Heads up P3 Crew, the PHASE3 store is now back online!
We've got new Plug & Play bundles with 110V Disorderly Conduction gear just added.
I THINK everything is working correctly with shipping and such, please reach out if you see any errors or issues, or have any difficulty completing checkout.
Loaded ZX housings are in stock and shipping immediately.
14MM glass chambers and DC electronics are about 2 weeks out, and those orders will be fulfilled AS SOON as the new equipment lands.
Thanks so much for the opportunity to serve you and please don't hesitate to reach out if I can assist with anything!
your friendly neighborhood phase change experts
Second impression it seems much more efficient and is tastier.
That's exactly right
Scientifically optimized to put more active ingredients inside
you where they belong, instead of floating on top of the water!! When I really decided to take this ruby ball vape concept seriously, around 2020, I knew that if I truly wanted to make better devices, it was paramount that I actually learn and understand the true physics involved here to remain relevant in the industry.
This is why I'm constantly mentioning the problem with perpetually discussing extraction and never once mentioning absorption.
It's equivalent to ingesting a bunch of vitamins, but not absorbing any of them.
One of the benefits of supporting a company who actually vapes is I understand how expensive botanical material adds up, and these products were specifically designed to address that.
I've also realized (at least in my setup), that a harder draw has a positive impact. This is my first ball vape and I'm adjusting (and loving it so far, coming from a few different Dynas paired with an IH).
1+ draws is also what I'm aiming for. I'm amazed at how much extraction occurs on that first draw, and there's often not much left to clean up. Note that I load light...probably 0.07g "on average" (and that likely influences other things, like the heater surface is certainly a bit away in my case). I also notice that the ABV color, at what seems to be full extraction, is no where near as dark as I needed to go with my Dynas (and I preferred a low temp cap most of the time, usually getting 3-4 heating cycles per load).
I'm currently experimenting at around 525 - 550 (Dabpress PID & 710 coil, and needed to do an "Autotune" cycle on the PID, which really improved temp maintenance, at least per the readout). And I know I have a good tight fit with my ZX and coil (as mentioned the other day).
Side note: the compact size and light weight of the ZX and 16mm coil really make it a pleasure to use; and this thing also seems to heat up & cool down quickly (although it was the quick cool down that I really appreciated).
Absolutely stellar first impressions!
Soooo glad to hear you're enjoying your ZX! Always love reading it and it never gets old! And obviously I'm a bit biased, but I really couldn't think of a better first ball vape

The reason you'll note much lighter color in the finished material for anyone coming from a conduction experience is with pure convection, we do not have to physically heat the plant material to create an aerosol. This significantly improves flavor by not using the unvapoirizable plant components themselves as a medium for heat transfer.
Thanks so much for your support, it means and helps a lot!