Does it work just as well with a not full pack like that? Like a 1 hit extraction snap style?
Most of the time that’s how I’m using mine!
It’s very efficient
I feel like I’ve personally wronged Ed…got another of his handles with the DC coil I picked up for ZX; on my CH coils Ed’s handle slips all the way over the rod, nearly to the head. The collar on the DC is larger bore and put a split in the handle when I tried to push it in
When I was designing my coil handle I noticed a lot of these coils have some slight differences between manufacturers that caused me to do a few redesigns to accommodate.
I still really need to order samples of those!
I know I said that a few months ago, but I probably ran out of cash and had to put it off
I’m always wanting to use every cent I ever make to put back into developing new products off my list, and with over 500 designs I sometimes need to just chill for a bit
Happy Four Twen everybody! Of course I have nothing in stock or any coupons to offer

what a genius!

Hopefully I’ll be able to sweeten the pot by 7/10 or the next Four Twen!
Thanks so much everyone for your continued support, it means and helps a lot!
Oh yeah, couple small updates - I don’t think my store software auto updated any of the new international tracking numbers that went out, so I’m probably going to have to do that manually. I’ll try and get that sorted out tomorrow! Thanks for your patience gang!
Also if anyone needs a DC coil for their ZX, they’ve got a good sale running right now!
Still need to mess with getting my mailing list setup, I know I’ve said that a bunch of times but I finally upgraded to the more expensive account to be able to do that, so I’ll be messing with that over the weekend.
I’ve got a decent amount of ZX housings left and I hope to get those up on the site next week.
Thanks again all, don’t hesitate to reach out if you need anything!
Drop me an email for anything more important/customer service based.
Cheers and happy vaping!

your friendly neighborhood phase change experts