Green Kiwi
Well-Known Member

but, it is a normal reaction: I have been there too, destroying the house, in a desperate attempt to find something lost back.
Doesn't work always, but hey, a new build house now and then ,well nothing wrong with that

So of course I reached out to Shane for a 220v coil because @710Coils is the only coils I fux with, and of course he’s got the 16mm but he threw a curveball: he’s got them in regular & extra-tall! My instinct is to go with regular because I doubt inverted would create a design that has a coil height requirement. Just doesn’t seem like his style. But iv been wrong before and since it’s so great to have a community to ask, I’m just going to ask y’all.
I been watching this thread and I'm not convinced this is an actual danger... once the thread moves to the big leagues of released vapes...
Happy new week InVerzionators! Inverzennials? Inverted Vertebrates? InVerzionauts? What do you people call yourselves?
I mean, have you had consensus on a group name for this vape? Has this been decided? I might have missed it while reading but don’t think so. I honestly don’t think it’s humanly possible to overstate how massively important it is to create a collective name for the users of a killer vape. Some even believe a good name can contribute to a killer vape’s overall murdery reputation. Now you all know that I never want to come across like that member who thinks they know everything, but I do believe you’ll find that FC rules state, “any device that is known to kick ass is required to have a group name for its true-believers; furthermore, it’s best if this name is a pun”, or something to that effect… idk.
Kinda surprised that inverted didn‘t address this yet tbh, I guess it’s his first vape release and all. Poor guy probably just got caught up in all the details and forgot about one of the biggest manufacturing challenges, it can happen. But guys, inverted shouldn’t have to do everything himself, that’s what friends are for! Since we all know how crucial a good group name is, I’d like to motivate each of you to put on your thinking cap, vape a bowl or three and come up with a name. I am not trying to scare y’all but once the thread moves to the big leagues of released vapes it’ll be too late!- we’ll just be known as InVerzion users.Forever.
I also had this idea that seemed the GOAT at the beggining,but then realized it would require too much custom work from third parties,so when i started to materialize things i decided to make a concept that doesnt involve that. It is not like they are user re-placeable,cause assembly is not that simple ,but at least if need to repair smth i will have parts in bulk readily available from multiple manufacturers. Yet there is the obstacle of tending to each unit without ot being able to steamline the process,i guess this is the limitation of artisan work.
When you are selling just the glass it is ok for it to be CUSTOM,cause no else could just buy the non-npropriety parts and you will earn nothing form your idea. Every concept has it hurdles it is all about finding the balance. Some ideas are doomed for the time being to not find it,but in time opportunity might present itself. Have you though about reaching to 710 coils or divine tribe ,they seem to have strong connections with quartz workers from China,maybe they can give you a contact,at least the cost will be lower and you will be able to earn on your product decently.
Well this unexpected turn of events just took the wind out of my sails!
No 1.777 for you! Come back one year!
I'll take it.Sad to hear. I used mine for a little while and absolutely loved it. Unfortunately, I had to discontinue use because some of the sandblasting on the joint started to wear off. Fortunately for me, I was able to reach out to @invertedisdead to secure one of the last batch to replace it before they were all snatched up.
I think my older unit is salvageable but will require some careful sanding or some other sort of fix but I'm not that familiar with glass work. I've been meaning to attempt some sort of repair, but it'll probably be a long while (if ever) before I get to it.
If anyone's interesting in trying to resurrect it, it's yours for the cost of shipping from Canada. Here are some pics of the wear you'd need to address:
So did I curse this vape? Said I really dig it & want one, less than two weeks later BOOM - product implosion! Didn’t see that coming. Really frickin’ glad I’d not ordered a coil. Maybe should be glad I missed out on something that’s so fragile and impossible to replace; I mean, when the inventor/creator doesn’t even have a working one?
FC members who own this unicorn should feel very fortunate and use this tiny creature only on special occasions.
Dead InVerzion right on the cusp of page 50, what a fucking shame![]()
I've got a InVerzion 1.7 on the way! An unsolicited offer came to me these last few days from someone that had noticed I'd been looking for one, same day as @invertedisdead's bad news though unfortunately. Good timing for me though I guess :-/
Very sorry to hear about the production difficulties @invertedisdead. Onward and upward with new ideas then? Don't be discouraged in the least! Mark me down for whatever else you've got on your plate next for sure. Although snagging things at the absolute last opportunity as they go out of production, and even then just by luck is kinda my thing lately i guessI rather pick things up first hand if possible.
However, I'm still STOKED to have snagged this one and add to the collection and insert it into its rightful place in the timeline of vape development. Thanks for all the hard work you've put in on this thing @invertedisdead, I'm stoked to give it a spin when it shows up this week.
Sad to hear. I used mine for a little while and absolutely loved it. Unfortunately, I had to discontinue use because some of the sandblasting on the joint started to wear off. Fortunately for me, I was able to reach out to @invertedisdead to secure one of the last batch to replace it before they were all snatched up.
I think my older unit is salvageable but will require some careful sanding or some other sort of fix but I'm not that familiar with glass work. I've been meaning to attempt some sort of repair, but it'll probably be a long while (if ever) before I get to it.
If anyone's interesting in trying to resurrect it, it's yours for the cost of shipping from Canada. Here are some pics of the wear you'd need to address:
Brutal seeing the discontinued tag on this but don't let it get you down too much! I'm beyond excited to see what other ideas you might come up with or just your continued input on DIY vape production. I'm not lucky enough to score one of these wonderful creations but I've learned a bunch reading this thread from design to manufacturing to just the great community we have here! All of the work you've done has value in that alone!
Is this the stock 1.7 heater? @invertedisdead
I'm talking about that video that thing looks killer. Are we allowed to see how it works?Which one, the one in @seki post?
That one is from the earlier quartz run, the most recent ones are borosilicate. The quartz version has a 1CM longer bead chamber, and the boro one has a 1CM longer joint; but they are both the same overall length.
The vape in the video above is a different prototype desktop I made in December/January to try some new air mixing techniques.