Nice to see action is still going on in this thread. Still down to snag one but looks like missed the list. Will try checking this thread more often for the next one. Keep up the work InD!
I can set you up with one from this upcoming batch if you'd like as you were a very, very original supporter of this project, and I definitely haven’t forgot.
I really appreciate everyone who has recently reached out, I’ve been a bit busy and haven’t had time to reply to everyone but I greatly appreciate the support people have offered, especially the kind gestures from folks to help fund this project. I definitely appreciate the help, I don’t think I will need it right at this time, but I do
sincerely appreciate the offers.
I just want to address a couple things real quick;
I keep getting messages about waiting lists, which I greatly appreciate - but truthfully after testing out this upcoming evaluation batch from this new manufacturer, the real goal is to order a bunch of them and just have them available to buy as a stocked and standardized part. The idea is to make these really easy to get, instead of requiring some external process to obtain one. The estimated price on the new USA made InV1.7 housings (empty) is ~$60 USD, and I will also offer them fitted with sapphire internals from the same source I have been using for ~3 years, for an additional charge, to be determined upon receipt of all my materials.
Also I appreciate your patience as I work through these delays, I must confess that during my brief forum hiatus, not really being one to just "give up," I jumped right into the rapid development of a new desktop concept, as demonstrated in the video clip a few posts above (1,094) in the "hybrid" configuration. Full convection mode is also available (with the same bowl)
Anyways this is what wrapped my funds up temporarily, but interest pertaining, I am fully committed to the InV1.7 project before moving any further with pursing future ideas. However with 1.7 being essentially "completed" my working slate is also quite clean. The 1.7 parts are now on order, and I will update when I hear further on their ETA.
Note: Upcoming 1.7 changes based on feedback from the evaluation phase - the overall part length remains identical, however 1CM of terp pearl loading space has been removed for airflow reasons and optimization of coil contact, in exchange for increasing the length of the joint to 10mm long. Testers commented that the ultra short 1CM joint of the original 1.7 prototypes did not sit as securely across various bowls as they would have preferred, for hands free usage, thus the new parts will much more securely sit inside 19mm female joints. The joints will also be unground to reduce binding.
Thanks all!