hoping your handle design will solve this for me as the current bulky options are non ideal.

Grass Yes

Staff member
Could you make the handle small like the Herborizer handle? Or maybe vertical like a hook could work?

I kinda hate the ballers with their massive wood handles. Desk real estate is always precious so wasting less of it is always good.

I’ve been secretly hoping your handle design will solve this for me as the current bulky options are non ideal.
Ironically I use both my SX and ZX without handles, though I like handles generally. The nut on the 710Coils coil is just slightly larger than most wood handle openings. And I have been to lazy to sand anything down to make it work.

Anyway, no handle works fine. You can just grab the clamp and you are good.


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
Here is my new set up, Using an extra water piece as a coil stand. I also found a 14mm female to 18mm male adapter to go in a 18mm female to 14mm male herb chamber. Having an 18mn with the added 14mm to 18mm adapter adds more space to add herb for a bigger extraction at 600 degrees fahrenheit. Of course you can lower the temperature for more hits and a longer session. I like to get the effects in a couple tokes. I love the fact that you get the same satisfaction every time with he ZX. Never ever fails to deliver the goods. New video demo.
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